Sunday, December 15, 2024

Christmasy December Days....

The Christmas season is upon us!

Tuesday Brenda and I went to Decorator's Warehouse and it was amazing!!

It's a great to get inspiration and decorating ideas!
Even the ceilings are decorated!

We asked a guy who was taking pics if he would take ours with my phone.
He was happy to do it and then a lady asked him if he would like HER to take the pic so he could be IN IT! We all laughed when he told her we were just strangers!

We had lunch at Campo Verde and lingered long at the table just visiting.
I meant to come home and get to work BUT I was tired and felt like I was coming down with allergies...

So I watched Die Hard for the first time!

I even started Die Hard 2 before going to bed.

Wednesday I worked in the sewing room right up to 4:00 when I stopped to get ready for the Bell Grand Girls' Winter Concert!

Look how beautiful they are!

Amber and Mike sat up on the top row of the bleachers to get a better view while Louis Dean and I sat in chairs on the gymnasium floor. 

Amber said she had fun watching US enjoy the concert!

They played so well!!!!

He was excited to visit with the orchestra conductor!
That made his day!

I was so happy we were able to go!

Thursday I had an appointment with my eye doctor and was told I would need to see a specialist for my cataracts and macular degeneration. I had alreaady made an appointment for January so I was good to go.

I went over to see Kimmy and Aunt Tommie and her sweet dog, Baxter!
Since I was out and about I did several errands - as in Aldi and Walgreens and a thrift store!!

That was fun!!!

So many treasures!!

Louis Dean has been staying busy in his room.
I love that he has that special place to putter around and sort and organize his 'stuff!'

I have been working in the sewing room and will finish it today.
The middle of December and I am still not finished with my decorating!

I am going so much slower than usuall  due to the head cold I have - I take lots of rest breaks and am drinking a good amount of water. It's not often that I am sick and I am grateful for that.
I just hope I don't share this cold with Louis Dean!

"Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee:
Because he trusts in Thee."
Isaiah 26:3


Susie said...

Linda, I enjoy coming to your house, I know it's thru pictures and your journal but I feel like it's visiting family. I am amazed at how grown the quads are becoming. Not babies any more. Makes me smile when I see how well you and LD look. Love you so much, blessings to all, xoxo, Susie
p.s. I have had some time with my oldest daughter this week , so I gave her the extra card you had sent. She loves it.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love seeing your decorating and also the place you and Brenda went to shop! That looks like a fun place! So nice of that man "Stranger" (LOL) to take your picture. How wonderful that you and LD both got to go to the girls' music concert! I love the pictures Amber took of you and LD watching the concert. I can see you were both having a great time! Those are priceless pictures. Looks like you've had a busy week. I do hope your cold goes away and that LD doesn't get it too. Colds are NO fun! Take care and take time to rest!! I think you work harder than anyone I know at our age!! Blessings to you dear friend. I love the Santa card you sent.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

How wonderful to see the photos from the concert, Linda, the girls looked beautiful and so grown up! Your decorating is always great to see as well.

Chatty Crone said...

The kids have really grown up! It is shocking. I hope your cold gets better - I hate colds. REST! You have been so busy - again! lol

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. You have been busy with the decorating. Looks like both you and LD really enjoyed that concert. I hope you have a great week! See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Louis Dean looks like he is really in his element at the concert! Of course he is about all things music! That's funny about where the two of you sat. When our grands have a concert, WE sit down in the front and their parents sit up in the balcony! It must be a THING!

Ann said...

Louis Dean looks so happy in those pictures at the concert. I'm glad you both enjoyed it. All of your decorations look wonderful and your Christmas card is beautiful.

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you could go to the concert and the girls are so grown up!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the photos at the concert warm the cockles of my heart. LD looks so very happy and the pic of the girls and both of you is priceless. I keep wondering just how they turned to young women overnight, or it seems that way. He also looks happy in his room. I would love for bob to have someting he likes to do. he sits in front of the tv all day except for a hour or so out working on the pool. never goes in the garage which he spent hours in until now .

photowannabe said...

Oh Linda, this blog post is truly delightful. The pictures of you and LD laughing and enjoying yourselves are priceless. They made me feel so happy.
Thank you for my Christmas card and your wonderful picture of the green suited Santa. It is a favorite of mine.
Love the pictures of the girls and their concert. Outstanding.
Enjoy your Christmas-y days to the fullest.

Shug said...

I could tell that you all were enjoying the concert. How wonderful. Love your shaw/wraps.. they are really big this year. I bought one but ended up taking it back...Our Texas temps have not been cold enough for me to be able to wear one. I'm still looking though...I sure have enjoyed seeing the decorations that you have done...Wish we all lived close enough to have a blogging friends Tea party at your beautiful home...Happy Monday

Donna said...

I Had to laugh!! Decorations on the ceiling??? Don't You Dare, little girl!! Lolololololo...I can just see you now, trying to devise a way to get up there! Lololol
LD looks so happy...and your grands are growing up SO fast! Glad y'all enjoyed the concert!

Granny Marigold said...

It's too bad that you have a head cold when you're trying ti finish Christmas decorating. No doubt you found lots of inspiration at that Warehouse. Feel better soon 💗

Anonymous said...

Those pictures Amber took of her parents are priceless. I think they could be paintings, they have such love and pure joy. Dee