Monday, December 30, 2024

Christmas Day and the Day After!

It's a tradition of mine that we leave the lights on all night Christmas Eve and I dearly love waking up on Christmas morning with all the decorations glowing!

Summer was still sleeping in the guest room and Louis Dean was still in bed as I tiptoed to the kitchen to turn on my coffee. I love having a little alone time on Christmas morning to sit and meditate, pray and just be quiet with my thoughts.

I put on another pan of those delicious cinnamon rolls and took them across the street to my neighbors.

This is Mocha and he loves me and I love him!!

The whole family walked back across the street to our house and I did a Christmas House tour for them.
The son stayed home with Mocha but as soon as the parents and sister returned, she said, "You have GOT to see this house!"

By this time I was working on Christmas Brunch for Ilene and Summer and us - so I invited her to show her brother around and she had her phone this time so she took some pictures!

We had the best time visiting with them and I now have my newest art student!
Melody has a new office and wants to paint a canvas for her wall.
I suggested she find three pictures and I would choose one of them and we will begin art class!
I'm so excited!

I made a Wisconsin cheese breakfast casserole, pepper poppers and raspberry kringle.
Louis Dean ate in his room while the rest of us went out to the den to eat and watch football!

Summer had a headache and stiff neck so I put a massage thing aound her neck and she started to feel better! This was a Christmas present from a previous year and still in use! Such a good gift that keeps on giving!

We watched football, took naps and rested all afternoon.

Ilene had another place to be later that afternoon so she left and by the time I woke up, Summer was already on her way back to Arkansas.

Time to get ready to go to the Bells for Christmas Dinner!

Look at this beautiful Christmas screen saver Amber had on their big TV!

This year was extra special as Mike's brother and sister in law were visiting along with their three children.

Once again, all the cousins were around the table.......

Kailey and Harper!

The food was delicious!

Six Bells and two Chapmans!

Everything was just beautiful!

We had two 'theaters' set up to watch Home Alone 2!
The adults were in the living room while the 'kids' were in the den!

It was such a lovely evening and we enjoyed every minute of being with everyone!
Louis Dean had a good time visiting and telling his stories to a new audience!
He's such a charmer!

I'm glad I can get home in the dark from Amber's house!

Louis Dean is wearing his new 'towel robe' he calls it - a gift from his oldest daughter, Annelll.

We sat up for awhile still basking in the glow of such a special family gathering.

Samantha was all cozy on the couch behind us.

The next morning we had this butter cake to go with our coffee.

It was part of a gift bag from Chris and Whitney and SO good!

This is a honeysuckle bush that is full of birds!
All the neighbors enjoy seeing them fly in and out.

They take turns sitting on the tippy top and singing!
Louis Dean filled the bird feeder so they won't be going hungry!

My pictures are a bit out of order ....

We had a quiet Boxing day with no boxing!
Just puttering around the house putting things to rights.
We even went to bed early! 
On Friday afternoon we took a bag of treats over to Lester - a dear neighbor of Ilene's - and visited with them for a few minutes.

Then we headed back to the Bells for another family outing - to an Allen All American Hockey game.

We rode with Mike and the girls with Amber and Trystan coming a bit later.

It was a lot of fun!!

Here's Amber!

What made this outing so very special?

Lynn and Jim had all three sons and their families TOGETHER!
16 Bells and 2 Chapmans!

Home again and right to bed!

Saturday morning we slept in and could hear the rain and thunder!

I had a cup of tea and watched for Mike and Harrison to drop by from a morning hosckey practice in North Richland Hills.
They were bring us the bakers rack they used when the kids were babies.
It held all the bottles and supplies for those around the clock feeding for four infants!

They did arrive and came in to visit for a few minutes - no just dropping it off and going on their way for them! We sat in the living room talking with my music cd playing and the house dar except for the Christmas tree. 
I'm going to tell you the extra special Christmas blessing of that morning.
Harrison had been telling us about school and remembering his elementary days - I love how all my grands are so comfortable socially. They can talk to anyone anywhere about nearly anything!
I saw him sitting there with a far away look in his eyes and asked,  "What are you thinking?"
He said,   "I just love being here and listening to y'all talk."
Be still, my heart!

The rain let up and Mike and Harrison loaded up the bakers rack and went on with their day.

We had already loaded the truck for our trip to the ranch and took off once the rain was gone.

The last time we were here in the country was October 7th!
Nearly 3 months ago!

Sunday Louis Dean singlehandedly hauled out the old fridge and decided to store it on the back side of the front room!

He never wants to throw anything away!
I watched Fellowship Church Live and then the movie...

Such a beautiful film and kept me entertained while I filled our medicine boxes for another month!

It's a beautiful thing to be back in the country!


Susan said...

Wow! Harrison is some kid. He has the wisdom to know how special your home and conversation are at an age when most young teenagers are dodging family. I just loved his comment.

Judy said...

All so memorable...Christmas morning, dinner with the Bells, the hockey game, and now some time to relax in the country! Happy New Year to you both!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Happy New Year to you and Louis Dean!
May the Lord bless you with peace, joy, and good health.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I know how long it's been since you have been back to the country! You have been so busy. Harrison is SUCH a wonderful and sweet boy!!

Changes in the wind said...

So glad you were able to make a trip to the ranch.....enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy your time at the ranch. RHill, TX

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a wonderful story of all your activities throughout the Christmas days...filled with much joy and beautiful people enjoying one another and celebrating the birth of Christ! I love that you are now in the country, and hopefully enjoying some peace and quiet. Relax and just rest. You've been SO busy for the past few weeks! Thank you for sharing your lovely home and life with us. Happy New Year!!!

Donna said...

What a sweet thing for Harrison to say! Awww!
Glad you're back at the farm...enjoy it!
Happy New Year!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful Christmas with family, friends and neighbors. Happy New Year.

Rita said...

What a lovely, lovely Christmas! Beautiful post.
Glad you are back in the country for a bit.
Happy New Year! :)

Anonymous said...

So many special memories to keep in your heart! Faith, family and friends are what it’s all about! And now back in the country!

Deanna Rabe

Susie said...

Linda, I know there is no shortage of love at your house. It makes me feel so good seeing all the smiles . Lots of good friends and conversation too. Blessings to all for a most wonderful New Year. Love all of you, xoxo, Susie

Ann Thompson said...

What a wonderful Christmas celebration you had. How special to be surrounded by so many relatives and friends. I just love your idea of keeping the Christmas lights on all night on Christmas eve. I might just do that next year.

BeachGypsy said...

Welcome back to the country!! 🌻 🐄 🐕 🐐 🐑 🌽 ☀️ ❄ 🌼 🐈 🐎. Enjoy your new years eve and happy new year!! Loved all the fun Pictures! Yall take care and be safe

salemslot9 said...

🥂Wishing you a happy & healthy mew year!🥂

Shug said...

Such a happy and enjoyable post. You have a beautiful family and I'm so glad you all celebrated your togetherness with love. Happy New Years Eve. Prayers for a wonderful 2025. said...

I loved reading about your time with family and friends and the house tours that you gave. I'm excited to hear about the new art student. I hope you and LD have a wonderful and blessed New Year!!

photowannabe said...

What a wonderful Christmas and day after. Family and delicious food...nothing better !!!
Enjoy your time at the ranch. I'm glad you finally made it there.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I am tired just reading this! So much visiting, so many people, but what a great time!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, Happy New year to you and Louis Dean and your family and what a great series of get together's y'all had for the holidays. Now, the fun will continue as you will be at the ranch and hope you have a wonderful time, as we know you always do!