Sunday, December 1, 2024

Two Thanksgivings and a Black Friday!

 Amber and Mike hosted a Wednesday Thanksgiving gathering and all four of my children were there along with Ilene and Pam and the Bell grands!

Amber is starting her Christmas decorating and her staircase was already hung with garland!

Kailey welcomed us at the car door, escorting her Grandad in!
I love the greeting she had made for the foyer entrance.

She took our drink orders and made sure LD was seated comfortably

The girls all played their instruments for pre dinner entertainment!

They are playing so well and have winter concert coming up soon!

Ilene and Pam and I....

Amber served huge Sheperd's Pies and lots of sides.
After we ate and visited we grouped up and headed to the movies!

Years ago that was one of our traditions and Amber is bringing it back!
This was a cleverly done movie and I really enjoyed it.
Louis Dean....not so much.
Too much sensory overload and too loud for him.
He was sitting by Kailey and asked her to take him to the lobby.
He was a really good sport and insisted he would be happy to simply sit and 'people watch!'

Here we all are! 
Except Jesse was getting the car and Harrison was taking the photo.

Poor Louis Dean was a bit shell shocked and when we got home (around 11:00) he went straight to his room and puttered around for a few hours. His room is his haven and he loves it.
Since he stayed up so late, he slept really late!

Summer and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving morning together watching the Macy's Parade by the fireplace.

She went on back to Arkansas and Louis Dean and I went to the Cumby's.

The food was delicious and there was a LOT of it!
We all went home with leftovers.

The mac and cheese and Brenda's green beans were two of my favorites!

There were 9 of us altogether and we gathered around the den, held hands, and Billy said a few words before he said grace. Being together with them means so much to me.
God has a way of establishing new traditions as our lives change.

Now let me show you her lovely home!

Living room....

living room.....

Dining room.....


Master bedroom

I love her style!

Billy built this sunroom a couple years ago and finished it out into another living area this year.

This is where we ate.....with LD in the end chair - after much encouragment to leave the sofa - so he could watch football!
Alas, he had not recovered from the trauma of the movie experience so he was not really himself.
Things are changing and I am praying for wisdom and discernment in seeing his needs and finding ways to keep him comfortable. He was clearly wanting to go home and escape back to his room so that's what we did. Normally we would have stayed for the Cowboy football game - but not this time.
We did watch the game together in the den and then he went to his room and shelled pecans until the wee hours of the morning.
Shelling pecans is relaxing for him.

By Friday he was nearly back to his old self!
I went ahead and met Brenda for a Black Friday Thrift store adventure.

With everything at half price - it was a win! Win!!
I got three of the red and black chargers - $0.35 each!

I love buying out of season so next year all this will be 'new' to me!

I'm a sucker for signage!
The Fruit of the Spirit - beautifully framed - was just $2!

I bought this small coffee pot for just $5 and the key holder was only $1!
I'll be taking them to the ranch with me when we go.
When we go.....and I'm not sure when that will be.
I meant to be there for the Christmas Pot Luck with the bee club.
Now I'm wondering if that's a good idea.
Making decisions is not easy but God seems to direct me in the way we should go.
When we go to the country, I think we need to be able to stay for a week or longer.
That's why I'm thinkng we may not go until after Christmas. I would love to be there for New Year's Eve.

 “The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.” 
(Lamentations 3:25)


Pamela M. Steiner said...

I enjoyed and appreciated your post so much. So much love and family and friends and beauty all around. However, I can empathize with your concerns. Although we aren't anywhere near where you are in this journey, I am seeing similar kinds of "signs" here as well, and am taking things slowly one day at a time and praying a LOT. Thank you for being so open about your family concerns. You are walking a path ahead of many of us, and perhaps your experience will help light the way for many. Thank you. Praying for you and LD. You are blessed to have each other!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry about Louis Dean. no one would have known what effect the movie would have on him. I think he may be better in the quiet of the country with his son?? Love your finds! All the food looks so good, and I enjoyed seeing just a few of Amber's decorations.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. So glad that you and LD could be with family for Thanksgiving and two wonderful family dinners. I love your great thrift store finds. We saw Red One over Thanksgiving weekend too and I can see where it would be a lot of sensory overload. I hope that LD does well this week. You will be in my prayers for strength and wisdom. Have a good week!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I feel bad for Louis Dean and that movie. Don’t they usually have a warning for sensory overload? If not they should. I’m glad shelling pecans helps him to relax.
That must be so hard for the both of you. He’s so blessed to have you and the rest of the family as well.
Gee I wish we had thrift stores here with those kinds of deals! The ones here are almost as expensive as regular stores. I found one place trying to sell something I bought at Dollar tree a couple years ago for a dollar for $3.00.
A good thrift store sure is fun to shop at.

Terra said...

Your family is so warm and creative too with lots of beautiful decor. I can understand why Louie Dean enjoys the quiet in his room and how the movie was too loud so he sat and people watched in the lobby.

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry about the movie experience. Any chance that noise cancelling headphones would help? I’ve seen kids with sensory issues use them and it seems to help.

I’m so happy you had two Thanksgivings! What fun. I will pray with you for discernment and wisdom. God will lead. Changes happen to us all. Every year can be different even when you’re young. We need to hang on and trust the Lord to guide us!

Happy December!
Deanna Rabe

Ann said...

Wow, you had two fantastic Thanksgiving celebrations. Sorry about the movies being too much for LD.
You found some great bargains when you went out shopping on Friday. I love the chargers and what a great price.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Linda - I am glad you had a mostly good Thanksgiving and sorry that LD had overload. It is interesting that shelling pecans is soothing to him and so I wondered what might be similar once he has finished all of that. Online it said that sorting coins is a similar task. Maybe give him a big jar of coins and ask him to help by sorting it into containers by type of coin? Just trying to think of other things that might be soothing. Thinking of you and wishing you both well. Maryellen

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Thanksgiving and I hope those wishes for the New Year come true!

Chatty Crone said...

Everything was wonderful. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving.

salemslot9 said...

happy belated thanksgiving Linda!

BeachGypsy said...

Looks Iike a great meal and fun to go to the movies too! As always, love seeing your thrift finds too! You always find good stuff

photowannabe said...

Sensory overload is really a big deal with dementia people. I am glad you are sensitive to LD's needs and give it all to the Lord. He truly will guide you into this transition time. Your love for each other will be the way through this.
I agree that going to the Ranch will be a wonderful time for both of you..whenever you go.
Your precious Grandchildren are such a gift to you and Louis Dean.
Love you

Susie said...

Linda, Great times and beautiful memories. I love that the grands treat so well. Miss having all mine around. Looked like some wonderful food, friends, and fun. Blessings to all, love you guys, xoxo, Susie