Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday Treasures and Other News.....

 We enjoyed a quiet Labor Day weekend at home.

Sunday morning we listened to Fellowship Church Live online and sipped our coffee out on the kitchen deck.

We ate up the last of the tasty pumpkin-LESS muffins and enjoyed a day of mild weather - meaning it was NOT 100 degrees!

I made a brand new to me recipe and it turned out delicious!!!
I saw it on a Facebook video and thought, "Now THAT looks good!"

And it WAS!!! It needed to cook a little longer than the recipe said and I could NOT find my shredded Parmesan cheese that I REMEMBER putting in my grocery cart at Aldi's!
Instead I used what I had on hand and it was still GOOD!

While we were eating dinner, it started RAINING! As in WATER from the sky!!!
The weather app on my phone said it was 68 degrees so I raced outside to feel it!
Nope! It was more like 74 but that's over 20 degrees from what it was!

Monday was another AT-Home day and Louis Dean and I slept late and did a little of this and that and he watched a recorded football game (that he had already seen once but enjoyed it just as much the second time around!) 

I cleaned out every inch of my fridge looking for that 'lost container of cheese' to no avail.
Perhaps I should check the trunk of the car - just in case!

It was nearly dark before it cooled off enough for me to go out and spread my batting and quilt top on the driveway. I have a twin size low loft batting but wanted a high loft so I had purchased that in a regular size. I want to make Charlie a friendly fluffy quilt - so I ended up doubling my batting using two layers. I came right in and basted the batting and top together.
When I finish writing tonight's journal entry, I will go out and pin that to the backing.
Tomorrow I will sew them together!

Louis Dean wore a heart monitor for a few days last month and it detected a problem so his cardiologist made us an appointment with Dr. Ali M. Kizilbash - an Electrophysiologist.

We always snap a selfie in the waiting room when we have a doctor appointment!

Turns out Louis Dean needs a heart monitor.
In one day - his heart stopped 932 times - for as long as 4.3 seconds at times.
His heart rate dipped alarmingly low to the 20's and 30's and was at 50 this morning at our appointment. So it's time. Dr. Uppalapatti said this was coming and now it is here.
We are waiting for the surgeon's office to call and schedule the surgery.

The low heart rate is what has caused LD to be so tired and sleep and nap so much lately.
It also makes him woozy and unstable so getting this heart monitor is going to be a good thing for him!

It was super hot again today but he said he felt up to a little thrift store shopping - so we did ONE shop!

My biggest treasure is this hand cross stitched tablecloth!
It squeezed my heart to think of the hours some dear soul put into this masterpiece!
It was one of those printed designs in blue and every bit of it was finished - except for hemming it all the way around! The blue dotted lines are still there and I will be finishing it this next spring and using it - somewhere and someway!

It is such a treasure that I HAD to bring it home with me!
I'm certain there is a story to tell and I will never know what it is - but I will love and appreciate the work done by another's hands.

Tea towels, a Halloween cup for Louis Dean's bathroom - which will make giving him his medicine more fun. He can no longer remember to take it by himself so I give him the pills that I put in recycled communion cups along with a small glass of water. If he doesn't drink ALL the water, I pitch it in his face or hair - and we laugh! But you know what? That 'trick' works! I tell him, "You're not FUN anymore' when he drinks every last drop of water!!

A pretty Christmas pillow!

I bought a lovely leather belt and put it right on to see how it would work with the pretty green dress I was wearing from another recent thrift trip. THEN I found the green and cream crocheted poncho and THAT goes great with my dress and will carry it from summer into fall!
A sweet pumpkin coffee cup from Abbey Press and I can never have too many 'Bless This Home' signs!

Other treasures!
I realized when I was putting all this 'debris' where it will live - that I had the pumpkin thing upside down!

Once we got home, I fixed a good lunch of leftovers from Sunday and we watched a movie....

It was so good!
Finding things for us to watch together has been a bit tricky lately.
I tried 'The Old Man' with Jeff Bridges but that hit a little too close to home.
Then one of the last movie Bruce Willis made ....

....well that didn't work since Louis Dean is sensitive to movies featuring cancer ( as he lost his beloved Ellen to breast cancer in 2000.)

SO - the dog movie was perfect and is a true story - which makes it even better!!

He went in to nap (for several hours) and I made pumpkin spice muffins WITH the pumpkin this time!

I sat in the living room listening to Neil Diamond sing while I counted my blessings.
I am so grateful there is such a thing as a pacemaker for Louis Dean.
Yes, Life is changing but, then again, Life is always changing.
My blog profile mentions that I am a life long learner into the autumn and winter seasons of my life.
I need to update my profile.
I am firmly in the winter season and I am loving it.
I've learned so much over my lifetime of soon to be three quarters of a century.
Back long ago, I felt sure I would die in my 30's. I'm grateful God had better plans for me and I feel like the best of my life happened in the Fall of my life!
I met Louis Dean and found what True Love feels like.
Our life together has been almost magical.
At first, I was waiting.....waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I found it hard to believe that he loved me with all his heart.
One day we were walking hand in hand across the parking lot going into Sam's and I was talking about 'something' that was troubling me......I do not even remember now what it was.
But I will NEVER forget how he stopped and looked into my eyes and said, "Linda, never EVER forget that I am on YOUR side." And so he has always been! And I am ever as much on HIS side!

When we were at the specialist today and I was explaining what I know to be true about how Louis Dean is feeling - tired, sleepy, woozy, confused, discombobulated, and so on.....I told the doctor that Louis Dean is PRIMARY in my life and I monitor and watch over and care for him with ALL my attention.
I keep him close to me as much as possible.
We have been married for 18 years and I have asked God for 25.
He has His plan and the pacemaker is definitely a part of that!


Anonymous said...

I always marvel at your gift in the telling of your story. What joy you find in life! I've never looked at aging & am quickly entering my winter. It scares me. But reading your sweet words about you & Louis Dean gives me pause for showing more gratitude. You are amazing. Love, Pam Mikel

Anonymous said...

I love everything about this post
Glad that the pacemaker will help his heart
Cherish every moment of the journey you are on together
That’s the way I feel about Dave and my life together
Love all the quotes too

Anonymous said...

So happy that you are happy.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I am glad that Louis Dean can get a pacemaker to help his condition, and I will pray that all goes well with the surgery to implant it. Your love store is such a special one. Let all your blog friends know how everything goes. Sending virtual hugs.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am SO very happy that all he needs is a pacemaker, and he will be as good as new!! How wonderful! And that also means less worry for you! Why did you think you would die so young? When I was a teenager, I always thought I would die young. I really need to enjoy being my age as much as you do, I wish I could! You are great at lifting me up!

Brenda said...

Love this beautiful story. Prayers

http://ccrdiner.blogspot.com/ said...

We forgot and left eggs in the car trunk for several months. When my husband found them, they "bounced." He put them out in the field and had fun shooting at them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post. Dee

Unknown said...

Louis Dean's quality of life will be much improved soon with that pacemaker. And yes, I'm sure God will give you 25 years, who knows, maybe even more than that. So happy you two found each other. Now you need to find that shredded parmesan cheese.

Donna said...

Oh! The Trumpet Vine growing on your back fence! I loved ours but it was tearing down our wooden fence, it got so big! We spent at least five more years trying to eradicate it from our lives! It's root system boggles the mind!! Pretty to look at but so destructive.
My mom gave me the starting of it...It killed my soul to part with it.
I'm going to try to locate some of our old plumbing logo shirts...What a neat idea for a quilt!
My dad had the same symptoms LD has...they put in a pacemaker and he came to life! Larry's Dad also has one...They make a huge difference!
Love the cross-stitch! You find the neatest things...
There's nothing better than an old leather shoe type of marriage...two of a kind, many miles between them...a bit of polish and they shine like new...What a sweet romance.
Big hugs Miss Linda...

Anonymous said...

Prayers for LD! My mom had the same symptoms, had to wear a heart monitor and feels so much better after her surgery.

Arlene G said...

So thankful they found LD's problem and it is fixable. I pray it helps him feel 100% better. We have a new Goodwill shop here in Decatur and I visited yesterday. I found a brand new Vera Bradley book cover for my devotional book along with a few things for Grimmwood. Happy September Linda!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is scary about the heart monitor information. I am so glad he is getting the pacemaker, that should make him more like his old self. I watched Rescued by ruby and loved it, Bob will not watch movies like that. It is harder and harder to find something we can watch together, he has a long list of will not watch. We started The old man and he did not want to watch it, and anything about alcoholic wives is a no. We tryed Wrong place, neither of u liked it so deleted it.

Susie said...

Linda, I like the way you described how you and LD love each other. When I married at 16...I loved that boy so much...I call it my young hormonal love, now that I am aged and know a few things. Later in life, when I met Ted it was like we just fit together and I know I was truly loved. We had 27 years together. I miss my sweet Ted. Yes, hold tight to your sweetheart. Enjoy everyday in some way or other and count those blessings. You are both in my prayers. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

Changes in the wind said...

What a sweet post and sending blessings.

Anonymous said...

Love this post. You have a way with words. You better finish that book you're working on. My heart goes out to you and Louis Dean. The loss of memory is a harsh cruel disease. I understand all too well. He will be surprised how much better he'll feel once he gets that pacemaker. My heart beats at a steady 60 now instead of the 30's and 40's.
I can't wait for the weather to drop to the 80's at least and would love to get rain.
Hugs to you both

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Change is a constant in our lives. We get older and change to meet our needs. I'm so thankful for modern medicine. Hope the heart pacer makes tears of difference for Louis Dean and you! We all get old but how we deal with the change is what matters. God Bless you both !

Rita said...

My son was born with heart defects and has had a pacemaker since he was 12. It made a world of difference for him! I think you will see huge changes for the better for your sweetheart--the love of your life. :) :)

photowannabe said...

Love this post, though I made my comments on FB I loved coming back here and reading again.
Prayers for LD getting a pacemaker. It's going to make a whole lot of difference.
That photo of LD in his bare feet eating a pumpkin-less muffin is adorable.
What a way to begin the morning. I love it.
Hope the temps will come down so you can be outside more. Ours are going back up to 97F today. Its been nice nice having to use the AC for a few days and my check book is grateful too.

photowannabe said...

HaHa, I was reading the comments and reading the anonymous comments and guess who I read? Me! I guess the comments from FB transfer over to your blog. I signed my comment Sue
So now you got a Double Whammy..

Debbie said...

i will send good, healthy wishes for ld, i care so much about him. chuck and i have bee, married 45 years and i feel the same way about him that you do about ld. chuck looks after me, helps me with my medication and doctor appointments. i shared this on my blog a few days ago, "If you are looking for a good flick or two to watch on tv...I have watched a couple on Netflix - "Look Both Ways" - "Love Again" -
- "You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah" -

Look Both Ways was my favorite!

i really enjoyed your words today, they were so heartfelt!!

i hope it cools down there for you!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found the love of your life!th Life is so good when you have a loving partner!
Oh! Glad you remembered the pumpkin for the cookies. I doubt I would have bothered, since Louis ate them without it!
I enjoyed your pictures and your newsy post -- it always feels like a note from a friend. (And it is!!) I always look forward to them. You have a gift for sharing your life. I admire and love you so! You're such a dear.
Will be glad when the pacemaker issue is done with. May God continue to bless you two!
Love, Trudy

Wanda said...

When you find your true love heart body and soul you have found the pricless pearl the Bible speaks of. You and Louis Dean have the "Priceless Pearl".

More things in common as our lives move forward, Linda. My dearest has a pacemaker and defib. I thought I had lost him many years ago when he had open heart surgery and 5 bypasses. Since then, stints, abations, etc. But only God knows the date of our departure, and I'm thrilled for both of us that God is loving to give us both more time with the love of our lives.

You have proven to me that you cannot have to much "debris" as you call it!! You have anough for all of us, and I'm so glad I can enjoy yours!

Such great finds at the Thrift shop and I hope soon you will model the green dress and belts and coverup!!

I saw a picture of Mizzy Gainor and I thought immediately of you. She is beautiful in her senior season and so are you!!!

Love and Hugs

Luann said...

That was beautiful Linda. You deserve the blessing of feeling and being. TRULY LOVED! So glad you two found each other.

Deanna Rabe said...

That pacemaker is going to be so good for him! My dad got one as he was having similar issues and he felt better, walked better, and all the good things! You’ll be amazed!

Anonymous said...

Three years ago you prayed for my granddaughter who received a pacemaker right after she was born. She's in PreK now and doing great. She loves to play with her twin sisters who followed soon after her! LOL

Returning the favor and praying for LD's successful procedure.
