Sunday, September 10, 2023

Cooking and Baking and Sewing....and Celebrating Brenda's Birthday!

 We spent Friday and Saturday at home and I did some cooking and baking!

Louis Dean has been asking for some rice pudding and our sweet neighbor Ilene gave us a big bag of rice last week!

I found my recipe from years ago in an Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk cookbook.
I don't know why I haven't made this more often - but I will now!

We've been watching a little TV - movies and Virgin River and Lincoln Lawyer.

Sweet and salty!
Perfect combination!

I've been making good meals like this meat loaf baked in muffin tins.
Easy portion control and I froze some to take to Nita's Mike this week!

I finally finished the Birthday Quilt for Charlie late on Friday night.

I washed and dried it and folded it up and bagged it!

It is one of the most imperfect quilts I have ever made!
I tried to fold it up and it is so NOT square!
There's puckers and all sorts of uneven seams, but it is soft and fluffy and feels like a hug when I wrapped it around me. I used two layers of high loft batting - and high loft isn't nearly as 'HIGH' as it used to be!

Summer bought a deck box to store some of her things here and Louis Dean noticed it was not in good shape so he emptied, repaired, moved it to the corner of the back yard where there's no trees overhead and then put the contents back in!
SO! He was up early and went out there and noticed a water leak!
He turned off all the water to the house so when I woke up and no WATER - I texted my neighbors and they all had water. so I went to find Louis Dean.

He had been busy but he was also a bit discombobulated!
I was frantic about having NO WATER to the house and since this pipe break was in the back yard - I told him if he turned the house water ON and the cut off valve to the bathrooms which is in the back outside the house - then I could have at least kitchen water! He said that will NOT work - but I knew it WOULD and it DID!

Bottom line - he dug in the yard and gathered supplies and I just shut down.
I went back to bed and slept, read, played Words With Friends and prayed!

By the end of the day - we had water to all the house and he decided to deal with the rest of the repair later. I couldn't wait to go to bed and slipped under the covers at 9:00!

I woke up at 2:30 and Louis Dean was not beside me so I went to look for him.
He was sitting on the side of the bed in the guest room - just sitting there.

We had a good talk about all that had happened and he told me his thinking was all screwed up.
"If I can't FIX something, then why am I even HERE?"
Breaks my heart.

I don't know what to do with him when he gets like this but God is good and He does answer prayer!
At one point on Saturday I called my son Jesse.
He assured me that it was only water and pipes out there so it would be best to let him do what he was doing. Wise advice.

He was hurting after all that digging so I gave him something for his aches and pains and put some covers on top of him and he was sound asleep!

I, on the other hand, was wide awake so I wrapped up Charlie's quilt and worked on some art projects.
I finally went back to bed at 6:30 and got up at 10:00 this morning!

I watched church online and then we drove to Fellowship to meet up with the Bells and Brenda and Billy!

We celebrated Brenda's birthday at a great restaurant in Grapevine!
She's 10 years younger than I am and we have been celebrating  our September birthdays for several years now!

This day 5 years ago we were all in Alaska together at the Red Onion Saloon!

It was so much fun!

Brenda knows how to celebrate and Billy makes it happen for her!

I had a custom made apron made for her and told her I would wear mine when we get together to prepare Thanksgiving dinner together this year.
They invited us to join them and that filled a huge void for me since we lost Nita.

She and Billy are such wonderful friends to us and I love the way THEY love each other!!

I'm going to close tonight's journal entry and will tell you tomorrow about the small kitchen fire we had tonight.

This weekend has had both joys and sorrows - but such is Life!
God is good and I depend on Him in all these situations....the good and not so good.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my, what a weekend you have had. Not fixing the water pipes must make him feel useless, but I wish Louis Dean would not count his worth by the things he can fix. He is precious to God no matter what he is able to do!! Oh no, a fire! Who even wants a perfect quilt! They look mass marketed. whereas yours looks handmade with love and one of a kind!!

Unknown said...

So sorry it was a frustrating weekend for you and Louis Dean. But you're right, such is life, some days will be like that. Life is not always perfect. I hope you both have a better week ahead. A kitchen fire? Oh my. Can't wait to hear about it. Happy belated birthday to Brenda.

Estelle's said...

Aging is quite hard some days...we all go through it don't we..I guess some struggle more than others...but we do the best we can...please be careful..a kitchen fire? Now that's pretty scary....what a lovely cake for your friend Brenda...this week brings us rain and cooler temps...something to be thankful for!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oh my what a week end, glad it all ended well and no harm was done except to your minds and nerves. I assume your house is still standing or you would not be journaling. cute apron and so happy you have a thanksgiving date. the quilt is great to me, its all about the softness and warmth and love that made it.

Changes in the wind said...

You are a inspiration of just saying it as it is and not sugar coating things like we often tend to do. Life is just hard sometimes and I thnk you for your honestly.

Anonymous said...

Call me concerned in Keno, Oregon
Linda H

Jackie See said...

Linda, I am always praying for L.D. and you. We are also facing changes and we seem a bit lost, just like Louis Dean. Hugs. ~jackie See~

photowannabe said...

It broke my heart to read about Louis Dean just sitting on the bed and feeling so helpless and hopeless.
You are good medicine for him. My prayer is for you. May the Lord put just the right words in your mouth and trust in your heart as you deal with the aging and LD's confusion.
May you have an extra portion of patience and humor in the mix of the "everyday-ness" of life.
I see inklings of the same kind of thing every now and then with my Hubby too. (((hugs)))

Brenda said...

The more simple your life becomes the better. Prayers

Anonymous said...

Oh honey! What a week you had! I know you handled it
somehow, because you always do! Yes, with God, all things are possible. I know Louis puts so much value in his ability to fix things but when he can't, you'll just to think other ways that make him feel valued and I know you do! This too shall pass, and know you have friends and we love you pray for you!!
Thanks for the rice pudding recipe! Ed won't try anything like that -- I guess because his mother never made it. (Can you imagine?🤔) Have a good week!!

Susie said...

Linda, I am trying to stop crying. When I read that from LD "if I can't fix something, why am I even here?" Broke my heart for him. Please tell him , he is here for us to love. You know we all out here love you guys and the family. I know he is one hard working man and has always enjoyed fixing stuff. My sweetheart was just like that. Hug LD for us and hold tight to one another. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

Wanda said...

Oh Linda...You are the best medicine Louis Dean could ever have. Having to be the ROCK in a marriage after years of depending on our Man is so hard. I'm so glad you have children and a son to get advice from. You are such a servant heart. Baking, sewing, sharing, loving. You are truly the Proverb's Woman!!

There is a verse in Isiah 46:4 That says the Lord has carried us from before our birth, and will carry us until we are old and grey and will hold us to the very end. He holds us in the palm of His Hand, He lifts us up on Eagles winds and is making YOU shine like the Sun!!

Your Love and Trust in our Mighty God will sustain you as you continue to be an inspiration to all us blog friends.

Donna said...

If you see he's doing something that's not going to hurt him...just let him get on with it. Plumbers aren't that cheap but better to let him keep his dignity than to, unintentionally, add to his fears of growing more dependent on others. I know this is truly heartbreaking for you Both <3
I've printed off your recipe! Sounds delicious!

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, I thought of Louis Dean this morning. I came across Sean of the South on Facebook and think he might like his music. I just discovered his music and writings. His Porch Music is great!
Linda in Keno, Oregon

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That bit about Louis Dean really tugged at my heartstrings. Being aware that his mind is failing must be so scary and frustrating.
He is blessed to have you by his side.❤️🙏