Thursday, December 1, 2016

Update on Summer, Baked Pumpkins and a COWBOYS WIN!!!!! Again!!! Who Knew???

Thank you for all the positive comments and prayers for my Summer Dee!

She sent me this pic of her as she was about to get the injections in her lower back this afternoon.
All went according to plan and she had a chance to visit with her doctor about other possible options if these don't work.

She sent me this pic tonight and said she was still numb and tingly but relatively pain free - for the first time since September 19th!
This makes my mama heart happy!

Today I cooked my fall pumpkins!
I used to spray them with clear acrylic spray for display during the fall season but that meant you couldn't cook them. I don't do that anymore.
I bake them whole and it is so easy to simply peel off the skin and scrape out the innards after they cool.

I added just a drop or two of red and yellow food colors to make them look just like the pumpkin you buy in cans at the grocery store.

I ended up with enough for my Saturday baking plus 2 jars for the freezer.

I have been busy decorating and I think I'm on the home stretch!
Foyer and porch DONE!
Den nearly done!!
Only the back of the house - 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms to go!
I think I can make it happen! 
I have actually felt better today than I have in over two weeks!

Tonight I made a sweet potato casserole for Louis Dean and baked some chicken wings in honor of Thursday Night Football!

Who KNEW that THIS season would be the BEST in franchise history???


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great idea about the pumpkins! I am SO happy for Summer! Now, how often will she get the shots? What is causing her pain? In this picture of her, she does look more relaxed! And not as forced to be happy.

Blondie's Journal said...

Hurray for Summer! I hope she stays pain free. Was this a cortisone injection or the epidural sort of thing? My back has been flipping out like mad for the past few months. I have a problem with the lowest vertebra sliding back and forth to the left side. The pain just comes out of nowhere when it slides. I have to lose weight. Can I just say I HATE to exercise? But I have to, the back is so bad because I'm using my back for strength instead of my core which is nil. Sorry to drone on.

The pumpkin tip is great...never knew how to get to that pulp. My daughter mixes a bit of pumpkin with her dog's food. It's supposed to be very healthy for them. I actually cleared my porch of pumpkins today. Time to do a little Christmas stuff out there!

Good for you with your decorating. Gonna start this weekend!


BeachGypsy said...

I didn't know you could do pumpkins that way and thank you!--because it looks so easy to do! I love how we learn from these blogs of ours! I learn something new every day, how bout you? I was just getting ready to tell you about the dogs and pumpkin, but read above me what Jane wrote--looks like her daughter uses the pumpkin for her dogs. We do too, it's good for them and if you you or anyone you know has a "sick sick" to the stomach doggie throwing up or diareaha--a tablespoon of pumpkin (NOT PUMPKIN PIE FILLING but real canned or fresh pumpkin) will stop the stomach upset pretty much immediately, or at least it works that fast for our dogs. We have big dogs and they get two tablespoons. It's also hard to FIND CANNED PUMPKIN except around the holidays so we stock up this time of year and always check expire dates on the cans of course during the coming year. But if you can grow and use your own pumpkin like you did here, that would be ideal and the best way! Please tell Summer I'm glad the shots ARE DONE for this time and I do hope it stops the pain for the holidays for her so she can enjoy them and not be hurting. I get my shots next week and I cannot wait as they help tremendously.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm hoping for Summer to be pain free!

Great pumpkin tip! Glad you're almost done with the decorating.

Go Cowboys!

Vee said...

Good to know that Summer had somw relief...may it continue. Good to know that you are feeling much better, too. I have two pumpkins waiting to be baked...should get on that today. I like Cowboys, not as much as Patriots, but close! =D

Gypsy Heart said...

Interesting about baking the pumpkins! They seem to be so expensive around here that I don't buy them anymore. Using them in this way would make the purchase worth it!

I so hope that Summer feels 100% better! The pain is simply excruciating at times and really wears you down. I've had 6 shots the last couple of times...less just doesn't help. Glad you're feeling better too! So many sick people around...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY Cowboys... happy for Summer to get relief.. and I had no idea pumpkins could be baked whole.. yum on all that punkin... even more yuuuuuum on sweet potato. I love that better than pumpkin

Changes in the wind said...

So hope the injections do the job...

Linda said...

So glad Summer was able to get these shots. Also glad she was able to talk to Dr. about her options. I've never cooked a real pumpkin so was interesting to see how you did it.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

I hope the injections work for Summer. It is terrible to be in pain. Gotta love that smiling face.

Aloha Acres said...

I've never been a Cowboy fan until Dak Prescott! That boy is impressive. I love watching him. I pray he stays humble and he just keeps going like he is now. What a great role model for the kids that look up to players.

I hope and pray Summer has finally found an answer to her pain. What a long journey she's been on. Poor lady.

Carla said...

Okay wait a minute ... You can bake a whole pumpkin.. You're gonna have to send me the steps of how you did all this. I think I'd like to try it. Remind why poor Summer has been in such pain.. I sure hope they find a permanent solution. David deals with back off and on. He ruptured a disc back when Pamela was a baby.