Thursday, December 8, 2016

December Day Date, Chicken Pot Pies and Christmas Decorations! Our Wednesday and Thursday.....

Wednesday Louis Dean and I had a Day Date!
The only theater LD will go is the Movie Tavern!

That's because he likes BEER!
You buy a beer stein and they refill it for a certain price.
Never mind he brought the wrong one!
They still honored it and he is even more of a Movie Tavern fan than he was before!

Selfies are seldom flattering to me and I felt especially OLD yesterday! is what it is and I am what I am.....

The perks of being retired - a frozen margarita on a Wednesday afternoon!

Did I mention Louis Dean loves beer??
Really, not so much but he DOES love one at the movie tavern.

Our movie choice.
It was a man's movie but I still enjoyed it.
Although I DID watch all the blood and gore through my squinted eyes while holding up my hands and spreading my fingers a bit.

After the movie, we did a bit of shopping.
Curtains for the den and shampoo for Louis Dean and boxes of Chex cereals, peanuts and pretzel sticks for Texas Trash - to be made soon.
LD also bought a 'warming blanket.' As opposed to the old fashioned 'electric blankets' that we continued to buy each year and that didn't work.
THIS one is a winner!!! It finally turned cold in Texas and the warming blanket worked like a charm.
We slept like babies.
I think the warmth totally relaxed us.
So much so that I didn't want to get up this morning - and so I didn't!!
I snuggled down into the covers and slept on after Louis Dean got up.
He brought me not one cup of coffee - but TWO!
I sipped coffee, read my book and played my Scrabble until nearly noon!
THIS is the LIFE!!!

Louis Dean loves to cook and bake! He cooked a chicken yesterday in the pressure cooker - those things scare ME! So today he was making chicken pot pies!

He even made his own pie crusts - even though I had some store bought ones in the freezer!

"I like to make my own," he said!

So while he was in the kitchen, I cleaned and spruced up the den.

All dressed up for Christmas!

This room is probably the life of our home.

It is our favorite place to be.

I love looking at all the Christmas things!

We often eat out here.....

This is the new wicker chest I bought on Tuesday at the Goodwill.
It's now filled with books.

On top of the baby grand!

Yes, this may be our favorite room!

2016  Santa Wall.

You can't see it but we have kept a fire going ever since we got up!
Didn't get much past freezing this December day.

Christmas is everywhere!

The mirrors make the rooms look larger than they really are!

Going into the foyer......

Lots of lights in here year round.....

My angel tree,,,,,

And into the living room......

Candles lit!

My music corner.
Louis Dean bought a stereo for my birthday the first year we were married.
I play CD's continuously........5 at a time and always on replay.

Small but cozy living room.

I love looking at all the 'debris' I have collected over the years.

I will close with this needlework I did back in 1989.
I had just been diagnosed with a fast growing thyroid cancer.
Actually, the doctor determined later that it was THREE strains of aggressive thyroid cancer.....nearly unheard of as MOST thyroid cancers are slow growing and it can take years before you really MUST deal with them. I sat in the waiting room and stitched and prayed.
Benjamin was still a baby and Amber was only 3 years old.
I did not want to die although I have to admit I was not AFRAID to die.
No, my desire was to live so I could be a mother to my children.
I wanted them to be old enough to remember remember they had a mother who loved them.
I was already dedicated to motherhood but I further dedicated myself to raising my children.
The Lord had been dealing with my heart regarding education and I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to home school Amber and Ben. I remember being in the hospital and telling God that I had already decided to follow the calling to home school. I was grateful I had made that decision BEFORE this bout with cancer. I am thankful that the doctor got to the cancer and removed it along with my thyroid gland before it had gone too far. 13 days from the time the doctor discovered it until surgery.

Funny how things trigger memories....
If we only knew how often God has redeemed us from all sorts of things.......
most of which we will never even know.....
Perhaps this is one reason I am so very grateful!
Not only have I lived long enough to see my youngest children grown.....
but now I am enjoying my eight GRAND children!!

Praise God and Merry Christmas!!!


Deb said...

you are just beautiful! love seeing your treasures

Kathy said...

Neither Joe nor I can make pie crust (even though we try again and again) so we are very impressed with LD's skill! The pot pies look good. I have not had one in a long time since Joe does not like pot pie.

Your home is beautiful all decorated for Christmas. It looks so inviting.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a story and testimony you have, Linda! I do believe that God saves us lots of times that we don't even know about. If he shows us His miracles, then people would turn to him because of them. And he wants us to come to Him out of love for all that He has sacrificed for us. Your trees are gorgeous! And so are your wreaths. You really know how to decorate!!If you lived close, I would PAY you to decorate our house! You could be an interior decorator. The new trunk looks perfect there. A friend of mine went to see this movie today. He fought in the war, and the violence was too much even for him. I LIKE the selfie of you and Louis Dean, and think you are both so cute!!!

rejoyce said...

I can only imagine visiting in your warm home filled with lights and the things you love. It is so you .. and so unique. I'm so glad God healed you so you could show the love you have with your children, Louis Dean, and those of us who have learned to love you through the wonder of Facebook. You are indeed an inspiration on living life to the fullest ... and in your own way.

Linda said...

Joyce, what a lovely thing to say....thank you so much for commenting....I will treasure this....

Vee said...

That is a wonderful testimony! Always so much to learn about our blogging friends.

Changes in the wind said...

Love seeing the two of you enjoying each other and that is a praise testimony for sure!

Arlene G said...

I would have had my eyes closed Linda...those war movies are just so hard to watch and they should be, WAR is Horrible. So glad the Lord spared your life because in addition to be a great mom and grandmother, you are an inspiration to so many through your blog!! Love your Christmas cheer and a fire all day...a little bit of heaven.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

plus you lived long enough to mother the quads with Amber. you are blessed. I am thinking the Movie Tavern might want to use LD photo for advertising. that is a super shot. your house is ready for the big event, Santa down the chimney.. lol.. if you ever have money problems, you can decorate your home and advertise it as The Christmas House and have a sale to be remembered. Just sayin..

Beth said...

Hi Linda, Your home looks beautiful! I especially like the Santa wall.
You are so fortunate to have a husband who cooks. I get so very tired of every day figuring out what I want to eat, then getting what I need and preparing it. Oh well, at least I always have food I like as I don't cook things I don't like!
Thank you for your testimony. You are one amazing and godly lady. I admire your spunk and how you make a quality life for yourself and your family.

Susie said...

Linda, You home is so welcoming. I love seeing all you wonderful things. My Lizzy had part of her thyroid removed, then later the rest when they found cancer. Then she had breast cancer. Her twins sister had her thyroid removed , it was enlarged and had node..but no cancer. Now they are on meds. My other two daughters have had their thyroid checked...the drs. told Liz there are certain conditions that can run in families. Who knows.. So good that you and LD had a fun date. I know when he clean .LOL. He's such a good understanding husband. You both are blessed to have found one another. Wishing you a good day. Blessings,love you, xoxo, Susie

Blondie's Journal said...

This is so touching, Linda...I never knew and I have tear in my eyes. You were meant to live a joyful and abundant life!

I love seeing your decorations and I feel like we've known each other for decades when I see those Santa's you painted hanging in your living room! And you have to love that LD...he's like an elf baking and cooking and bringing you coffee!!

Happy Holidays!


Sweet Tea said...

I love seeing your home all decked out for Christmas. Beautiful!
I forget that you and I share a similar story of having thyroid cancer when we had young children. How blessed we both are to be enjoying life and all it's blessings.