Thursday, December 22, 2016

Quad Days and Cinnamon Rolls! LOTS of them!!!

Wednesday morning Logan whispered to me, "MeeMaw! Are you AWAKE?"

We painted her fingernails before we drove over to Quadville to switch kids.

It was Harrison's turn to have an  'all by myself' day with MeeMaw and Granddad.
I had told him earlier in the week that we would be going to Costco and he remembered!!!
Wednesday was our Christmas Eve Dinner grocery shopping day!

We finished with hot dogs from the snack bar.
Harrison said, "How about us getting a little snack before we go home?"

Louis Dean thought that was a great idea!!!!

We stopped by to see our friend, Reaoma, before we headed home.
Harrison wanted to push her from the dining room to her apartment and he did a pretty good job!

He made Reaoma smile and laugh and SING!
He sang Away in the Manger for her and she sang the first few bars with him!
That really made me feel so happy.
Reaoma has such a sweet spirit and attitude. It's a pleasure to be her friend.
She and her late husband, Doug, have meant so much to me and all four of my children.

Granddad and Harrison just hanging out!

After his bath he made a Santa Apple and had FaceTime with his mama and sisters.
They missed him!

Popcorn and a little TV watching was the entertainment last night.
We told him he could stay up as long as he wanted!
He said he was ready for bed around 10:45.
He wanted to sleep all by himself in the guest room.
I left both Christmas trees lit for night lights.

Sleep he did!!!! For 12 hours!!!
I was beginning to think I would have to wake him up!

He got all dressed and thought his Dada was picking him up.
He was pretty happy to find out he could stay all day and his Dada would be by after work!

He played with Big Kid Legos!!

They belonged to Benjamin when he was young and I am saving them for HIS children but all the grands get to play with them. As a matter of fact, Tim's son used to come over when they lived across the street and ask if he could play Legos. I would set them up in the gazebo and leave them for days.

Harrison and I did a few errands.....the post office, the grocery store for those items I had forgot to pick up!!

Look what we found!!! Fruitcake mix and HALF PRICE!!!

Our last activity was watching The Polar Express!
I love this so much!
Last year, my friend, Jutta, and I went to see it at Moody Gardens - complete with all the sensory sensations!!!
Dada arrived and took Harrison home.
As he was getting into the truck, Harrison said, "I don't WANT to go home! I had so much fun at MeeMaw's!!" Music to my ears!

It's a novel thing for a quadruplet to get one on one time so I think this week was super special for all of us!!

So what was Louis Dean doing all day???

Making cinnamon rolls for Christmas Morning!
LOTS of them!!

As in 102!!! 
There are now just a few less........


Ginny Hartzler said...

Tell Louis Dean that I think I can smell those cinnamon rolls, and to come over here and push one through the screen for me to taste! All those rolls must have taken all day to make! Harrison is such a handsome little boy! I am like you! The only time I love to hear my granddaughters cry is when they are crying because they don't want to leave! The Costco hot dogs!!! Phil loves them! He looks just like Louis Dean is looking when he gets one! I am doing my Christmas food shopping tomorrow, and Phil will likely get a hot dog!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I am going to make homemade cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning too, but not 102! Bless him!

This is so fun for the quads and making Christmas time all the more special!

Kathy said...

You should make this an annual thing -- one-on-one time at Christmas. Harrison is really growing up. He's such a handsome boy!

Look at all those cinnamon rolls! Joe was a baker for Acme Markets and a baker and cook in the Marine Corps and he never does that for me. But even I could not eat 102 rolls. You must be going to feed a big crowd. They look delicious. If I lived nearby, I'd be coming to your door to ask for one (or two).

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Those wonderful cinnamon rolls ! What a wonderful time you and each little one have had for their special days with you. Hugs and Love

Phoebes World said...

102!! Wow!! As its only me and MrD it would take us a year to get through them...but they do look scrumptious.
Your grandson is such a sweetheart...seeing him having such a great time makes me miss mine even more.
I love reading your blog. Its like peeking into your diary...with pictures
Phoebe x

BeachGypsy said...

oh my goodness look at all those amazing cinnamon rolls--------I'll take two dozen!! ha ha LOL

Arlene G said...

I will have a dozen of those cinnamon rolls. They look amazing! And how fun to have a day by yourself with your grandparents. It is any child's dream.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Harrison is so handsome and looks so happy in these pics. no wonder he doesn't want to go home, it is like a winter wonderland in the house and shopping and baking OH MY... I would love it to

Gypsy Heart said...

LD must be some sort of magician to make all those in one day! Let me know when I should stop by for my order. Lol! Harrison is so adorable! I'm sure he enjoyed his one-on-one visit. When Alex was very young he would beg to go to "Bebe's" house and of course, I loved it! He then changed to Mimi. I would answer to anything but he chose my grandparent name. :)

It's so wonderful that you've had these individual visits this week with each quad! Making memories they won't forget.


Cheryl said...

You'd better hang on to a man who will make 102 cinnamon rolls!! (Not that you wouldn't hang on to such a treasure anyway!)

How special to gift each child with one-on-one time. We love doing that too. It is such a treat for a child with multiple siblings to have individual treatment. It looks like Harrison had a great time!

Merry Christmas, Linda, to you and yours!!

Susie said...

Linda, Harrison is a doll. I love how much fun he was for your friend. Children do touch our hearts. Wow, LD was really baking up a storm. Harrison saying , "let's have a little treat before leaving the store" adorable. Blessings to all. Please hug everyone for me this Christmas..Blessings to all, love you so much, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

What a fun day for Harrison and the two of you. One on one time is so good for them. I am sot surprised that Harrison had a good time with you. Is Louis Dean planning to feed an army? = D Knowing you folks, he could be! Merry on...

Bev said...

So nice you have one on one time...that is the best!!... We are coming over for cinnamon buns:)!!

Linda said...

You are having a high octane Christmas and it's been going on the whole month of December. I was amazed how much Harrison looked like Kailey in that blue cap. I've never thought abought those two resembling each other a lot. This post was Harrison at his best. Loved him pushing the wheel chair. He is a precious little boy.

Judy said...

Oh my goodness! I need an LD for tomorrow, as my cinnamon rolls still need to be made along with lots of other things. Your quads are just too sweet! Merry Christmas to you all!

Penny said...

Lived reading about Harrison's day with you. Such a sweet boy. I can't believe Louis Dean made 102 cinnamon buns! They looks absolutely delicious! X