Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Memories of This Day 60 Years Ago.....

 April 26, 1963 was on a Friday and I was in Weatherford, Texas at the Justice of the Peace located in the courthouse on the square at 1:00 in the afternoon.

I was just 14 years old, 5 feet tall, 100 pounds....and 4 months pregnant.
My mother had bought me a white dress from a discount department store and it came with a silver looking brooch which I have to this very day.
My boyfriend and, soon to be my husband,  met us there along with his mother.
A Baptist preacher had agreed to do the ceremony for us.

My mother cried but his mother did not.
He later told me that the only reason mine cried was because she was losing her babysitter for my three younger siblings.

I was scared and so was he but I have no way of truly knowing what our mothers were feeling.
Mine was there because I was underage and she had to sign for me.
He was 19 and could marry legally all by himself but his mother came as a sign of support, or so I suppose.

We married in Weatherford instead of Fort Worth because marriages were posted in the newspapers back then and she did not want her family to know....Weatherford being in a different county.

At that time in my life, I was already gifted with the skills of surviving and coping, but as I look back on that day from this one 60 years later, I realize that I had already made the two most important decisions of my life that would affect all time and eternity for me.

The first and most important one was when I was 5 years old.
God has always been a part of my life, thoughts, and existence.
I was totally innocent and 'under the blood' so to speak until a moment came when I realized I was a sinner and had to choose between good and evil. My sin involved matches and a rose bush and I repented and asked Mother to forgive me - which she barely acknowledged even hearing me - but most importantly -  I asked my Heavenly Father to forgive me - of ALL my sins. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and received His gift of salvation - from the very first moment that I had realized I was a sinner.
That one decision changed everything for me in my life and for eternity.

The second most important decision was to keep my pregnancy and my baby.
I am still amazed at the strength I found to stand up to my mother.

The Lena Pope Home was a possible solution to my 'problem' - just as it was back in 1957 when Mother had four young children and a young lover who wanted her to 'give us away.'

The compromise then was for us - my siblings and me - to live in a shack in the back yard of 1212 Waggoman in Fort Worth, Texas where our step-father to be still lived with his parents.
Because of Mother not wanting her family to judge her - we were not sent to the Lena Pope Home as he and his family wanted.
Mother and our new sister, Luann,  who was a child of our mother's lover , lived in the house along with her and his parents, and we lived in the shack.

I was grateful then and I'm grateful now that Jesse married me.
That kept me from being an unwed mother at the home and possibly having to give up my child.
Mother had a hard time keeping the four of us siblings much less another baby.

I stayed married for 41 years and had four amazing children and am now blessed with eight grandchildren.

God is a God of redemption and He has redeemed so many things in my life for me.
Were it not for that marriage - I would not have the children and grandchildren I so love today.

Summer was the child I fought to keep and I cannot imagine my life or hers had I not made that decision in 1963.
I often wondered in the following years if I had chosen wisely in keeping her as opposed to giving her up for adoption. She had a terrible childhood and was abused and hurt by those who should have cherished and loved her.

She and I are only 15 years and one month apart in age.
We share a bond that is unique and precious.
I have a good bit of guilt in not protecting her and my son, Jesse, as I should have through the years of their childhood....and then Amber and Benjamin, as well.
I am not the woman today that I was back then and I praise God for his redeeming love and for the kindness and graciousness of my children in their love and forgiveness.

No matter where you are or what is happening in your life at this moment in time - please remember that God has a plan and you are exactly where you need to be right this minute to take you where you are meant to go.
Trust Him! 

"Satan meant it for evil but God meant it for good."

God can redeem any and every thing!
He did it for me and He will do it for you.


Anonymous said...

We have a lovin father. You made it through thick and thin. Praise God you kept your precious daughter and a wonderful mother to all of them. Your family have been a blessing. You are loved and in a wonderful relationship. We love you my dear.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear heart! How similar our lives have been in some ways, and in others, how different. When I say, "I understand." it means I truly do understand.
When we feel alone and unlike anyone else in this entire world --- how quickly God gives us "sisters" to fill in that empty space.
I still have a bwead headache tonight, and will write a more adequate commenet another time. I just wanted to tell you that I know God put you in my life to be the sister I didn't have.
Thank you for being an even more beautiful one than I could have asked for. I know God knit you together to be a friend to all, and to even me.
I love you, Linda, and that sweet, loving, precious big-as-Texas heart of yours.
Love, Trudy

Ginny Hartzler said...

SO powerful, Linda!!! You are a wonderful writer, maybe because you write about what you lived and know. BRAVO!

Anonymous said...

Dee from Tennessee

All glory to God for His love for us . You are an amazing testament of His love. I fall so short , hour by hour,day by day, but I know by His grace and mercy, my name is in the Book of Life.

I am basically bed bound now , and I know the chances of us ever meeting during this earthly life is slim to none ..but I am so thankful you’re my sister in Christ. One day in His perfect timing… we will worship together.

You’re a blessing, a blessing .

Love in Christ Jesus who loved us first . ( I was a lost church member for years , and I praise God I finally “walked the aisle” again in truth and love . )

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing your story. It touched me Linda!

Rita said...

I also believe there is always a plan or a reason for everything.
I had a religious or spiritual realization when I was five, too!!
It is quite amazing what we can live through and learn from and come out better human beings in the end. Love is everything. God is love. :)

Kathy said...

I could not say it better than the person above me. We all make mistakes. But I hold on to the verse that if we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful to forgive us our sins. God redeems us and you have redeemed your past. That is evident in how much your children love you and how much LD loves you. You are so brave to share this part of your life.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh dear Linda, thank you for being so open and honest in sharing your story with us. When I see the beautiful, talented and loving woman that you are today, I am amazed to know how much you must have suffered as a child and later on in your young life. But God certainly had His hand on you and has redeemed your life from destruction to give you and yours hope and peace and love. What a powerful testimony of His amazing grace. Thank you for sharing this with us. Praise God for His unfailing kindness and mercy and great love.

Estelle's said...

Linda, this story is extremely impactful...I think you are brave and so true to your faith to speak of such a hard and difficult childhood you experienced. You are amazing to your family and friends and indeed, God has blessed you and carried you through all those difficult times...It's good to know you made it through all the rainstorms...warm hugs

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Forgiveness and redemption are available to all. Thankfully you've since had a very good life. We never know what might be coming our way the trick is not to give up and trust in God's way.

Donna said...

There are things in each of our lives that God has helped us through. I wouldn't have made it this far, without Him.
Bless you and your wonderful family, dear one...

Vee said...

You do have a wonderful and amazing family. I know that your testimony touched and continues to touch many. It took strength to write this. Thank you.

Changes in the wind said...

It is rare to find someone to be so open and honest, bless you dear Linda.

photowannabe said...

Chills...Praise God for His redeeming grace and power.
Thank you for your transparency and the testimony of what the Lord has done in your life.
He is so good and you have the most beautiful family who love you to the moon and back!

Deanna Rabe said...

Praise God for his redeeming power! He’s taken all the hard things and used them in your lives! What a blessing you were able to raise your children!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow Linda, what a powerful testimony! Wow wow wow.

Brenda said...

My mother was fifteen when she had me. My father was older. He went to the service...came home...divorced...we had little...Mother worked in a polio hospital at nights to support grandmother worked during the day...I had the best Mother in the world...back in the day, women married and had kids so much earlier...your story is absolutely amazing. Mother died at age 60, and I miss her every day of her life. I know your kids adore you.

Ann said...

I feel honored to have come to your blog today and read your story. Courage, strength and faith has brought you to where you are today.

Susie said...

Linda, So many I know had lives so close to this one. Myself included. We were children raising children by the grace of God. Who better to be at our sides and in our hearts. When my grandson whined cause he didn't get a car at 16. I told him, "at least you didn't get what I got ." He asked what I got and I said, " married !!" We had a good laugh over that. We chose to stand tall and be brave as best as we could so young....and thank God for His love. Blessings , love you, xoxo, Susie

Shannon Hopps said...

WOW- what a story, what a life and so many lessons!! Thank you for this brave and inspirational post, Aunt Linda!

Wanda said...

How gracious the Heavenly Father to choose, call and save you at such a tender age. I'm sure that personal relationship with him was the reason you made so many wise and good decisions as they were the most difficult ones we make in life. No wonder you are such a gift and blessing to so many people. You entire life is a testimony that God never gives up on us, and your testimony is so precious that you never gave up on HIM!
How my heart overflows with your story and the might work God has done in you life and your family and how your testimony will cause others to hope, and make wise decisions, and will be in heaven because of YOU!
Love and hugs my dear sister in Christ.

Carole said...

Doing this post must have been so difficult - your strength now and then saw you through. Inspiring.

Mindy Gauthier said...

What a beautiful and vulnerable post. Your love for you family and God is evident in all that you write on your blog. Thank you for sharing your testimony with us all.

Anonymous said...

This brings tears to my eyes. I admire you so much. I love reading your blog posts and hope to get a copy of your book some day. ❤️