Monday, June 21, 2021

I Celebrated my Very First Father's Day .....Leo Everett Gage....1922-1969

Father's Day 2021 ....the very first Father's Day where I can share a photo and the name of my earthly father.....and celebrate this day in a very personal way.

My father lived from 1922-1969.
I was born in father was 26 years old when I was born....and yet I do not believe he ever knew about me.

But, as my newly found brother, Buster, said, "He knows you now."

These six men are the Fathers I celebrate this year of 2021....

My father, Leo E.Gage, who fathered four daughters and two sons.....
My brother, Lonnie, who has two sons......
My son, Jesse, who has three children......
My Son-in-law and love, Mike, who has four children - all the same age.....
My brother, Buster, who has two daughters....
and the man who has made me the happiest I have ever been in my life......Louis Dean, my precious husband.

I wanted to open tonight's journal entry with Father's Day......
and now I will catch up on the weekend.

Saturday morning, Sherry and I were up early and checking and treating the last three hives in our apiary.

I dearly LOVE to hear the humming of the bees!!!
We were finished before our Deans even woke up!

My Dean was out watering his pea patch when I took this pic of him.
A friend suggested this would make a good painting and I think so, too!
I am grateful for every single day we have together.
Saturday, June 26th, will be our 16th wedding anniversary.
I have asked God for 25 years with Louis Dean......that would make him 93 in 2030.
Every day is a gift and I treasure them all.

We are eating well here in the country - and every meal features our homegrown tomatoes!

 I am taking the easy way out and using paper plates......not something I normally do.

On Sunday we watched Fellowship Live online before going into 'town' (Waco) and shopping Sam's.

Louis Dean was prepared to load all this up by himself - and he could have done that, I'm sure - but a young couple came by and offered to do it for him! God is GOOD!

This is what we bought - in addition to a deck box for the front porch here at the ranch.
This cubicle system will work well in the big bathroom at home in Irving.
I have the option of using all four pieces there or only three and bringing one back down for his shop......or the bathroom here.

It was a beautiful Sunday and all the way back to the ranch we picked out pictures in the sky.
We unloaded and got ready to go down to Dean and Sherry's for dinner.

I packed a bucket of Margarita fixings.....the margarita mix in the vintage glass orange juice jar, a dish of lime slices, SALT, and three glasses. Louis Dean doesn't drink margaritas! Silly man!

I took seasoned skirt steak for fajitas, flour tortillas, chips and cheese queso.

The homemade margaritas were really good!

Sherry had grilled chicken to go with my beef along with Spanish rice and refried beans.
It was a FEAST!!!

Guess what our entertainment was???

I totally missed this back in 1997 - but Louis Dean didn't!
We are both enjoying it now!
SO funny!!!

Sunday night ended with father and son working on the tiller for our garden.
Dean and Sherry are so good to us!!

Monday has been a good day!

This is the way we protect our food from the stray fly that finds its way in.
The front room is all closed in and both doors now have screen doors in front of them.
There's screens on all the windows.
Still, a fly or two or three or four manage to find their way in!

What can beat a BLT???

Okay!! If you add onions and avocado! YUM.

We eat nearly all our meals on these pretty chicken trays I bought at Virginia's in Mart on Friday.

Louis Dean worked today on putting up the red screen door on the east side of the front room.
He had it up in the fall but the wind tore it off and he's had to redo it.

I went out - with a large straw hat on - and picked the blackeyed peas this afternoon.
Then I came back and shelled them!
Rain came in just as I was nearly finished picking and, as I sat on the front porch shelling them, I was drenched with the humidity.

After the rain, I picked the rest of the purple hulled peas.
Then another stronger round of rain came in.
Sherry was up here visiting after work - and after she had finished her tractoring - and helped me shell peas until the weather cleared and she went home.

We got water to the camper on Thursday.
It was wonderful!
Then late this afternoon, the toilet connection in the camper bathroom gave way and flooded the camper bathroom and into the kitchen area.....while I was happily shelling peas in the front room.
Poor Louis Dean! He can't seem to catch a break between pressing situations!
It seems like it's always something!

The cats have the best lives ever!
Tabitha literally stayed in this chair sleeping all day!

Goodnight from the country!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never seen or heard of purple hulled peas. Oh my, I have never known of anyone who has as much trouble with water and flooding as you do; it seems to follow you everywhere. Good thing Louis Dean is so clever and good with thngs like this.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. Looks like Father's Day was lovely. So glad you are enjoying your stay in the country. All the food in this post looks so delicious. Hope you continue having a good week. Happy Anniversary to you and Louis Dean! I hope you have many more fun years together.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I meant to say on yesterday supposed when I saw those purple peas that it has been maybe 50 60 years since I last had them daddy always grew them and we love them and he grew so many that Mama would freeze them when I was young she would can them but then she started freezing them and I wish I had some now. In fact I looked for them in the freezer at Walmart and also for a little lamb has but they didn't have any. I love your new trays! Sorry about the flood and so happy to read your post about your and all the fathers in your life

Changes in the wind said...

Nothing like fresh from the garden:) Those tomatoes look so red and juicy. Never heard of the purple peas before but would be nice if we could have a taste:) Sorry about the bathroom flood, it seems it will never end.

Vee said...

Reading here is like being on a swing... 😉

I am so thrilled for you this year as you have been able to have answers to those big questions. So cool.

Hope that Louis Dean finds the troubles with the plumbing. It's a nightmare! (Is it time to call in the pros?)

Deanna Rabe said...

Poor Louis Dean! These plumbing issues are never ending! I'll pray for a solution.

I love that you now can truly celebrate your father! What a gift. I know you are thankful for all those father's in your life raising their kids well. I honor them, too!

I know you are loving your time in the country. I love avocado on a blt but never have added onions. I'll try it the next time we make them!

photowannabe said...

Oh sorry about the flooding. I hope LD can fix it for the final time now. Love all your yummy meals and the fun you have with friends and family.
I think its so wonderful that you could finally celebrate your Father's Day for real.
Enjoy the rest of your time at the Ranch.
Sue of photowannabe

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This was a nice tribute to all the men/father in your life, Linda. It does seem that Louis Dean and plumbing issues have become all too familiar. Hope the repairs will all work out OK. Those storage bins will come in handy and glad that a couple helpd LD load them up even if he could have done it himself.

photowannabe said...

I'm glad I thought to leave my address too. I wonder why it's an old address...guess I will have to look into that.
Love hearing from you

LC said...

I do love those purple hulled peas! But all your photos of food have me drooling! Your listing and honoring all the father's in your life was a wonderful idea and well done.

Hootin Anni said...

It swells my heart reading about your fathers AND celebrating in such a special way. Lovely. Truly lovely. Those trays are super cool. And hope that is the last of the water woes for now!!!
Those margaritas and Mexican food looks mighty scrumptious.

Good going gals...on your early morning bee chores.

Carole said...

Oh no, that water system - again! Perhaps this time a plumber??? Cheers

Arlene G said...

I am glad you know your roots, Linda. I think that is so important and like you I cannot understand why your mama kept it from you. Oh Bless LD's heart as he has dealt with all the water woes. So frustrating. We are off to Grimmwood for a few days. Marvin will mow, I will do Mother's laundry and hopefully on Friday I can visit my favorite antique/junk store. Really after moving, I know I do not NEED one thing but it is nice to look. Have a good time at the ranch.