Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Golden Country Days.....

We have had a couple of exceptionally 'golden' days here in Texas! 
The temps have been so mild that we were able to turn the AC completely off for awhile!

I made a salad lunch and invited Sherry to come down and join us as we ate on the carport deck.
There had been a shower or two earlier .......

and then a really LOUD hard rain came while we were eating!
It had stopped by the time Sherry went back to work!

Dean has been in North Carolina since Friday on Karate business and Summer offered to pick him up at DFW airport and being him home. She is sweet and thoughtful like that! She stopped at the house to check things out and send me pics. I'm starting to miss home just the tiniest little bit. It's such a blessing to have two 'homes' in my heart!

Since it rained rained, we decided to meet Summer and Dean in Waco for dinner rather than have her drive all the way out to the ranch.

It was so good to SEE her!!

We each had a margarita - she's an 'on the rocks' girl and I am all about the frozen ones!

I sure do love these two people right here.
And I love how they love each other!
See the way Dean looks at Sherry?
I just love that!
They are so much fun and we are truly blessed to be in their life.

As we were getting ready to go home - us to the ranch and Summer back to Rowlett - she heard a scraping sound and realized the tire she thought she had missed on the Interstate had actually hung on something.

Dean to the rescue!
Sherry had a piece of wire in her car - she is always prepared - and he was able to wire the whatever it was that was loose up to the wheel well.

Step brother and sister!
A big hug and we said goodbye.

She made it home just fine and we all enjoyed getting that extra visit in!

Louis Dean brought me coffee in bed this morning and then he went down to the tank to dish.
He went fishing one day last week and caught a good sized bass - and threw it back to catch another day. This was not one of them. But he enjoyed several hours 'fishing' no matter that he didn't actually catch any.

I watched this movie while I did my housework.
The film is based on a true story and was full of Bible truths and inspiration.
Faith like potatoes! I like that.

This afternoon I finished my cat and boots painting!

I may touch him up a bit more before this week is over - but I'm calling it done for now!
I came in and took a nap and the weather was just perfect for that - it rained!

When I got up - the light was golden.
I sat out on the front deck and cut up the denim, sving some of the scraps to use in our smokers when we work with the bees. Sherry and I are planning on opening up the hives before I go home - just for a quick peek to see if they are making honey!!

Sherry came down this evening and we got out the Bernia serger my friend, Dee, gave me.
Sherry has used one before so she's teaching me.

See what I mean about it being a golden country day??


Bluebird49 said...

Sounds like youall have been having a great time, despite the heat. We're doing good, and Weds. the 30th is our 55th Anniversary. Ed and family are doing great in Alabama, and our oldest grandson's wife is due any day to have their 3rd baby boy!
"All the news that's fit to print!"

Deb J. in Utah said...

I will look for that movie - it sounds like one I would like. Glad things are going well and that you are enjoying your time in the country. Glad you had cooler days and some rain. I love the John Muir quote at the end of your post. I got that card in the mail to Lillian. Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July. I am sure you have some fun things planned to celebrated independence!

Arlene G said...

Oh the golden time...that is exactly what it was at Grimmwood in the picture I took from the back door. Everything looks so peaceful and the sun on the trees in the late afternoon is spectacular. Oh I would love to have a serger....it is so good for the edges of cross stitch fabric. Some stores that I purchase cross stitch fabric from serge the edges as a courtesy to the customer. Is there anything that Sherry cannot do? She is the total package.:)

Changes in the wind said...

Most of the country has had very high temps so it being cool enough to turn of the AC was indeed a real treat. So glad Dean was able to fix the tire and she got home safe and sound.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Golden moments like that can't be beat. You have such a loving family all the way round. Glad you had a break from the heat. We are supposed to get one here tomorrow. Storming later on today will make a cooler tomorrow. Just hoping no damage will be done. I love the painting of the cat and the boots. A different version of Puss and Boots for sure. Take care and enjoy those precious moments. They fly away too fast.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

other than a little bit of mud, your country home is always a golden place to be. I do love golden light at end of day. glad Dean got home safely and I was thinking before i read your comment that they looked so in love. it is good they love each other like you and LD love each other. good luck with checking on the bees. love the cat ON the boots, Puss On Boots, not in boots. ha ha

photowannabe said...

Ahhh...perfect Golden evenings. I love that and the way you make use of every minute of your days.
The newest painting is Perfection. Love the boots and kitty.
Wish you could share some of that rain here in Northern California.
Scary drought and temperatures.
Love your ending quote...yes we need a little "dirt" thrown into the mix.
Sue of photowannabe

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your painting is wonderful, Linda, and made me think of saying Puss & Boots for its title, quite possibly you have as well so I am a bit late. Which kitty was your model for this one? Nice to always see your family members and yourself having a great time together. Good that Summer's car was able to be quickly patched up to get her back home safely.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just love your last quote about dirt paths! And your cute Cat & Boots painting. This movie is intreguing, I will look it up. You DID capture a golden day perfectly!

Deanna Rabe said...

Love the sound of the rain on your metal roof!