Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A Quiet Momday

It's been a quiet Monday around here.
 No Quad Monday although I am hoping the kids will visit us later this week.
Louis Dean hurt his knee several days back and it is still causing him trouble. 
The pain woke him up in the early hours of today. He found the den recliner was more comfortable so that's where he slept for the last 5 hours of his sleep.
He goes to his primary care doctor in the morning - at 8:00! I am SO not going with him!
However, I told him he really needs to tell his doctor about his knee pain just in case we need a referral with his new insurance. He is now on Humana and I am not insurance savvy enough to know much except that sometimes, for the insurance to cover it, you need a referral from your primary care doctor. The REAL reason for his appointment is to determine if he will need to go on medication for his diabetes. So far he has been borderline and has kept it that way with diet and exercise.

He is always working on something!
Finally I got a photo of him in the back yard where he has started inching Sanford and Son out of his way so he can get his garden in. Behind the wood pile is a long stretch of tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetables. I am so encouraged you cannot even imagine!!  If I had only known the promise of a garden could get this mess cleaned up - well, I would have done THAT years ago!
Although, last year at this time he was rebuilding the deck and putting up a new gazebo.
That took a long time. And as he likes to say, "I'm not 65 anymore!!"

I'm happy to report that Summer has been getting a great deal of precious healing sleep!
4 hour naps am and 3 hours in the afternoon!

She has been sleeping, eating, taking her meds and repeating that routine.
'Breakfast' was scrambled eggs and sausage patties - served at 1:00 in the afternoon!
(Summer had been up earlier for a snack and applesauce.)

'Lunch' was Taco Soup and a fresh garden salad loaded with veggies - served around 7:00!

Sherry and Ruth Ann came for a visit and brought Sonic drinks with them!

I was so happy to finally give Sherry the Truck painting!
I think she really liked it!

So what did I do today?
 While Summer was resting and Louis Dean was working outside.....

I cleaned the dining room and dressed it for spring.

I freely admit that I have a lot of debris and I love looking at my 'stuff!'

The dining room is one of my favorite places.

While I don't host as many meals around it as I used to - I still manage to use it every month.
Either a lunch with a friend, or a meal with the quads, or a family gathering.
I suppose this table gets the MOST use on Tuesdays when I do art.

I have all my Easter things out and am realizing that some of my 'debris' is showing its age.
I am being strong and pitching a few things. Not many as I feel a close attachment to some of my treasures. Things I have had for ages. 

The table is set and all I need are a few more eggs for the bowls holding green grass.
I already have the eggs....
My name is Linda Chapman and I keep things.
I specialize in Tangible Memories.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad that summer is doing so well. You are an excellent nurse and cook! Your table and lace tablecloth are beautiful!! I am finally done decorating for Easter, too! Please let us know what the doctor says about Louis Dean!

Arlene G said...

I broke down and got out my Easter things yesterday. i was going to wait but I will have Audrey next week so it was easier to do it this week. I did not put out very much. I am going to donate a few things to Good will if my kids do not want them. So glad to hear Summer is on the road to recovery. I agree totally that good healing sleep is so beneficial. Hope LD's knee gets to feeling better.

Penny said...

All that healing sleep is just right for Summer. I am sorry to hear that Louis Dean has hurt his knee, though it looks like it is not holding him back. Your dining table looks very pretty with all the green. I will put up my Easter decorations next month, I love the pretty colours. Like you, I hold on to things, I like to bring the same decorations out each year X

Estelle's said...

It's a wonderful feeling to be surrunded by things you love and make you happy! Love it! Glad your Summer is on the mend. You're ahead of me...going to wait for Spring and Easter decor until after the Atlanta visit! Y'all have a good week!

Kathy said...

I put my Easter things out after St. Patrick's Day. That's coming up quickly!

So glad that Summer is doing well. Anyone is better with their mother's healing touch. That soup looks good.

Jill said...

Your home is lovely and the meals you are making your daughter are so very nice. She is lucky to have you. Hope everything is ok health wise with your husband. My husband is the same way always doing something :-) Enjoy your day!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

My name is Sandra and I keep nothing praha ha. I really laughed at that last comment it is so you. I am so glad that summer is doing so well and sleeping and eating and getting better. Thank you for the idea. Yesterday I mention to Bob that the Sanford and Son on the side of the house was really getting on my nerves and we had a really really loud a long discussion. Now I have the idea I'll wait a week or so and then in a garden. Hope his knee is okay and that he's controlling his diabetes with diet. Love you and all your things you keep. Haha as long as they live in your house and not mine

Gypsy Heart said...

Awesome that Summer can sleep so much ~ quite healing! You made me laugh with the last remark. I always loved Easter, as did my mother. However, she passed away just a few days prior to Easter and it hasn't been the same for me. We didn't have a perfect relationship but somehow this changed for me. I've given away 95% of the Easter decor I had ~ that wouldn't work for you would it? Lol!

I so hope LD is ok! He definitely gets his exercise and your cooking is delish. Hopefully, his knee will feel better.

Have a blessed day ~

Vee said...

Tangible memories...I like that!

Sorry that Louis Dean has a bum knee...ouchie. Suggest that when he stands from a seated position that he "toe in." Sometimes that helps rest whatever the problem is. (I know this sounds weird, but it works for me.)
Glad that he'll be visiting his doc.

Also glad that Summer is getting all that healing rest. I am sure that after months of pain that she is sleep deprived. What fabulous meals she is getting!

A lovely, restful day for you all...

Susie said...

Linda, I love your post. So glad Summer is getting that sleep...she probably has had so much pain before the surgery she was not getting her sleep. Your mommy love is helping her so much. You take about memories...I have tried to let go of some sad ones and dwell on the good. Soe times, I like to think of myself in mommy's old house , getting ready for church when I was around 10. I would get my Sunday clothes out and dress and walk 7 blocks to Mrs. Russell's and she would take me to church with her. Most times it was just me going from my house. At times, I like to remember each block and ringing the doorbell and her hugging me . I loved her so. Hope your LD gets some good help at the drs. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

Carole said...

Your lunch is interesting to me - we don't have any tradition in New Zealand of having soup with a salad - it's either soup with toast or a salad but not together. isn't it funny how different food traditions exist. All the best for LD's appointment. Cheers

NanaDiana said...

I am so glad that Summer is resting and recovering. Glad you have a garden patch in and I laughed right out loud at LD's "I'm not 65 anymore". I expect someday he will be saying, "I'm not 75 anymore"...lol He is just kind of like the ol' Energizer bunny even though he may have slowed down a bit.
Hope you have a great night- xo Diana

Wanda said...

When I read your posts, Linda...I truly feel like I'm sitting on your couch, perhaps my shoes off and on a pillow. You are sharing your life, and giving me a wonderful cup of tea, or a glass of wine. I love our visits. I have done nothing for Spring...but I have some new ideas I will be sharing soon. A new look in my living area.