Sunday, December 6, 2015

Family, Sunday and MORE Decorating!!!

Having FAMILY in our lives is a wonderful thing and we have been missing a very important person! My step son!!! This morning I went over to check his 
'Waco Kung Fu Karate Club' Facebook page and snagged some really cool pictures of him!

He is a pretty impressive guy!!
He has training sessions down on his ranch. What better place to practice martial art??
Right out there in the country with all its beauty!

If you know Dean then you know he always has a critter or two photo bombing his every pic!
They aren't afraid of him! There are those that should be! I, for one, feel safer when he is around!

Granddad was showing Kailey how to make a proper fist Friday night when we all had dinner together in Quadville! 

Today at lunch we were talking about how Uncle Dean and Aunt Sherry can teach the quads Karate!
You can bet Quad Camp at the ranch will have a martial arts program!

Speaking of quads.......
Louis Dean and I were on time at church services this morning - nearly!!!
They start at 10:30 and we arrived at 10:33!
I thought at long last we would be part of a stream of cars rolling into the parking lot.
NO! Everyone must go to Sunday School because we were all alone as we parked and walked in!

 I love being members of the same church as Amber and Mike and the kids!
When we went to pick them up in the nursery, Trystan started dancing and singing about going to Dickey's for lunch!!! It IS a Sunday tradition!!
We LOVE getting that back table and we all had a great time eating and talking and laughing together!!!

Logan discovered my billfold!
"Oh, LOOK, MeeMaw!!! A credit card!!!"

It was a beautiful thing to see my daughter and her children enjoying each other.

Just look at Louis Dean all dressed up in his Sunday clothes!!
He doesn't ALWAYS wear overalls!!!
Bless his heart! His chair broke right out from under him!!
Thankfully he caught himself and didn't fall!

The first Sunday of the month we observe communion.
Amber and Mike came in later than we did so we didn't sit together in service.
As I watched them line up and go down to partake in the bread and wine of communion, my eyes filled with tears of joy and gratitude. I am so thankful for this wonderful daughter of mine and the mother she is to my four quadruplet grandchildren. I am grateful for the example she and Mike set for them and for Amber's mighty spirit. I pray for the quads to have this same MIGHTY SPIRIT and deep awareness of the Lord in their lives.

I came home and hit the decorating!!! AGAIN!!
I am approaching DEADLINE here!!!

The foyer is DONE!!!

I lit the candle in celebration!!

I am loving this year's decorations!

Lights! I do love my little LIGHTS!

The foyer is all in angels!

This nativity scene is really old. I made it back in the late 1960's.
It is one of my treasures!!

Welcome!!! Come on in!!!

The angels greet you - and so do WE!!!

This is the highest shelf in the foyer.
Shades of  'Angels we have heard on high......'

The grands will love to find all these bell necklaces ready to wear when we walk around the neighborhood looking at lights and jingling our bells while we sing Christmas carols!

Jingle! JINGLE!!!!

The living room is DONE!!!
Not sure why the tree looks so blue! It really isn't!
Must be the LED bulbs.

The candles are lit for photographic purposes only!

Every nook and cranny is filled with CHRISTMAS!!

Santa holds court on this end!

These three hold the other end!

The living room is Louis Dean's FAVORITE room in the whole house!!

Dining room! DONE!!!

Love this area!

The table is set for our first holiday dinner and guess who the guests are!!!

The quads!! We will all dine in here with the table dressed for Christmas!!

I literally DRESSED the dining room up using a collection of matching - and NEARLY matching tablecloths!!

Nice and neat!
Not nearly as cluttered as last year!

Now I usually like to end my journal entry with a pretty pic that can encourage my heart as I head off to bed. Tonight, though, I am using SCARY photos!!

The kitchen is on the agenda for first thing Monday morning!!!

The den will be tackled in the afternoon!

Hopefully the sewing room will get done one way or another!!

NOW!!! I am done for this day!!!
I need all the rest I can get tonight!
Tomorrow is a DO or DIE kind of day!!!


Susie said...

Linda, Your family is blessed with you and LD. I love the way you are together. It's so good you can all be together at a lunch after church. I love all the pretty angels. Blessings for great new week. Love you, Susie

Arlene G said...

Louis Dean looks great in his Sunday Suit. But hey, I like the overalls too...or overhauls as I called them when I was a little girl. I enjoyed seeing your decorations but one thing caught my eye...the paintings of the children in the photo of I love my little lights. Which of your children are these and did you paint them too? Good Luck on finishing up your work today!!

Estelle's said...

I marvel at everything you have accomplished! Where oh where do you keep all of this gorgeous decor? It looks stunning Linda....what a lovely Sunday you all had together Loved your post today! Hugs!!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your home and family are beautiful! LD looks sharp in his jacket and tie for church!

You're almost done! You can do it!


Vee said...

You were right on time...only three minutes late. LOL! I was able to see the video this morning. Guess it's the difference between the iPad and the lap-top. Louis Dean is always a handsome man, but he looks marvelous in a suit. Your home is beautiful and festive. Are you doing the home tour for Texas homes?

Cheapchick said...

You are in the home run stretch! I went to my Mom's yesterday and helped her decorate her place as she has trouble putting up the big tree (not sure why she bought such a big one) but we got it done with a little help from Amaretto :)

Buttercup said...

So enjoyed seeing your decorations. Know you will have a wonderful Christmas with family.

Sarah said...

Stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas. You are all done with decorating. Good for you. I'm still at it. '-)
Thanks for taking the time to stop by Hyacinths and leave a comment on my Christmas in Texas post. I appreciate it! Merry, Merry!

Jan said...

Your decorations are beautiful! I love looking at the different rooms-I'm not nearly so energetic! We haven't gotten our tree up yet, but I do have my candles, nativity and wreaths done!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are the queen of all decorators.. love the angels and the beautiful stain glass nativity. we know you are in Texas because your home is a Texas sized Christmas. love the photo of dean at the beginnig. and it is good for everyone to know the martial arts these days

Debby said...

Hello there. I have returned. It has been a long and exciting couple of months. I have missed hearing about the quads and you and Louis Dean. Your home looks like a museum. Your home must be so fun to visit. Hugs

Nancy Chan said...

So blessed to spend Sunday together as a family. I so love your amazing decorations. I closed my eyes and imagine myself surrounded by your beautiful decorations and lighting. I feel like I am in fairy land. It is good to dream sometimes. Have a beautiful day!

Judy said...

It is looking most festive over there. And tell LD he has me whistling at him...all spiffed up like that! :)

Carla said...

You do embrace the season with decorations. I'm in awe of your energy, perseverance, and talent to make it look beautiful