Friday, December 11, 2015

Color Me HAPPY!!

I had a HAPPY Friday!
This morning I sent Louis Dean off for a routine doctor's appointment while I dressed and headed into the heart of downtown Dallas to have lunch with my oldest daughter, Summer!
I admit to not driving in traffic any more than I have to but I found my bearings and did okay.
I printed out directions using MapQuest and, yes, I am 'Old School' in more ways than one!!

I dearly love Summer's office with a view AND a couch!!!

She lunches often with her co workers and I see pics of them on Facebook all the time!
I have so wanted to BE in one of the photos and today I WAS!!!!
I parked in the parking garage - this was a challenge but Summer was downstairs waiting on the corner and hopped in the backseat of my car while I was stopped at a red light! She navigated me through the whole parking situation and after lunch she even walked me to my car and navigated me OUT of that parking maze - TIGHT parking maze!!!

She commands quite a view!

I wouldn't get any work done at all if I had so much to look at!

My daughter is very good at what she does - high end insurance.

I am so proud of her!!!

After lunch I shopped Big Lots - a store I really like but the road getting there is under construction so I don't go there much any more. I am just about ready to start serious planning for my Ladies Cup of Christmas Tea Party which will be TUESDAY! That's nearly HERE!!!

There is such a wide variety of things to be found at a Big Lots!!!
The chocolate coins were $5 for a bag and I think the grand kids will like to eat a coin or two come Christmas Eve!

The quads dearly love to come in to MeeMaw's house on Wednesdays and grab a tiny handful of candy corn. I put it up after Thanksgiving but they noticed it was gone this week when they visited and requested it BACK! I did but today I found CHRISTMAS candy corn!!!
How cool is that???
Harrison is quick to tell you that, "At MeeMaw's house house there is always tea and always candy!!"
May it always be so!!

I also bought a supply of candy canes!
After seeing Trystan's infatuation with them on Wednesday - I am sure they will be a big hit with the quads next week when they visit.

With all my running around - and I spent an hour or so visiting a dear friend who is in the nursing center just down the street from me - I did manage to finish two more trees! The LAST two, I might add!! This red cardinal tree features 'ice' fronds and sequined poinsettias and all read ornaments.
It is my very favorite tree! Summer has gifted me with many of the cardinals and I treasure them all!

The mail is bring a Christmas card or two every day.
The white card with the brightly colored stockings is from my brother and his wife.
I have now added this as a Christmas decoration to use year after year!

The sewing room tree has been up for over a week but it is now decked out in memory ornaments!

Most of them are handmade by my four children - back when they really WERE children!!

It's Friday night so Louis Dean and I kicked back and relaxed!!!

Now it is time to call it a day! 
The dishwasher is running, Lucy is snoring in her kennel behind me and the wind is swooshing outside.
The door is open beside me and I can hear the lovely sounds of the ponds bubbling.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow.
That's okay.
FINALLY, that HUGE mound of tubs and sacks and boxes of Christmas decorations that have been scattered all around outside have now been stacked and stored away in the storage building.
I am so close to being DONE that I can all but taste that sweet smell of success!!

It's been a very HAPPY Friday!!


Linda said...

You are a brave woman to drive downtown Dallas. If that were me I would have headed straight home for some wine to calm my nerves but not you, you went shopping, visited a shut-in friend & decorated two Christmas trees. I'm impressed.

Kathy said...

That is some view from Summer's office. Fantastic! I don't think I'd get any work done either.

I have never seen Christmas candy corn. I will have to look for it. I love candy corn.

You have so much done and I have so much to do. I keep telling myself that next year will be better when I am not working.

Have a good weekend!

Bluebird49 said...

Al I can say? WOW! And driving ng in Dallas? You are a force to be reckoned with!
Summer's view and job are wonderful...and---
You and LD deserve a rest!

Vee said...

You always have the best days! Driving in Dallas is very least, it was forty years ago. Summer has a beautiful office. Glad that you were included with "the gang." Love that the quads can make some requests...demands? LOL! One thing they can be sure of...MeeMaw has their backs.

Susie said...

LInda, I loved Summer view. What a good time you must have had. Although traffic can just make me crazy these days....I loved the cardinal tree so much. You have really done an amazing job decorating. Blessings to you, LD, and your families. I love all of you as if you were my family. xoxo,love, Susie

Arlene G said...

Wow, Summer is a very important person!! That is quite the office and like you, I would get very little done because I would be looking out that window. I just got in my candy canes yesterday as well. I put them in a Santa mug. I will post that picture on Monday. Have a nice weekend with your sweet LD.

Hootin Anni said...

May the quads ALWAYS appreciate and LOVE their grandma Linda.

I spied a Santa on the window sill where Summer is sitting!!!!

peggy said...

Everything looks so beautiful at your house, especially that Santa wall. I looked at every one of them last night. I know how proud you must be of your daughter, she has a beautiful place to work!

Debbie said...

Good morning! Well we drove through downtown Dallas once and I remember thinking that it looked a lot like downtown LA. So I am VERY impressed you navigated all of that by yourself. I've done it once or twice in LA and believe me it is scary, lol. Your daughter has a beautiful office with gorgeous views...good for her! And such a good feel to have all of your decor up and finished to enjoy! It's beautiful! I LOVE the idea of different themed trees! Mine is a hodgepodge of everything, lol. Looking forward to hearing all about your coming tea! Have a good week-end!

White Lace and Promises said...

I'd love to kick back at your house. It's a grand display. I'm sure I would do more plundering than kicking back.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so tired i may have to lay down just READING about your busy day, but you are HAPPY and that is what counts. i bet the quads face will outshine the moon when they see those canes hanging there. your house looks wonderful and i love the pic of you and Summer in her workplace

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

This is a happy post! I'm glad your trees are done and you are nearly ready for your Tea on Tuesday! Enjoy!


Nita said...

What a great productive day, I love Summer's office and her couch looks so comfortable. Your decorations are beautiful. It's always fun to see how you've spent your day and the accomplishments you always seem to make. Carry on Sister. You Rock !

Wanda said...

What a wonderful feeling when you can say the word "DONE". Your trip to see Summer was so exciting to see. We visited Dallas many years ago to visit our friend who now lives in Athens.
You home has just all the finishing touches. Time to put those feet up..and pour the wine.

Carole said...

We used to have chocolate coins in our Christmas stockings along with an orange and some nuts - which would be cracked later in the day with a hammer. Good memories! Hope you are taking a bit of a rest now and again! Cheers

Carla said...

Your Christmas decorating is quite the chore so to say you're almost done at the time of the blog post I'm sure was quite a feat.
I'm not sure I've ever seen Christmas candy corn either.
Wow Summer does have a view! Jealous sitting in my 7' cubical and no windows close by. ;o)