Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lady of Leisure! Hard Working Husband! and Letter No. 12 - The Plan of Salvation

Wednesday was a Labor of Love and Thursday was a day of recovery!
Louis Dean and I sat up late last night visiting over a glass of wine after the kids left.
That's one of our favorite things to do.

Amber and I shopped Target on Sunday afternoon and I bought a set of flannel sheets for our bed.
Let me tell you - they are so comfortable!!!
It was after 11:00 this morning when I woke up!
I only got up twice in the night so I was sleeping like a log!
I lingered in bed another half hour before pouring my first cup of coffee and carrying it out to the den shortly before noon. After I woke up good and we had our devotions, I did a yoga workout, showered and dressed. I then proceeded to do what I do best - keep house! 

My hard working husband worked outside on the Sump Pump Project for the entire afternoon and into the evening! Rain is coming!

He really is a good man!
I told him I was sorry he had married into such a high maintenance house!!!

SURELY this is the very LAST drain he will need to put in this place!!!

I only have a few more letters in my collection to share. This is # 12 and my favorite.
I remember the first time I read it. I purchased the letters but didn't read them all at once.
I would read one each night before I went to bed. The night I first read this one, I was moved to tears by the love of this lady for her sisters and niece. It was written 5 years before I was born and yet I held it in my hand that night stunned at the truth she had written and how that message was being read so many years later by a stranger. Eva had no idea how far her letter would go and how many people would read it - long years after her death. I am certain she is rejoicing in heaven this very minute.

The letter is dated September 14, 1943 and written from Harlingen, Texas.

Dearest Leila and Katin and Polly -
This is not a letter to be read aloud. You are each to read it alone. I  know you won't criticize it when you know it comes from the very inner most recess of my heart - straight to you. I've been doing a lot of thinking and worrying and praying. Sometimes I feel like I don't have any too long a time left in this world (maybe I have several years - who knows) and I want to be sure of the fact that we will all be together in Heaven. I know this isn't a very popular subject, and but for the fact that I love you so very much, I might be tempted to put off saying anything about it now - but - dear ones - the road is so simple and easy to find - that is the reason so many people, who are member s of a church for many years - perhaps a lifetime - do not see the road. Please darlings, do not be hurt with me, or think I am presumptuous. I don't mean to be and I am not a fanatic. I'm just an old woman, broken in health - nearing the end - and I want to be sure of the safety of my loved ones. I am not one who has "lived my religion" or been a "shining light" for others - far from it, but I do know that my soul is safe and I am just going on the promises in God's Word. God tells us that all we have to do is trust Jesus. Just to take him at his word. Just to give our souls into his keeping now and know you are saved right now and always. II Timothy 1 ch. 12 verse - "For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." (Judgment Day) I'll tell you another place to look in the Bible that shows you nothing can separate us from Him. Romans 8 chapter - 38-39 verses. I am so dead in earnest about you understanding me - I have prayed as I write that God will help you understand why I write - and that you will not think that I presume - or that I am bigoted. I have seen so much sorrow and disappointment in this world I do want us all to be happy when we get there - all together - and Leila and Kathryn won't you please send this to Polly or let her read it too, if she isn't there - and write me the assurance of your faith so I can die happy. I haven't been very happy here. I  miss you dear ones more than you will ever know but I do want you to know how I love you.
Your own-

Someone asked me once, "If you were to die today, do you know for certain that you will go to heaven?" My answer was - and IS - Yes, I DO!!!


Linda said...

I love your painting/header, Linda!

Kathy said...

You deserve a day of leisure after your busy Wednesday. I hope LD got the pump in and you have no more trouble with the rain.

Thank you for posting the letter. I think they are fascinating and this one especially. I sure hope that Leila, Kathryn and Polly were moved to accept Christ as their Savior. Wouldn't it be wonderful to meet them and Eva in heaven someday.

a portland granny said...

She told the old, old story which is just as vital today as it was in the 30's!! What a day that will be when we are greeted by the saints who have gone before us! That last letter was the "icing on the cake!" Thanks for sharing them!

I would so love to join you some evening on the patio, but alas my traveling days are over.....however, I have a patio that I would happily share! Linda, I would just love to have a chance to visit with you--maybe sometime by phone! I'm so in awe of all you do in a day! You two are a sweet package! You are so blessed.

Dee said...

I love flannel sheets, too. They are perfect for this cooler weather.

I enjoyed reading that beautiful letter. Thank you for sharing Eva's heartfelt words. Have a lovely weekend...:)

mxtodis123 said...

Mmm. Flannel sheets. Sounds nice and cozy for those cold winter months.

Estelle's said...

I simply adore flannel sheets! I put mine on too! Now...I think I may have to be a copycat and buy those reindeer sheets! Snug as a bug....y'all have a great Halloween Linda...cannot wait to see the precious quads!

Susie said...

Linda, Those sheets do love comfy. I pray that this is the last of your rain/flooding worries. LD is a good man that works hard, and I know you and the children love him dearly. He doesn't regret marrying you, no way. That man loves to have a project. When the drain is done, I bet he will find something else to work on. :):) The letter was so my prayers I always asked that God will put his sweet love in all our hearts. me, Ted, our children, and our siblings. I want us all together with God one day too. Blessings, love you,Susie

NanaDiana said...

Linda- Your LD is a precious gem of a man and I know you thank God for him every day of life!
That letter just brings tears to my eyes. It is so heartfelt and honest and raw. I am so glad you have those letters to share with us. xo Diana

Nancy Chan said...

You are blessed with a hard-working husband! Have a lovely day!

Changes in the wind said...

Love the new header:) I think all those repairs keeps your hubby young.

Vee said...

Such a beautiful letter! It is pure love that shares the single most important concept that ever could be shared. I remember my pastor sharing that when his wife was hospitalized for a serious heart surgery that she gathered all the children and grands and asked them if she would meet them in Heaven because that was the most important thing to her. My mother did something quite similar.

Hope that Louis Dean's efforts are successful and get you safely through the coming rain. He is a peach of a man married to a peach of a gal. =D

Jan said...

A lovely letter and I believe, no mere chance that it has survived to be shared again. The sweetest story never grows old. Thanks so much for sharing! Hoping that this next round of rain won't cause problems for you and LD!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LD is a good man, and tell him i said doing all this high maintenance stuff is what keeps him alive and kicking. that is what i tell Bob. and it is true. we watched the man accross the street sit on his butt and hire everything done, including the yard. and he got more decrepit by the day and then just died. he was only 2 years older than bob. work is great excercise and you are blessed to have him

Amber said...

Hope the pump works well! I haven't even washed the flannel snowflake sheets I got, but glad to know they are comfy!! We will have to shop Target again together before long, I can't believe you don't know about all the wonderful things at that store ;)

Kids had a GREAT time on Wednesday and were so wiped out from such a busy week they slept until 10am this morning, which was awesome for me! Love you mom!

Sweet Tea said...

What a precious, heartfelt letter. Wonderful that someone who truly appreciates has it now. Thanks for sharing it. It's rained here all day and it's been welcomed. Hope all goes well when the rain comes your way.

Angie said...

I was just thinking today I wanted to buy flannel sheets for my bed! I love the ones you got ;)

Carla said...

Well my little energizer bunny you do deserve leizure time.