Monday, October 26, 2015

It Don't Always Rain in Texas - But When it Does.......

We had a real Rain Event over the weekend!

It was raining HARD Friday morning as I drove over to Quadville!
Amber was taking Kailey to an appointment so the day started early for me.
I was there by 10:00! Quite an accomplishment - for ME!

Granddad arrived a little later - after he had a couple of cups of coffee and woke up good!

THIS is the special cup his dear music lady gifted him on Thursday night!
He did NOT want to use it but I convinced him he should!
Wouldn't you know.......he poured his hot coffee in there and carried the cup out to the den when I heard him say, "Oh, NO!!!!"
The cup cracked! He will put it in his music room and just look at it now - but I bet I never get him to use a special gift again!!

Logan loves to use my iPad and she took this picture of Louis Dean and me.
Pretty good for a 3 year old! She thought so, too!!

It was a rainy day and CHILLY for the first time!!
Granddad put his favorite TV program on - Paw Patrol!

Lunch was by special request from Trystan!
On Wednesday night when they were getting ready to go home, I told them I would be over on Friday. She said, "Can we have SAUSAGE??" Of COURSE, I remembered to bring some along with another quad favorite - hash browns!

I also baked cookies for dessert - and a batch for Louis Dean to take to his Geek Squad guys!
He stayed until nap time and then went to Best Buy to pick up our new lap tops!

I slept on the floor between their nurseries with the doors open while the kids napped.
Naps are so necessary!!!

By the time Amber and Kailey came back it was obvious that Harrison was sick.
Amber then took HIM to the doctor later that afternoon and sure enough, he had the croup!
To make matters even worse, Mike was stranded on his way home from the Houston area by high water closing both Interstate 35 AND 45! He had to find a hotel room for the night and I stayed over in Quadville in case there was a complication with Harrison.

He was a champ about getting a breathing treatment!
Afterwards he said, "Meemaw! I feel MUCH better now!!"

While it wasn't ideal circumstances - Amber would have preferred to have her husband home with her - she and I made the most of it! We poured us a glass of wine and watched a few programs before calling it a night!

It rained all night and was STILL raining Saturday morning when we got up!

The creek behind their house had swiftly running water!!!

The water was high down there but not a threat to their house!

It was a good opportunity to talk to the kids about lightning and thunder!
We started counting when we say some lightning and the kids were not nearly as alarmed by the loud claps of thunder afterwards!

Meanwhile, back at OUR house, Louis Dean was sopping up water that came into the den!
Not nearly as bad as we had back in the spring and for that we are extremely grateful!
Still, it showed us that we still have a problem.......which my knight in shining armor is addressing!

The kids were adorable playing outside in the rain!!!

I probably shouldn't share this video!!!
Since the water was deep enough, Logan wanted to practice her swimming kicks!!!!

I love to watch them play!
They found the whole rain event AMAZING!!!

Mike made it home in the early afternoon and I headed home soon after he arrived.
But to Louis Dean's dismay, I only stayed a few minutes before I was off to Fort Worth to attend a very special birthday party!!! I first went to Deanie and Charlie's house and rode with them to the party.

It was at the Backyard Fun Factory in their new location!

Our sweet Andie girl is now 12 years old!

I wasn't up to climbing on all the forts and such so Nita and I tried to find a place to sit and visit!
(Isn't she THE cutest thing????)

Here is where we sat!!!
Can you tell what it is we are sitting on???

The  dog bed!!!
Andie's mom - and my niece - works at the Fun Factory and this is her office.
The bed belongs to their beloved dog, Winston!
It was a good place to sit but we definitely needed getting up!!

See the shirt that it looks like I'm wearing?
It was a gift from Nita when they were out shopping last week!
It says 'Group Therapy' and has 3 wine glasses done up in bling!!
I'm going to enjoy wearing this!

After the party I went back with Deanie and Charlie and stayed to visit for awhile.
 It was wonderful to get to talk and catch up on things!

Mother was still awake so I got to visit with her too!!!
It was a very good Saturday!!

Sunday morning found me in church - albeit late - again.
Louis Dean stayed home to take up portions of the deck and patio in order to put in drains and a sump pump.

Sunday afternoon was OUR time! Just Amber and me together for  HOURS!!
This is NOT something we get to do on a regular basis!!

Amber shared with me her love for Target!!!
I think that is my new favorite store for a multitude of reasons!

We hit up a few of her favorite stores and scored some good buys on Christmas presents!
I am gifted with Goodwill finds but she excels in finding bargains in the retail stores like Stein Mart and others. By the time we got to our third store my feet were killing me even though I was wearing a good pair of  SAS shoes! Amber found a pair of Skechers Memory Foam shoes and I bought them and put them on as soon as we got back to her truck!

We both love a good movie and Sunday evening we saw Bridge of Spies!!!
Excellent!! I was SO happy to get to spend so much TIME with my daughter!!!

This is from Amber's Facebook posting......

Enjoyed getting to spend some rare kid-free time with my mom today! She helps me so much with the quads, I would truly struggle without her support. She's been there for it all! But literally 98% of our time together now is with my kids so it's extra special to get any kind of outing that's just the two of us! Takes planning and effort (the husband took the quads all afternoon by himself) and was much appreciated!

I came home and Louis Dean was glad to see me!! I'd been gone nearly all weekend!
He had food ready so we ate while watching Captain Phillips.
The perfect movie after watching Tom Hanks earlier in the Bridge of Spies.
That movie seemed so real to me since I was 9 years old in 1957 when the movie starts.
I remember the school drills during the Cold War and being afraid we would have a bomb dropped on us. The Russians were scary to me!
I love Tom Hanks in ANY movie he is in!!!

I was so tired, though, after an extremely busy week! We went to bed at 10:00 and I didn't leave the bedroom until 11:30 this morning!

I spent the day in recovery mode while Louis Dean worked on the Sump Pump Project!

You gotta love a man who SMILES at the job at hand!!!

He is taking up part of the stone patio and the upper wooden deck in order to dig trenches and install drains.

It is a lot of work and a big undertaking!!

What a MESS!!!!
Rain is due back in the forecast come Friday so Louis Dean is a man with a mission!!

As I write this, our day is done and we are about to close out our evening with a driveway sit and a glass of wine.

This was posted on my Facebook page by a dear friend!
She knows me well!
Louis Dean and I will be decked out on the front porch come Halloween night with the candles lit and our candy bag full waiting for out little trick or treaters to arrive.
We shall sip wine from our Goblin Goblets and take pics of our visitors.
This week will not be as busy as last week but I am STILL in recovery mode!


Nancy Chan said...

Hello Linda, this is my first visit to your blog. Very entertaining. It is fun to have kids around the house. I too enjoyed playing in the rain when I was a kid. Have a happy week! I am following you, thank you.

Estelle's said...

What a busy weekend, but all so fun! There is nothing, I mean nothing, better than spending an afternoon shopping with your daughter! Mine are all too rare too. Hope the babies are feeling better! We saw Bridge of Spies also and it is just amazing! Tom Hanks is probably my favorite actor..just excellent. We also remember those scary times and the exchange of the two spies. Looks like we are in for a rainy Halloween night! Be careful and enjoy!! Hugs

Arlene G said...

When I heard Texas was to be hit with rain from the Hurricane, I thought of you and LD, Linda. So glad it was not as bad as before and that sump pump will be a godsend. We had one in the basement of a house we lived in that was near the Tennessee River. I have Bridge of Spies on my list of movies to see!!

mxtodis123 said...

What a fun weekend you had. Rain is heading this way tomorrow. Glad you had some fantastic company to spend the weekend with.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the photo of the kids standing on the sofa watching the rain and i do hope it is gone for now... sausage and hasbrowns oh my, i would love them to. poor sick babies and amber is blessed to have you to help....

Mummers AKA Summer said...

Great post! You know WDW would be easy compared to what you do on a normal day!

Susie said...

Linda, When I saw all the rain that was headed to Texas...I worried about you and LD and said my prayers for all there. It's just always something isn't it. So glad the kids are well again. Glad LD is on top of that water problem. He loves solving things...he is a knight in shining armor. We are getting rain do we need it. But it's about a month too late. LOL. Just don't want flood waters. Blessings to all of you. love you guys, Susie

Amber said...

hahahaha!! i laughed so hard at the video of logan laying down in the water and you catching her just as she did it. just when you think you've got everyone accounted for one, there's always one that escapes your attention and a single second is enough!

Vee said...

What a great photo Logan took! She has a photographer's eye. Glad that things have settled down to a fine howdy do or hope so, once Louis Dean's project is accomplished. Guess that Friday will be the test. Yikes!

Nonnie said...

Logan did an excellent job with the camera. Great pic of you both. I am sorry I was unable to watch (or even see) the video, but I know it must have been fun. Kids love playing in the rain. You and your daughter are beautiful and I love what she posted on FB. How special that is to have that close relationship and just enjoy being together. I hope Harrison is all right and you need to be careful not to catch anything. LD is a real prize. I pray this weekends rain doesn't cause more trouble for you.

Carole said...

Have you gone to see The Martian yet? I loved the book and will get to the movie once my bout of gout is done (what a pain - proof of aging!) Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Carla said...

I like your friends idea of trick or treating. Looks like Harrison was better the next day.
Sorry to hear about your den again.