Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Nice Normal Family!

Summer is so clever!! 

She fixed up this 'Santa Pic' for me on Facebook!
I think that gal has an app for everything!
The things she can do with her PHONE!!!

This morning we woke up to some pretty heavy rain!!
I checked out the gazebo where all my snowmen are living!
So far so good. I emptied things that had filled up with water - little decorative things - and after the rain stops and it dries out I think all will be fine.

I dropped Louis Dean off in Quadville while Amber and I went shopping!!!
I had nothing under the tree for Louis Dean!
I do now!!
Amber makes an awesome personal shopper!
As a matter of fact - she helped me do ALL my shopping last year!
This year I have bought very little. Most of my gifts are handmade and I can hardly wait to see if they are a HIT or a MISS!

Mike and Granddad had their hands full!!

This afternoon we left Dallas (in the rain) and sailed by the house to change clothes then went straight to the Fort Worth Stockyards!

We celebrated Michele's and Deanie's birthday!!!

Nita looked especially stunning today!!

Isn't she beautiful??
And of course she has such a HANDSOME husband!!

Louis Dean was pretty occupied with his food!

He and Lonnie are so funny!!
Both are 'Larry the Cable Guy' type of men!!

I love how pretty everything is at Christmas!

Is this not a GREAT plaque????
Michele gave it to Deanie!!
I may have to print this off and frame it for myself!!

We all gathered at Deanie's after dinner and talked and laughed and had a ball!
This was the first time we had all been together since September at Leah's wedding.

Remember as far as everyone knows we are a nice normal family!
That's our story and we are sticking with it!!

Nita and I took our hubbies to Junker Val's Christmas Party after we left Deanie's house.

She had Santa, live music and a spread of food plus wine!!

Everyone had so much fun and the crowd was constantly changing as people would come and go!!

My kind of gal!!

Louis Dean always gets a lot of attention when he comes in!

I found a couple of hats!!
You ALWAYS find SOMETHING at JunkerVals!

Louis Dean even added his vocal to the band playing!
I'm telling you - we party like a bunch of YOUNG people!!

I can hardly believe it is almost Christmas! This whole Christmas season has been wonderful!
Tonight after we got home I took Lucy for a long walk. She had been in her kennel for most of the day.
I am determined to start walking regularly again. As I walked I made a mental list of what we need to do the next few days.
Then when Louis Dean and I sat down with our evening glass of wine we put it on paper.
The countdown has begun......


Wanda said...

What a fun day. The pictures are delightful, Linda. I love your sign too. I remember Erma Bombeck use to say to What is Normal? A setting on the dryer. HaHa. Normal family's are very much fun! HaHa. I love seeing and getting to know yours. Great hats.

Wanda said...

I meant to say normal family's ARE NOT very much fun. It's late and I can't type. Better say goodnight.

Kathy said...

Sounds like such a fun day. I would be completely worn out by the end, though. Yes, the countdown is on. Let's see if I can get all of mine done. (I doubt it but I'm sure going to try!)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i enjoyed all the photos of your "normal family" and especially the Santa YOU.... i thought you had painted it

Jackie See said...

I love the Santa hat photo! Looks like you all had fun down there in Texas! We ran to the grocery store right before it started sleeting, then came out to a car covered in ice. It sleeted all night then covered it with snow this morning. Thanks for sharing Linda, I always enjoy your posts and a taking a peek at Texas!

Vee said...

That sign is perfect! It made me laugh out loud. Well, dears, you sure do know how to have some fun. Merry on!

Kelly said...

That is such a cute sign you found! Looks like you all had such a good time. Hard to believe that Christmas is just next week! We woke up to heavy rain here this morning too. It is supposed to be rainy all day.

Cheapchick said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday. Cheers!

Susie said...

Linda, Normal???LOL, you and LD run around like you are strapped to jet-packs. LOL I don't know how you get it all done. You enjoy yourselves where ever you go and that is a love of life. I love visiting your blog. Love to read about everyone in your families. You are what my husband would call"beautiful people". Blessings to all of you, for a Merry Christmas, filled with love, xoxo,Susie

must love junk said...

Looks like a fun time! Love that first pic of you :)

Amber said...

Great day!!

Carla said...

Looks like you had a full and fun day. You little party animal! LOL.
You know how to end 2013 and bring in 2014
I love that sign and boy does it ring true with most families.