Monday, February 19, 2024

Hockey Tournament Weekend!!!

 I am having so much fun cleaning and changing things up as I take Christmas down.
Purging and parting with some things I have had seemingly forever!
Things that no longer reflect who I am now

At age 75 I feel as if I have finally grown up and found myself.
I am dressing myself and my home to resemble the new me.
The person I am at this moment.
Change takes a very long time and it's only now that I am comfortable in letting go of what I have grown out of and I don't mean clothes.

My Symphony
William Henry Channing

To live content with small means.
To seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion.
To be worthy not respectable,
and wealthy not rich.
To study hard, think quietly, talk gently,
act frankly, to listen to stars, birds, babes,
and sages with open heart, to bear all cheerfully.
do all bravely, await occasions. hurry never.
In a word, to let the spiritual,
unbidden and unconscious,
grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony.

It may be late spring before I have Christmas all down and packed away and I am in no hurry.
This is a transition time for me far above and beyond the normal changing of the seasons.

This weekend was a Hockey Tournament with the grand quads playing 8 games in 48 hours!

Nita's Mike picked us up for the games on Saturday along with our friend and neighbor, Ilene.
Brenda and Billy met us there and we cheered them on!

Amber and Kailey!

The three Bell girls!

We left from one rink in Farmers Branch to go to the next game in Plano!
It was a cold night in Texas and Louis Dean is particularly sensitive to COLD!

The Warriors had a huge personal cheering section!

After the game we all went out to dinner to celebrate....

It was a table for 15!
Amber called ahead and found a good restaurant that could accommodate our party -
Don Pepes  Rancho Mexican Grill. 

It was fun like a party and we are so grateful for Mike T driving us!

I asked him what he was doing Sunday and he said, "I'm BUSY!!!"
I love that Mike is still a vital part of our family!
I'm also grateful for Ilene.
Her older brother in Colorado is 88 - born in 1936 just like Louis Dean.
He had a fall that resulted in a brain bleed. 
He went on to heaven the next day.....
Life is so fragile and a fall can change everything!

Since Louis  Dean had such a busy Saturday we watched church online.
He had lost his truck keys and had been obsessing about that.

I felt it was safe to attend Harrison's in the knowledge that LD would be at home. 

I love watching the grands playing hockey!

Amber now understands how I felt when she was in Synchronized swimming....
She is a Hockey mom and I was a Synchro mom!

We will be supporting them in the Olympic games! 

So today (Monday) I have spent more time tweaking our bedroom.
I was trying to anchor a nail for a plaque - when I overreached and fell off the ladder and damaged a couple of things on my way down.
I have bruises to show for my not asking Louis Dean for his help! .

Looking forward to a new week!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Linda… ladders and a sweet lady like you don’t mix
Please be careful and I hope your bruises aren’t too painful.
Love all your things you do and that quote is perfect for you

My Shasta Home said...

My husband grandmother gave him a first edition, My Symphony. It’s a little book and is very old and very dear to him. His grandma read it to him as did his mom. So he grew up with that philosophy. It’s a beautiful sentiment and am so glad you shared it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this poem! I am so sorry about your fall, but so glad you did not break anything or get seriously hurt! If I get down on the floor, I cannot get up! Wow, that is a whole lot of games in a very short time! It will likely take me at least two weeks to get all my spring and Easter things out, so it seems I have to start earlier every year. Today, Wal-Mart has the cutest decorative Easter pillows!

Anonymous said...

Be careful ,little lady! Your family can't have you falling off ladders, nor can we! It's too scary.
Isn't this interesting...Ed lost our truck keys on Saturday, too! It really bothered him, but a fellow helped him find them. He had gone to the dump,taken them out of the ignition and grabbed 2 garbage bags and flung it all into the dump. He told the guy,
who immediately walked into the " door" of the dump and saw them on the concrete between our two garbage bags. Walked up to Ed and said "Here! I found them!"
At our age...things kinda like this seem to happen at least once a week! Of course, Ed's 76 and I'm 74 ...Louis Dean is a little ahead of us! I think we don't think as carefully as we used to or need to. I know Ed gets very frustrated with himself at any little thing he does. Being the only who can drive, ( I can't since my stroke), things get "bigger" to him. I can see why.
He also misplaced his driver's license yesterday. They had fallen out of his shirt pocket-- where he'd tucked after using it at 7-11. It was under the skirt of his recliner. I was blessed enough to see it fall.
I -- we -- get concerned, but try to smile and just know we are not alone.
Enjoyed your post and pictures!❤❤
Love, Trudy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so sorry about the friend that fell and died and you be careful now, your fall could have been bad too.. I try to stay off even step stools. and keep bob off ladders and stools. men that were born in 1936 are MEN and will keep being men until they are no more. must have been the year REAL men were born.
8 games is a Wow moment for sure... love the swim team pic

Susan~aredheadonthego said...

Oh Linda! So sorry you fell. I hope you are okay. I know I’m always rushing. Now at 63 I’m constantly telling myself to slow down.

BeachGypsy said...

Ok--- STAY OFF LADDERS, Linda! That's an order!!! LOL. so glad you are OK. The hockey games looked fun, glad you got to go. How cold are the arenas?-- I would think pretty chilly? We got our onions in and are so ready for spring and daylight savings time!!

Deanna Rabe said...

I was about to climb on a chair in my kitchen to reach something, and Tim stepped in and said, "No! You will get hurt if you fall." I listened and let him help me. Not always easy to think of asking for help.

Your hockey weekend looks fun, and I was wishing I was with you for Mexican food! Pennsylvania just doesn't have the Mexican food I grew up on!

I love that you shared that poem. It's a good one. I like also that you are feeling comfortable in your own skin. That takes time. Good for you!

Love you friend!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Oh no! I hope you are not too injured. What a great hockey week you had though, I bet it was great to see everyone play and get out and about. We too have Christmas decorations to take down once we get home.

photowannabe said...

What a fabulous Hockey weekend for all. So fun that you can be there to root them on. Looks like delicious food and Please Be Careful on Ladders.. Things can happen so quickly...we need YOU!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Ouch on that fall, Linda, and hope you will bev resting and healing. Looks like another fun family gathering with hockey games and get togethers. It is wonderful to reach a point where you feel a change is needed and then set about to accomplish that.

Rita said...

I'll be 73 at the end of March, so I am right behind you. Be careful on those ladders!! I have grown leery of the stools I have since I have been sick for so long. Being out of commission for a couple of years has made me weaker. Was like being bedridden for two years. I am slowly building up my strength again now that I am finally feeling more human--lol! Not that I was ever strong-strong, but I could get around a lot easier than I have been able to for so long.

Love seeing you out and about with the family. Sorry to hear about the fall and fatality, though. Going through each room to take down Christmas decoration AND do all that purging and cleaning--yes, that is above and beyond the normal. Take your time. None of it is going anywhere--lol! Have a super day. :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post, full of grace and thankfulness! Dee

Wanda said...

I can feel the new phase you are in. It shows in your writing, and in your new approach to life and your "things". I'm having a similar time as I am really downsizing my "debri" and making things simpler.
My Christmas bins are still in the living room floor as the rain, and the schedule of my son just hasn't worked out to get them into the storage unit. It kills me that I just can't do it any more, and have to depend on my children. A new area of life. I'm pacing myself, and we are both doing well. Just find I don't have the motivation or stories for my God's good time!!! In the meantime I love seeing and hearing about your life!!
Love and Hugs