Monday, August 31, 2015

Tweaking My Traditions!

Be still, my heart!!! September is nearly here and I have been preparing for tomorrow all day today!

I just now finished putting the fruitcake cookie dough together.
This year I am adding a new cookie to the mix - mincemeat.
My step son dearly loves mincemeat so I divided my traditional fruitcake cookie dough in half and added reconstituted mincemeat plus a TON of chopped pecans to it instead of the candied fruit.
I am looking forward to how they turn out in the morning.
I nearly always make the dough up on the last day of August so I can get right to baking them when I wake up.

I prepared for September in other ways today, too!
Sprucing up some garland and spray painting some brown paper bags to make into 'pumpkins' with the grands. Actually, the spray paint doesn't do very well on the paper so I will use craft paint applied with a brush if I make more.

Our fall cups are set out and waiting.
I have had the pumpkin cup for over 20 years and use it every fall.
It is slightly chipped but I still treasure it!

I hung up the big spider web out by the lower deck.

Last year it was on the front door.
Seldom does anything go in the same place from year to year!

I even planned ahead to Quad Wednesday with all the 'supplies' for play and learning!

Neil Diamond Cd's are sitting by the stereo ready to load.
My fall candles are waiting to be lit.
The house is clean and all dressed up to welcome September!

I was torn between waiting up for her to arrive or go to bed early.
I've chosen to go to bed so I can get up sooner and enjoy every extra minute!

I got side tracked for a little while going back to read all my September posts since 2010.
Tomorrow I will probably take down some of my journals from years past and reread them.
I have always celebrated September First for as long as I can remember!

I guess the only real 'tweaking' I did this year was to add the mincemeat cookies!
Since September arrives on a Tuesday, it will be like a real party over here!
If YOU are in the neighborhood, please stop by and party with me!
Art class will be here and we are going to have some great food and lots of cookies!!!

Now I am going to hurry up and sleep so I can hurry up and WAKE up!!!


  1. I'm excited for you Linda! Your favorite day is now here

  2. Oh, how I love your enthusiasm. Can't wait to enjoy fall through your blog.

  3. Oh are so ready!!!! I'm so excited for you. The wait and the anticipation for September 1st gets me excited. Love your your fruitcake cookies and now a new twist. How fun. Love everything you do, and how you do it., You are so special girlfriend....who couldn't love you to pieces. HUGS.

  4. Linda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Look at YOU! You are ready for the season! (Even your blog is decorated!)
    My Father LOVES mincemeat! I generally make him a pie, or baby hand pies filled with mincemeat, but I LOVE your idea to mix the meat in with the cookie dough!
    ...and I LOVE you too!
    Sing a song
    (Sing) Sing a song of songs
    (Sing) Sing it out
    Sing it strong (Sing, sing, sing, sing)
    I know that's not THE song. ( it's my warm up! )
    Holly Holy!
    Happy September Morn'!!!!!!

  5. Linda, You make me smile. You are so excited for the fall season. I think cookies are good any way, and any time. Can't wait to read your post for tomorrow. :) to see how this day goes for you. Craft paint is good on the lunch bags. As long as it's not too heavy a paint job. I know the quads are going to love all the decorations. Blessings for a wonderful. Love you, Susie

  6. I think you are more excited over the arrival of September than I am ! I am so ready for fall and cannot wait to start decorating, now I can !

  7. Such joy and enthusiasm! May September be a great month for you folks! (Your expectation may have been a wee bit catching as even I decorated a teeeny~tiny bit.) I want to know how those cookies turn out. They sound most interesting.

  8. You are so cute getting so excited for September 1st! Well, today is the day! I know you are all smiles right now. I bet your kitchen smells heavenly too with those cookies baking. Wish I didn't live so far away. I would love to celebrate with you.

  9. I love that spider web!! And those cookies sound delish. I have weekend company coming so I need to get busy doing some cooking as well. Happy September.

  10. OK! I find such inspiration when I visit Miss Linda! Now, I am going to be on the hunt for seasonal autumn mugs! I love that idea! I think you can get the entire world excited for fall.....I simply love it! Me too! I cannot believe you mentioned mincemeat cookies....adore them! Just made a mincemeat pie....great minds think alike!!! Love and hugs!

  11. No sign of autumn here in Sicily yet, it is still 30° C and very hot! Beautiful preparations for fall, I love Neil Diamond too!

  12. I love your enthusiasm for September! I am always excited about it, too but have not decorated for Fall. I long for cool weather and all the colors. Is there any way we could just stretch it out? Seems like it comes in and before you know it, we are looking at Christmas. I am taking a note from you and am going to do my best to enjoy it all. I like that sweet little book in the quad basket. The Lord is my Shepherd. Sweet.

  13. I wish I was close by to celebrate with you. I made blueberry muffins today so I would bring you some of those. Happy September! Hugs, Diane

  14. Happy 1st!! I am inspired and am going to go dig out my fall wreath. Last year I added two black owls bought from the dollar store for spooky factor.

  15. It's so funny - I love the beginning of September because spring has finally started and you love it because summer has ended! Cheers

  16. My grandmother was the best cook ever - and she made her own mincemeat - yes, with real beef. Her pie was delish! I love your enthusiasm for fall; I on the other hand hate to kiss summer goodbye (although 75 degree days sound good!) Have a wonderful autumn, Linda, and enjoy those wonderful grands! :)

  17. I live that you celebrate September 1st every year Linda. Life is what you make it, and you certainly put your 'all' into everything, I really admire that attitude so much X

  18. Wish I was closer to stop by. You and my former boss would have to fight over the harvest Queen crown but I think you'd win. LOL
