Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Celebrating September First! My Favorite Day in all the Year!

It has been a wonderful day!
 A day I have long looked forward to as I do every year!

Facebook post from a friend

I LOVE waking up on September 1st!
My niece had put a YOUTUBE post of Neil Diamond singing September Morn on my Facebook wall and that started an entire day of celebration!!
I immediately put a batch of cookies in the oven to bake - half fruitcake and half were mincemeat!

I poured my coffee into the old but treasured fall cup, lit my fall candle and got Autumn Across America by Edwin Way Teale - a book I read every fall - and I always start up where I left off the year before. Then I carried the tray to the living room and listened to Neil Diamond sing to me.
As the music started I just can't express what joy I felt!! I know it borders on foolishness but all these traditions just make me so happy!

Facebook post from a friend

NOTHING could ruin this special day!
 Not even a dreadful UTI that had me calling the doctor's office as soon as they opened. 
They gave me an early afternoon appointment for which I was extremely grateful!

To keep my mind off my problem, I started baking up pan after pan of cookies!
These are the fruitcake ones.

These are the mincemeat ones.
I bagged up some of each and took them to the urologist office.
They LOVED them!
It's been about a year since I have had to see him and he remembered that September 1st was like a holiday to me! (Last year I took them the spiced pumpkin muffins!)  I told him my plans for the day and that I was having a party tonight. We got to talking about art and showing each other our paintings from our phone pics. It was actually FUN to talk to him even though my eyes were about to cross from my 'problem!' I love doctors who are 'real' and treat their patients like real people!!

He phoned in a Rx and gave me 3 Motrin right then.

Since I had to wait to get the Rx filled, and since this is TUESDAY, naturally I took the route to the drugstore that just so happened to pass all 3 thrift stores!

THIS is what I got today!

A cute coffee cup to take to the camper, fresh oven mitts so I can throw some of ours AWAY!
A darling apple/berry/cinnamon garland which I can use a number of ways for a number of seasons.

A soft fall cover perfect for watching TV.

A set of 4 Texas plates - brand new and still in the box.

I love this tall wooden box and have it in my bedroom now.
Not sure what I will put inside on the shelves. It's about 2 feet tall.

The sturdy wooden tool box was a great find for $2.25!
The clay posts will be for a fall craft project with the younger grands.
I also picked up some earth toned pillowcases to cover the red cushions in the gazebo - thus giving them a fall dress!

I had just got home and unloaded my loot when Sabrina and Rayne arrived.
Perfect timing!

I had a fall project planned for her!

She painted a wooden block orange and a wine cork green!
She picked out another cork and block so I could paint one with her!

I forgot to get a pic of hers but this one is mine. 
I used some dark wax to age it a bit.
I'll add some leaves and raffia later.

While Rayne and I did crafts, Sabrina was in the kitchen making Puerto Rico Tacos.

I mixed up a pitcher of Strawberry and Lime Moscato Punch!
It was a PARTY!

The food was delicious!!
Sherry brought smoked sausages and we all feasted!!
I baked my pumpkin spice muffins while they painted.

Everyone went home with cookies and muffins and I have some tins and bags ready to gift special friends tomorrow!

I am so grateful that things don't have to be perfect in order to enjoy life!
While I would rather NOT have an UTI - I AM thankful that I have insurance and a good doctor and I do not have to live with one for years on end as I have had to do in the past.
My doctor and I talked about that this afternoon.
It's amazing that we can cope, adapt and live with challenges when we need to or have no other choice. I am ever so grateful that I don't HAVE to live like that anymore!

Facebook post from a friend

It has been a wonderful day! And guess what?????
We STILL have 29 MORE September Morns!!!


  1. Yeah you had a great day! Hope the uti heals quickly! Love you sweet friend!

  2. Delightful....I hope you share your cookie recipes! I hope you feel better very, very soon! How wonderful to give your grandchildren lessons using their creativity!

  3. Linda, I love your pictures , as usual. Rayne is the cutest thing painting. Loved all the delicious foods you have made. I am glad you have a doctor you trust fully. I miss my old dr. and I never dreamed I would, cause she was always so darn busy. Yesterday I look up Neil Diamond and played his September Morn. I miss that kind of music on the radios. Blessings for the start of your all time favorite season. Love you, xoxo,Susie

  4. You are amazing! So glad that you had a beautiful day in spite of the circumstances.

  5. 1. Now I have to listen to September Morn.

    2. Used to make mincemeat cookies with my grandmother. Lots of people have never even heard of them. :)

  6. I love September too! Sorry about the UTI...my husband just had one...took 3 goes of antibiotics! Make sure you eat yogurt and replace the good bacteria! The cookies and all the treats look so yoummy!

  7. You had a wonderful September 1! Much better than mine. I will post about it later today. I did enjoy the day off from work, and will be celebrating the whole month as I slowly get all my autumn things out. (At least SOME got out yesterday.)

  8. Happy September First Indeed. Linda I almost missed your day.. I had hoped to be your first comment as I KNOW how you look forward to this special day. We are taking an unplanned trip up North as a dear friend (90) passed away, and they have ask my dearest to have her Memorial Service. So busy packing..and then we get a notice that they are power washing our complex today so had to remove things from the balcony.
    But back to YOU. Everything is so very lovely ~ every picture is so full of life and memories. Your thrift store finds.. Oh My...wonderful. And I'm drooling over the cookies. So sorry you have that stinky old UTI. But I must share with you the license plate for my daughter's urologist . UCME2P (You see me to pee) HaHa. Have a great day....get well soon. Love and Hugs.

  9. Your love for September has put a smile on my face! Happy month of celebrating to you!

  10. UGH I hope you get well soon! What a nasty thing to have happen on September 1! Looks like you made the best of it though. Those cookies - I love fruitcake and mincemeat, heaven in a cookie :)

  11. Happy September! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  12. Gee whiz.....I wish you'd get excited about something....you just seem so clm. LOL Fll is in the ir here too.....I like fall but it means winter is on the way. *sd fce* I have that same warm cover for watching TV on chilly nights....we love it b/c it is so soft. and,of course,I had the same smock for my grnds. Sounds like you did have grand celebration on the first of Sept.

  13. Hi Linda, It has turned off warm here this afternoon, but the yard is done except for weed eating. I enjoyed catching up with you this afternoon while I do some reading. If I baked, I would eat way to much of it. I get little single servings desserts once in a while when I need something. We had rain yesterday and some this morning. I enjoy your visits. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

  14. So sorry to hear you have had a UTI Linda. I don"t think people who have not suffered from a UTI can ever know how awful it is. Hope you are feeling much better now X

  15. Happy September to you. I'll get excited when it cools off again like it did recently. This 90 degree plus stuff is for the birds.
    I'm thinking David may have some old fence post that I might be able to paint up as pumpkins and put on the front porch. At least they won't blow away like my flower pots kept doing, They weren't heavy enough. Hugs
