Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Last Weekend of August!

This was the very last week end in August!!! It was a GOOD one!!

We drove over to Dallas and I ordered the wallpaper for the dining room and I LOVE it!!!
It's hard to get the photo color right but it is PRETTY!

I matched it up with the gray color I am using to paint the paneling on the lower walls.
It has enough gray to to connect the two as well as some LIGHT and it has the warmth I was looking for! Not that you will see much paper after it's hung on the walls. I have LOTS of things hanging and, while I will be redoing some of the arrangements, they will still be BUSY walls!!!

I loved the feel of an old fashioned Saturday!
I am also grateful that Louis Dean is feeling so much better these days!!!
Back when he was ailing, he would shop Sam's for me but I had to unload everything when he got home. That's in the past and I am getting spoiled all over again!

We watched two good movies on Saturday!

 One before errands ......

and one after!

Along about 7:00 we were at The Texas Musicians Museum right here in Irving!

It was perfect weather to sit out and listen to some live country music.
My blogging friend, Debbie from Ladybug From Texas invited us and we had such a nice time!

They have a small cafe inside with some delicious sandwiches as well as soft drinks, beer and wine.

It was a lovely way to spend a late summer Saturday night!

As we were leaving, I met up with some dear friends from years and years ago!!
I have dinner party plans now!
That's TWO couples from the past that are now in our present!

Sunday was a wonderful day that started with church service.
We drive over to Dallas because that's where Amber and Mike and the quads go and I love being members of the same church!

I had prepped dinner last night so it was ready to pop in the oven and fry up in the pan!
We sent the parents out for some free time together and we just enjoyed being with the kids!

Salmon croquettes, Company mashed potatoes, green peas and candied carrots!

I even baked a sour cream pound cake last night!

We had thin slices for dessert and saved plenty to have at our tea party later!

The kids are getting so big now!!
It is SO much easier to do everything with them!
They willingly settled right into their beds for their afternoon naps!
They all want me to sleep with them and with FOUR - well, I just can't choose ONE!
SO - I left their bedroom doors open and fixed a pallet with a pillow from Kailey and a cover from Harrison and I napped on the floor between their rooms.
It was 2:38 when I checked the time on my phone and at 4:28 we all seemed to wake up at once.
We ALL slept so soundly!!

I had promised them a tea party after naps and that's exactly what we had!!
At my house the girls get to put on 'pink lips' (lip gloss) so I found some in my purse.
Traditions RULE!
For the tea cakes I cut star shapes out of the slices of pound cake and toasted them.
YUM! Since it is NEARLY September I brewed up some Sweet Harvest Pumpkin tea and it was PERFECT!!

I have been doing tea parties with these little ones since they were just babies!

More TEA???


I had some of the SWEETEST little film clips but something seems to have changed about blogger and they said that ALL of them were too large!
You have to trust me on this - the kids were just adorable!!!!
They talk 90 miles an hour and tell the most wonderful and interesting stories!!
We hang on their every word!

The whole day went by WAY too fast!

I came home and took Lucy for a walk - to make it up to her for being in her kennel all day!
It was music to my ears to hear the rustle of crisp leaves as she walked through a pile!

There's not one thing about Fall that I don't love!!

As I was walking I spied a large canvas on the curb along with a table and chairs and various other things.

It said FREE on the back so I carried it home with me!
Not sure what I will paint on it but it is an over sized canvas that would cost a pretty penny to buy!
The bonus to the whole evening was I met one of my neighbors!!!
She couldn't help but notice this lady carrying a HUGE canvas down the street!!!
We hit it right off and I predict I have just found a brand new FRIEND!!!
I have lived here in this house for nearly 50 years.
She has lived around the curve for 12. WHY did it take me this long to meet her?
God's perfect timing, I guess!!

September first is just around the corner and I am standing here tapping my feet waiting for her arrival!!!!


  1. Linda, wow, you have been busy in such a great way! You look radiant in your first photo, and it sounds like you had some enjoyable quality time with the children, and this is always a good thing! Your supper of salmon croquettes looks delicious! :)

  2. I am having the same problem with blogger. No matter what size my videos are, they won't let me publish them. Sounds as if you really did have the perfect weekend. Can't wait to see what you paint on that canvas.

  3. Glad you had a great weekend! September Morn' just around the corner. Love ya Momma!

  4. We really enjoyed seein you Saturday night the weather was perfect

  5. What a fun weekend indeed! That big canvas looks great - and soon it will get paint and colors on it by you! Can't wait! :)

  6. What a fun weekend. Great way to celebrate the last weekend in August.
    Come Tuesday morning we will all be listening to Neil Diamond's September Morn even if it's not in ear shot it will be playing in our heads for you. You've made September 1st a special day for us all.

  7. I can tell that LD feels better, just looking at his face! And your face too! I know you were concerned about him! That pound cake cut into stars and toasted sounds delish!! BTW, I had to put out my fall things on Saturday but I did restrain myself a bit and I am giving my left overs to the daughters and grands to use.

  8. A great curbside find - and a new neighbor friend at the same time! I would say that was a great day.

  9. Linda, I got out to get the paper this morning and starting thinking of you. The moon was still pretty full, the "green corn moon". I thought this is the last day of August and someone is happy for tomorrow. LOL. As Arlene said, LD is looking more like himself, not so pale looking. Well yes, handsome of course. LOL. our little ones...oh my they seem to be growing faster all the time. They are darlings. I am glad a big wind did not come along while you carried that huge canvas. Nice that you have net your neighbor. :) Blessings to all. Love you, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. Can't wait to see the wall papered. I liked what I could see .

  10. I can't wait to see the finished room with that stunning wallpaper.

    LD is looking good. Hope he continues to recover fully.

    And your quads....darling as ever.

  11. What a great weekend and a great free find!

    I am excited about Fall as well!


  12. So thrilled that you have met a new friend, she must be so happy to have met you Linda. Wish I lived round the corner and could bump into you!! X

  13. Maybe she just retired... Your new friend. Well you'd really like the pallet I'm taking home to David. It's clean and smooth. No clue what he wants it for but thats okay.
