Friday, July 31, 2015

Clean Rooms and Candles!

I spent half the day thinking this was August 1st! 

I was humming my way from room to room, cleaning and then lighting a candle until ALL the rooms were sporting a golden glow!

The first room I finished was rather easy since I had worked so long in here Wednesday and Thursday! Someday I am going to get around to making that apron - actually SEVERAL aprons!

I moved on to the dining room.....I love the candle glow but it really wasn't that dark in there.

Louis Dean's bathroom - DONE!!

Our bedroom is clean and fragrant - just the way I like it!

My tiny bathroom even has a small candle.

Guest room - check!

The living room has TWO candles burning.

Foyer clean for the first time since we brought in the new secretary! 
That was awhile back!

I am so itching to decorate this angel for fall......but I am WAITING!

At this point in my house keeping I took a break and made a run up to the grocery store,
We have two small house guests coming later this evening and they will be staying for a few days.
I wanted to be sure I had everything I needed! 

The kitchen ALWAYS has a candle burning - clean or not!!!

I usually burn two candles in here - just because!

Breakfast table all ready.

And last but not least, the den is cleaned and vacuumed.
For the first time in a long time, my WHOLE house is clean.
Not spotless, mind you, but CLEAN nonetheless!

It's Friday night and the A/C is cranked up high, Sarah Brightman is playing on my stereo and I just made Louis Dean and me a nice drink. Fruity Sangria for him and a simple Margarita for me using 
Simply Limeade. Time to kick back and put our feet up! It's the WEEK END!!!

I am trying my very best not to bust all the sunflowers down from the attic!!
My goal is to wait until NEXT weekend.......but I may not be able to restrain myself that long!
After all, the house is clean now and it would be no problem to scatter some around!

But I couldn't POSSIBLY do this before August!!!
Thank you, Shannon, for the poster on my Facebook wall.
TOMORROW really IS August!
Then just 30 days and a wake up until September first!!


  1. You have done a great job! Here's to August 1st.

  2. It takes me forever to clean the house, so now I do a room a day!! The last week or so, I have been cleaning out the kitchen cabinets, lining them with new contact paper, purging, washing everything and reorganizing. I still have 4 left to do......what a project!! For me, summer and winter are the best times to clean, especially summer, it's just too hot outside for me!!

    Your house looks great, I love when everything is clean and fresh!!

  3. Oh I can the smell the candles. You are the queen of candles and making your home so cozy and inviting. Every room just calls my name. While I'm at my sisters, my dearest is going to get down my Fall bins so I can begin my decorating. Little at a time. You make me want to start now, but I'll wait too.

  4. Every room looks so lovely. What a pleasure to visit tonight. Sleep well Linda.

  5. Omgosh, Linda! You already have me singing Neil! It's in the 90's here! 31 "Hot August Nights" before 'that morn' ! I have had to cut my blog time back as I am working on our September class reunion.
    Blessings and hugs to all of you!

  6. Gorgeous and welcoming Linda! Wish I could just knock on the door and come in for a cup of tea! x

  7. Linda, I know when the house is clean and you can's the best feeling. I know you are anxious to get your fall décor out. :):) Today just seemed like fall is so near. I went to Joan's Fabrics and they had fall flowers and decoration out and even some's too soon for that Halloween stuff.. Hope you have a wonderful time with the two children you are having over...Is it Harrison and Logan? Blessings, xoxo, love to all, Susie

  8. I love a day when you get a lot done, when things are clean in my house I swear I can breathe better !

  9. A clean house makes us feel so good. Relax now and enjoy your time with your hubby. Fall will be here soon enough! Time flies by....My biopsy came out normal! Yea.....Hugs

  10. Wanted to drop by and thank you for your kind words regarding my mom. I really appreciated knowing you cared.

  11. I am a candle lover too and when September comes I will be making some for our home. Nothing makes a home more cozy than having candles throughout it.

  12. I've missed "keeping up" with your blog, but glad to see you're still lighting candles as you clean. August is my favorite month of the year!

  13. Hi Linda!
    Your candles look beautiful!
    My daughter-in-law sells Scentsy products so I always have beautiful smelling wax melting in my warmers. It makes my house smell so good. I know you are enjoying the summer after thre rough flooding in spring you all went through.. Enjoy my dear friend!

  14. Candles look great. I quit burning candles so much. I think it's the smoke but I tend to get a headache after they've been burning a while. I like the ambiance though
