Sunday, August 2, 2015

Saturday and Sunday Things......

Our little house guests arrived Friday night!

You can tell by looking at them that they weren't feeling well.
When you have FOUR and ONE gets sick, the other three are sure to follow.
And sure enough, they did! Kailey had it first and then Logan woke up the next morning with it.
The other two are with the other grandparents and they, too, have been a little sickly.

Friday night both girls ended up sleeping with me - so Louis Dean got a good night's sleep in the guest room.

Saturday morning the girls were all about their markers and coloring books.

Granddad fixed a good breakfast for all of us and naturally they had to have tiny cups of flavored milk  coffee!!!

They were sweet even if they didn't feel their very best!

All of the kids play well together - you can mix and match them in any combination and they play nicely! They really do like each other.

We made a quick trip to the library to pick up some movies and books and check out the new children's area.

They have some pretty cool things up there!

Logan could jump from one platform to another.

We came back home in time for a grilled cheese sandwich lunch and good long naps!
THREE hour naps for ALL of us!!

Popsicles have been a big hit!
I thought they would feel good since they have had a bit of a tummy problem.
Check out our new white chest freezer in the background!
The girls know THAT is where the Popsicles are!

Louis Dean finished off a box of wine. We always pull the bladder out and burn the box.
This time Louis Dean blew UP the bladder and gave it to the girls to draw on!
He said it reminded him of the Little House books where Laura and Mary played with the pig's bladder and turned it into a ball.

After Logan drew on her side and then Kailey drew on HER said -
I took it and made a picture of their drawing.
I turned Logan's into a lady and then SHE took a blue marker and added more to it!
I forgot to take a picture of Kailey's side but her scribbles were turned into a big apple tree loaded with apples.

We have been eating tummy friendly food.
Chicken noodle soup and crackers makes a nice supper.

Saturday night Louis Dean slept with both girls allowing ME to get a good night's sleep in the guest room!

Sunday morning Logan carried the heavy basket of tea dishes into the den and they played tea party using fruit loops.

MORE Popsicles!!!

I need to find some that don't have quite as much COLOR!

Kailey is a happy camper!

Logan is a real lady little girl!
Combing her long beautiful hair.

We were all still outside in the gazebo when we had some special visitors!!!
My sister, Deanie, and her husband, Charlie!
We sat out and visited for a while then took our party inside to the den.

All the quads know and love their Aunt Deanie!!

Not only did they cheer the girls up - they cheered US up, as well!
When they left Logan said, "I gave Uncle Charlie a big hug because he was so nice to me!"

After naps - two hour ones this time - we put in one of the library movies.

Complete with popcorn - or Kettle Corn - this time!

Since they can only eat Popsicles outside, they couldn't wait to get out there in the gazebo!
As they ate them, they watched Granddad cut down a dead bush.

We watched him burn it, too!

Dessert tonight was watermelon!!!

Of course BATHS followed!
The girls took turns washing each other's hair.

They are tucked into bed and have been sound asleep for a few hours now.
I have been running around getting the laundry done and cleaning up after our day and am at the point where I am as tuckered out as they were!

Louis Dean and I are going to close out this weekend with a nice glass of wine and some quiet time to just talk to each other before going to bed.


  1. What a wonderful and busy and exhausting and sweet two days with the two lovelies. I think LD is feeling somewhat better. You sound like you are feeling somewhat better too. Hugs to all 4 of you.

  2. What a fun weekend! Those girls are so cute!

  3. Hope all the quads are feeling better soon X

  4. Hi Linda, thought i'd check out the computer (I can not leave the house without seeing what's on there). It's the wee hours for me (6ish) as I am leaving for my daughter's right away. She's driving me to New York to see the other daughter. Just wanted to say how nice it is to have you as a follower. Hope those little ones are feeling better.

  5. They play so well with one another. I hope their tummy problems get better soon and I hope you and Louis Dean don't get it.

  6. I am anxious for a visit from my grands. Been a long time since a child has been in my house. I enjoy seeing the visits of your little ones.

  7. Popsicles can cure anything! My little grandson who is autistic can say popsicle and he expects one after his meal!! Hope you get to rest up today!!

  8. Your are wonderful grandparents! Doing artwork on the wine box bladder beats all I've ever heard. Very creative and very smart. :)

  9. What a wonderful weekend. You two are the best grands and the kidos are adorable. Looks like a lot of fun and popsicles always make things better.
    Thanks for stopping by and your new following. Good Luck in my giveaway.
    Hugs and Blessings, cm

  10. Those are sweet babies, even when they're sick. Hope they're soon back to good health...but I think that being at Grandma and Grandpa's house is good medicine!

  11. Wonderful special times. It is nice you can have just two once in a while. Hope all feel better soon.

  12. Linda, There is always plenty of love at your house. :):) The girls are so good together. I do think the quads have a special connection and do play nicely together. Hope they get well soon. I like that you LD made some time to enjoy each other's company too. Blessings and hugs to all, love, Susie

  13. Having company is nice. Having two of four quads is even nicer. Glad you got your naps in. I could use one just about now. Hope you have fun for the rest of their visit. I love seeing them together.

  14. You and Louis Dean will be remembering in eternity for being the grandparents that ever lived. After reading you post, I want to be a little girl and and live with you.

    What a great time they and hugs.

  15. That looks like a mighty fun weekend Linda! I bet your grandkids love being with you as much as you enjoy having them.

  16. Love how you and LD trade off with the kids. I want to be a guest in your home and fed so well and go shopping.
