Thursday, July 30, 2015

Back Home and Real Life Again!

We left the ranch and our camper before noon on Wednesday, stopping in Mart to get one old fashioned hamburgers Dean and Sherry had told us about.

They were delicious!!!!
HUGE and enough for TWO meals!
I ordered French fries and fried okra to go with them.
Who KNEW such a small town would have such GOOD food??
I noticed a few other places we haven't been to yet so we will be adding those in future trips.

We drove the back roads through Malone and Hubbard to Milford before getting on I35 for the final stretch. Maddie was enjoying the scenery.

We got home in the early afternoon and we immediately went right to bed and took a nap!

Then I began to do home things.
This set of tea dishes was gifted to me by my step son and I could not wait to get them washed and ready to use.

Sherry gave me some cuttings of her sweet potato vine and I'm rooting them in water and hope to plant them soon. It's one of the few plants that LOVE this Texas heat!!!

THIS in NOT the way the sewing room looked yesterday!
I single handed moved the big desk outside - unhooking the desk top and printer and a thousand miles of CORDS - and cleaned the whole area. I really wanted to put my small antique secretary there - but there were too many sins for it to cover......sins being the cable cords coming into the house and such.
So BACK it came and then I had to hook the computer up again which is something I've never done before. By this evening the room was back to 'normal' and the secretary is back in the guest room from whence it came in the first place.

My sewing machine has a stack of mending items on one end and then a stack of pajamas to sew up.
The sewing collage above the machine has a photo of my mother when she was a teenager.

The end of summer school had their music program this afternoon and it was SO entertaining!!!

There was one little boy in the middle of the quads and he completely stole the show!

I LOVE love LOVE Trystan's reaction!!! Just that look on her face!!!
He kept pulling his shirt up and at one point he had it all but OFF!
I can just hear say, "We don't DO that!!!"

Kailey was a rock star belting out the favorite song of this year's program - He Arose!

I'm not sure she was SUPPOSED to have a solo lead in it - but she did!!!

The beautiful Quad Mom with her Quad Squad!

Special friends came to see the program and the quads were so excited!!
They love their Jo-Jo!!

We celebrated with yogurt!

Sweetness all over the place!!

Shirt, hands, mouth, face........

Granddad didn't get to go today as he had a doctor appointment.
They gave him a steroid shot and advised him to not be riding the bicycle for awhile.
We left it at the ranch so that's a good thing.
He must have overworked it and they told him to take it easy.

I took Lucy to get her shots at the Shady Grove Feed Store.
They offer them there every Thursday at 6:00.
Lucy was a champ and we got that chore out of the way.

I gave her a bath yesterday and she is looking more like a city dog - but her heart is still in the country with her good buddy, Rufus, and her beloved Dean. He wasn't there when we left and that made it easier. Not sure she would have willingly jumped in the truck if he had been.

She is back in her white minky bed and enjoying the A/C!

Louis Dean has already gone to bed so I guess I will do the watering in the back and spend a little time admiring the Blue Moon tonight.
It really IS good to be home!


  1. It's great to be home ya.

    Your side have hot weather...maybe can try a few more plants that we have here that might survive the hot weather like Malabar spinach, screwpine leaves, lemongrass and etc.

    LOL....that shirt must be causing his body to itchy or uncomfortable.

  2. Welcome home. Two best places, both wonderful. Hope you DID get some rest. Sweet singers.

  3. There's no place like home! Love those pretty plates and cups. The quads show is adorable, glad you were home in time to see that! X

  4. Howdy Linda, I'm a new follower and enjoying your fun blog!

  5. Oh and here I thought that the exercise would be good...too much of a good thing! Well, I shall be back to see the show. Those expressions are priceless. Looks as if the quads are well established in their lovable threes.

    1. Trystan bailed leaving Kailey to deal with the show stealer...LOL! We had fun and some good chuckles watching the videos. Kailey was really belting out some great "He Arose"s!

  6. Linda, The quads did very well in the program. That fussy boy should have been in back. LOL. Your granddaughter looked like she was thinking , "oh stop it dufus." LOL. You are a worker girl. You and LD certainly make a perfect pair. :):) Just love you both. Poor Lucy, dozed off to dream of running the ranch with her sweet Dean boy, as she lay in total comfort of her mink bed. Take care of LD, even if you have to sit on him. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

  7. I love those tea sets and I know you will use them with your sweeties. As an old preschool teacher, I knew that no matter how the children acted at the spring program, the parents and grandparents loved it. ( And they knew Miss Arlene would come and get them if they acted up!!) There truly is no place like home. Hope that steroid helps LD to feel better.

  8. Oh my....the musical was something else and the boy with his shirt...well, just don't know what to say about that. Glad you are home.

  9. Loved reading about your at home adventures....those how they've grown...I am continually astounded. And the Mom and Quad Squad photo...well, that just steals the show today, Linda!!!

    What did Louis Dean do to have the doctor tell him to stay off his bike? I use one now, and I'm curious...I sure hope I'm not over-doing it.

  10. Glad you made it home safely and that Lucy is now home enjoying your company. Dogs are so funny - they do love playing and the country, don't they?

  11. Welcome home! I thought you were staying longer on the ranch and was surprised to see you back so quickly. Glad LD got to see the doctor. Hope he gets better each day.

    I loved seeing the kids and their program. The shirt boy made me laugh. But even more so Trystan's face. Like she was saying, "Oh please! Have some manners." And Kailey can really steal a show.

  12. Glad you got home safely! Have a great weekend.

  13. Oh those quads are something else! Love them!
    Your stepson is a keeper - those tea dishes are wonderful! Glad LD knee is doing okay, and that the problem was from overdoing and not something else!


  14. Glad you are home and your sewing room is delightful. Love the collage. Those quads are so adorable. Loved the videos.

    Molly is getting groomed Monday and will look so pretty.

  15. Catching up here this morning...
    Gotta tell you that that little kid had me laughing out loud! So funny!! :D

  16. click your red slippers and repeat "there's no place like home"
    It's always great to get away and then you're ready to get home and sleep in you're own bed.
    Those dishes are cute your step son gave you.
