Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Last Day at the Ranch and Fifth Letter....

I took my first cup of coffee down to the meadow this morning and sat under this big tree....

in silence. Quiet can be very restoring to mind, body and spirit.

I love it down here on my step son's ranch.
I love seeing the critters.
I love the quiet.

I love the beauty of nature.
All the flowers here are wild and more beautiful than the cultured ones I plant at home.

I guess I love the rest and peace I find here.
Today we stayed here on the ranch.
Louis Dean had a fret full night. I woke several  times to find him sitting on the couch unable to sleep.
He will need to get an appointment when we get home and he will go alone.
 His knee was doing great but I think now that it's healing - and the fact that he didn't do the exercises may be causing him all this discomfort. His being sick with bronchitis prevented him from feeling like exercising and one thing feeds another.

Lucy barely recognizes us and at least she hasn't barked at Louis Dean when she followed me back to the camper this morning. I do think her first love is to Dean - my step son.

I have cleaned the camper and am packing things up to go home tomorrow.

Hopefully I can come back next month and stay a few days.
The fall is beautiful down here and I can't wait to be here for it.
We always go somewhere for my birthday in September and THIS is where I want to come this year.

Bathroom is all cleaned up, the pantry is done and I vacuumed the carpet.
Louis Dean has the fire started outside and we plan to stay up and enjoy the night sky!

Here is the fifth letter in the collection and it is the most fragile of all.
Written in pencil on brown paper - it was falling apart as I read it.

                                                                                                                Palestine, Texas
                                                                                                                  November - 14 - 1936
Dear "Katie,"
             Aren't we the most exciting correspondents? Your letters come so fast they pass mine on the way to you. I know you are having a grand time. I have heard of all your teas and teas and teas. We may be a dull crowd to you when you come home. Bring me lots of new ?? - winkles or wrinkles?? - tea wrinkle you know. I dote on tea for small groups. I know you enjoyed the cold more. It surely was cold here and with the ice hanging all over everything - when the sun came out the next morning it was a beautiful sight. Looked like millions of diamonds. That's the only real cold weather we have had so far. The icy weather killed all of your marigolds but didn't kill the chrysanthemums or fall asters. They are real pretty yet. And by watching the weather forecast we can cut a lot of them and bring them in to keep for Thanksgiving. Not that Thanksgiving will mean anything when it comes to dinner and decorations.Of course the day always means what it should to all of us. I'm sure your mother has told you we have lost Bro. Mathison. I haven't seen our new preacher yet, but we will all love to say we like him fine. I went over to the pastor's home yesterday before he and his wife reached town - and helped get the house ready for them. We put up new curtains in all three bedrooms - had new rugs put down in dining room and living room - one new bedroom suite - we polished and cleaned everything and put flowers all over the house. It was lots of fun and it all looked so nice. We are all anxiously waiting to pass judgment on the new folks - And don't you know he and his wife will look all of us over.
         Pope was so keenly disappointed not to get Bro. Mathison back another year anyway. He says that's the one thing he doesn't like about Methodist.
         I'm sending you a little pin money - and I'm asking you to please not buy me one single five cents worth. I know how need every bit of your money - and Christmas is near. You are always so sweet to buy me some little pretty and you are dear to want to do it, but this time, I am begging you not to do it.
         Love to Polly and Willis and a lot for your dear little self.


  1. Linda...your post means so much to mean because the feelings you wrote about, how you feel when you are on the ranch, are so true to what I feel at the lake. Some may think it's such an indulgence or 'luxury' for us but I'm serious...it keeps my head on straight and saves on a psychiatric bill!! lol!

    I hope LD gets back on track soon...I know you take good care of him! :)

    Jane x

  2. Oh sounds as if Kathryn is staying with her aunt and uncle in St. Louis. Makes perfect sense. I was surprised to lewrn that there could be all that ice in Palestine, Texas in the days prior to November 14.

    I understand what it is to love a special place. I have such a place and have not been able to visit for nearly a decade. Some day! Hope that you get to say to your special spot on earth "See you in September."

    Praying that Louis Dean's knee trouble is an easy fix and that he gets relief soon.

    Blessings to you both, Dear Ones.

  3. I love all the ranch photos Linda...it does look like such a serene place! Hope LD will get some answers about that knee. I know you both are ready for him to feel better. When Marvin can't sleep, then I can't sleep. However, if I get up due to insomnia, he snores right on!! Have a safe trip home.

  4. Linda, Lucy looks different in her photo. Like she is in a big running place. LOL I sure hope LD can get back on the mend. They may sign him up for PT. Glad you enjoy some peace and quiet there. Blessings for a safe trip home , xoxo,love, Susie

  5. So glad you have got to spend some time at your favorite spot and pray you'll see it happen again in the fall. Poor Louis has my deepest sympathies. Both of my knees needed to be replaced 5 years ago though I continue to put it off. A list of things has kept me from it, but I know it still looms in my future and meanwhile some days and tasks are harder then others. Truthfully I am not in any pain unless I walk very far but the distance is getting shorter and shorter. I feel badly he is in so much pain he can't sleep. That would push me onto the operating table I am sure. Hopefully he will get some answers and some relief soon at the docs. Travel safely home.....and thanks for the understanding words on my post!

  6. Linda, I sure hope Louis Dean feels better asap. You two have had a tough time lately but you always have the sweetest and best attitude. The ranch looks beautiful and I surely hope you have a powerful a.c. out there. Oh mercy it's hot!!

  7. I can see why you love it at the ranch! It really does look serene and pretty. We sold our camper a few years ago but we have friends that have one. So, every now and then we go visit them when they camp by the lake nearby. We've talked about renting a camper to go camping with them in the future. After not having camped in a long time, I sort of miss it. Glad you are catching up on some needed rest. Sorry to hear that LD is having problems though. I know how frustrating it can be to always feel like something is wrong. That seems to be happening a lot with me lately.

  8. Those few peaceful moments under the tree sound very precious to you Linda. Sending love to Louis Dean and his poor knee X
