Tuesday, May 20, 2014

T is for TUESDAY!

In keeping with my Tuesday Tradition, I took in a movie! Non-Stop was showing at the Starplex and for fifty cents I didn't think I could go wrong! A dear friend of mine has moved back to town and she went with me! She and her husband lived next door to me for 17 years. He passed away a few years ago and she has downsized and moved back to Irving. She is one of the most fascinating women I have ever known!
I asked her what kind of movies she likes and she said COMEDIES! This one was NOT but every time there was a bit of humor I would lean over and whisper 'Comedy!' to her! Next week we plan to go to Dallas and see Amber and the quads and take in a movie at the Cinemark 10 in Plano.

This is the way I left Louis Dean this afternoon!
He bought a supply of pollen masks and is wearing them when he goes outside.
He and I can not live in a sterile environment so this is helping a lot!

He worked on a LID for that fabulous sand box and he made it today.
I forgot to take a pic before it got dark but it is really neat and has two 'thingies' that hang on hooks on the fence beside the stone walk. That's where we will store it when kids are playing.
Slowly but surely we are getting things done!

Tuesday means art and it has been so long since I painted!!!
This was a sign I bought several years ago and it was faded even back then.
I always meant to repaint it so tonight I did!

Next week I will add some more leaves and flowers and the words:
'MiMi's House'
'Grandchildren Welcome!'

I gifted my friend, Candie, with the Rain Princess I had painted for her while she was here on Saturday.
I told her it had turned out to be a hard one for me to paint! I said, "It sucked my SOUL!"
She said she would always remember that when she looks at it and pray for me!
 I love her!!!
Tonight I worked on the Rain Princess for my sister, Luann.

Louis Dean has a fine fancy camera and took some great pics while we were in Quadville last week.
Here are just a few of them.....

Harrison - so sweet and charming and leading the pack!

Kailey - the life of the party! So intense!!

Trystan - the only one left with baby fat and sweet baby ways. We are treasuring her!!!

Logan - my Mini Me!! 

The babies are so sweet with each other. They have their moments of conflict as well. 
Harrison can say all their names and does. He calls Trystan - Trystins. And Kailey is KAY-ee!

Me - the proud grandma!!

I need to go out now and water all my flowers before I go to bed.
We have an early morning of it tomorrow!
It's the 2 year check up for the quads!!
No shots!!!


  1. Fantastic photos! It's been fun watching the quads grow into toddlers. They are beautiful, yes Harrison too:)

  2. Your expression says so much...gratitude, pride, joy, and a bit weary, too.

    Louis D is rocking that pollen mask! Hahahahaha...

    Yay for no shots tomorrow...I know that they will get a good report. God is good.

  3. How fun to reconnect with a long time friend who has moved back to town. I see lots of movies ahead for you two.

  4. Good idea to wear a 'mask' with all the pollen in the air. Brilliant. LD surely took some great photos of the grands. Friends are so very important.

  5. The pollen is crazy right now! The Cottonwood looks like drifts of snow! Bless LD's heart, he doesn't let those environmental allergens slow his productivity.

    I cannot believe that the Quads will be two! Enjoy your Wednesday and the two year check up!

  6. And a proud grandma you should be! They all look so healthy and happy! Enjoy the annual check-up ordeal.

  7. Linda, Those babies are growing too fast. They are toddlers. Once they start talking look out, they will repete stuff.LOL. LD is such a wonderful working man. He just can't seem to help himself. Blessings to all of you Linda. Was the painting of the rainyday and umbrella?? I loved that painting. Hope your day is full of love and fun, xoxo,Susie

  8. Your artwork is so pretty. Love how you're making it into a sign. Hope the mask helps LD. He looks like he belongs in China now! LOL. Hope everything goes well for the quads today.

  9. Hi Linda,
    Wow, the photo's Louis Dean took are "great" so clear and he really captures the fun sweet nature of the kiddos, really they are going for a two year check already. I remember the post of waiting for the babies to be born.
    Your sand box for the kids is such a fun idea.
    I wish I could paint, I can only paint a wall nothing pretty like you can.
    Well I best run, have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  10. The pollen here is ridiculous! We went to the amusement park today and it was so bad that literally it would just float and land on your clothes!

    I never get tired of the quad's pictures. They are so adorable!

  11. I love the new look on the old sign.
    I told David he needs to start wearing somethings when he's out mowing from now one.
    We'll see
