Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Follow our day in Quadville.....

Come follow us through our day in Quadville!!
This morning Louis Dean and I got up early so we could arrive in time to go with Amber and the babies for their 2 year check up! We got here just a tad AFTER 9:00 and it was Maggie's fault! We were going to take her with us and we could NOT find her!!! Never did and finally I just put out extra food and water and we left without her.

I didn't record soon enough to capture the SHRIEKS when Granddad came in the kitchen.
Remember! He always wants to make the grand entrance all by himself so he unloaded and took his jolly good time getting in so the babies would have all eyes on HIM!!!

They were eating breakfast and were as cute as they can be!!

Every time we see them they have grown more and developed new skills!

Amber already had the babies dressed and ready for their doctor visit!

Not sure WHY Louis Dean had this expression but I thought he looked so cute!

We all WALKED from the car to the doctor's office!!
Louis Dean rides with Amber and I follow in my car.
Not room enough for all of us in the Quadmobile!!!!

The super cute little Quad Mom!!!

The babies did excellent!

We all celebrated the good appointment with a Mexican Lunch out!

The kids ate well and played before and afterwards on the cool playground!

That Trystan is something else!!!

Granddad had a front row seat and kept his eyes on the playground.

We ALL count off 1-2-3-4......over and over!

We ate and played, came back to Quadville and gave all four of the babies baths before putting them down for their naps. Then WE took OUR naps!!

I love going up to the nurseries when they wake up. Amber had fixed their snack cups and then she left to spend the late afternoon and evening with Mike. I am so happy they still put each other and their relationship FIRST!!! I remember hearing this saying - The BEST thing a daddy can do for his children is to LOVE their mother!! Children leave. Parents stay. Wise, WISE advice!

It's getting harder to hold all these munchkins at the same time!
After snacks we all went downstairs to the play room to PLAY!

Trystan hung out with me in the kitchen while I prepared supper.
 Granddad played the guitar and they played happily for about an hour.
I think the music helps!

We still hit that 'bewitching' hour before dinner when they tend to get a little fussy!
No problem!!! I brought a sack FULL of old jewelry and they all stayed engrossed as we sorted and tried on earrings, necklaces and bracelets!

Before dinner we went out to the front porch to water the plants - and each other!

It' so much fun to watch them play!

Dinner - or SUPPER as we call it!
Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, cantaloupe, roasted broccoli and cauliflower, wheat bread and a frosted donut hole for dessert!

Don't know why I didn't snap a pic of Kailey!!

After they ate we went BACK outside to do chalk on the sidewalk!

They used up a lot of energy running up and down that sidewalk.
When they saw a mommy and daddy out pushing a twin stroller they raced down to meet them!
They are new to the neighborhood and live just up the street. Their children are 3 and 1 1/2.
I'm sure we will be seeing more of them when we are out walking with the quads.

After playing we came inside and I did the diaper changes and pajamas for bed.

Climbing the stairs for is almost done!
Sleep sacks on. Sound machine on. Blankets and cuddly critters chosen for the night.
Drinks of water all around. Lights out!
Granddad stayed upstairs and rocked Kailey to sleep. He sang as he rocked and that put Harrison to sleep as well. I cleaned up the dishes.

Our day is done. Louis Dean has already poured his glass of wine and is waiting for me to join him.


  1. They are such happy, well cared for children! I love their round plates. So glad they all got good doctor reports!

  2. LOVE LOVE your blogging! Awesome how real you make it. Bummer my iPad does not show your videos though. My fault not yours

  3. It's really hard to keep up with you two....or should I say "six". What a wonderful day, and how great that Amber and her hubby can have some time alone. You and LD are the best grandparents ever.
    Thanks again for a lovely day... but now you pooped me out... Heading to bed. Hugs

  4. What a wonderful day! Busy, active, learning, growing, eating...oh my! They are certainly growing by leaps and bounds. I love that they are getting more independent and that they can climb the stairs...takes a lot off their mama and their grandparents. Now what would get Kailey to climb those stairs? I know! Grandpa at the top! =D

  5. Wonderful post! I too only got part of the video only about 8 seconds of each one. Then it froze but sound continued. I noticed someone else mentioned this. That Harrison is like a parrot he repeats everything. It was so cute when he was saying "Chill, Chill"! They are all so sweet! So happy they got great check ups. I love that you had all the jewelry for them to go through, I would have loved that as a child. LD is looking good, he needs to stay that way. You All work well together:) It does take a village:)

  6. Linda, That would be too much of a handful for Amber to take them anywhere by herself. Wow. It's a blessing that LD and you are there to help and love on those little guys. They are so well adjusted. xoxo,Susie

  7. Beautiful pictures of you and the 'babies':)).... Isn't it funny how the kids always love the men more or seems like it....... ... we are the ones who seem to do the correcting:))))

  8. A day to treasure to your heart. My goodness what a very energetic and wonderful day. I am guessing you slept and slept and slept. Hugs.
