Tuesday, May 20, 2014

M is for MONDAY!

I do not want to get behind again this week so this may be a two post day!
Monday morning I had a routine visit with my urologist. I love good reports and when I told him how well I was doing he smiled, sat back and said, "You have just MADE my day!!" He went on to say he loves it when he has helped people and can  improve their quality of life! He has sure helped me!

My friend Brenda and I try to have lunch together at least once a month.
Hard to believe but it was easier to get  together back when I was living in Katy!
Still, we continue to keep our lunch dates as often as we can.
It's kind of funny how - if we're not careful - we let friends and friendships slip right out of our lives.
I do believe there are 'seasons' of friendships and some weave in and out of our lives as time passes and life changes.

Before Brenda arrived I got out the antique lamps my step son gave me.

Aren't they going to be beautiful??

Each lamp has 2 parts that are wood and it looks like 2 different kinds of metal.
Redoing these is on my agenda this week!

I said goodbye to Louis Dean after Brenda left.
I was heading to Quadville!
I take lots of pictures of him because he's my 'pet!'

Amber had everything set up for art with the quads as soon as they got up from their afternoon naps.

Art Day in Quadville!

Logan and Trystan seemed to enjoy art the most!
I do believe Trystan could have spent an hour painting - she was so enthralled with it!

Baths followed!!!

Trystan is loving this little horse.
You press his ear and he neighs and swishes his tail and makes a gallupping sound.

I took several gold evening bags over for them to play with!

I LOVE seeing little ones play dress up!

Granddad didn't go to Quadville yesterday so we called him.
The kids get the biggest kick when they see his picture on the screen and hear his voice!

Having four just about to be 2 years olds is a pretty demanding job!
I am always glad to be a part of Quadville.
Last night after they were all in bed, Amber and I sat in the living room to rest and talk about the day, the quads, upcoming plans and just life in general. I love those times.
Harrison and Kailey were still not able to settle down to sleep so we brought them downstairs for a few minutes. As we all four sat on the couch - me, Harrison, Amber and Kailey - Harrison reached over and patted me and said, "Grandma!" Then he reached over and patted Amber and said, "Mommy!"
Then he looked over to the easy chair where Louis Dean usually sits and said, "GAND-dad!"
Finally he pointed to the other sofa and said, "DADA!"

The 'babies' are no longer 'babies' any more.
They walk and talk and think and process information.
They express themselves and continually entertain and fascinate me!


  1. I can't believe how big they are getting...love those lamps.....enjoy your Tuesday!

  2. Oh you are so right about friendships. They need love and care. So easy to get involved in our own lives and forget about the friends.

    Art in Quadville looks like fun. They became little people so quickly. Kids change so fast at this age.

  3. Linda, Don't you love to see when little ones are learning and they make those connections. I would love to see that everyday. Amber is good to expose them to some creative art. Hope you and LD have a wonderful week. xoxo,Susie

  4. It really makes my heart smile to picture you, your daughter and two of the quads having a special moment that evening. Those are the things money can't buy. You are so blessed my friend, as are they.

  5. Lovely photos, Linda. It is great that you shared your good news with your urologist, I am sure it made his day to know that he has helped you in some way. I think most of us feel good when we know that we are helping others, be it in a physical, emotional or spiritual way. I know it certainly makes my day when others comment on my blog and tell me that a post I made has touched them in a positive way.

  6. Such a lovely visit and I am happy that you got good news from your Urologist too. Hugs.

  7. Is Grandpa still doing well? He did not come to Quadville today...maybe he had other plans? I can't wait to see what you do with the lamps, and I think neither can kitty!

  8. What gun to see them painting! Harrison is getting things all worked out. Do they all know each other's names? I'm sure that they know more than we even can imagine. And when they're all talking at once...oh boy...it'll be like a committee. LOL. Glad that Louis Dean had a quiet day to himself. Ahhh...yes, friendship takes work!

  9. They sure are growing up fast, you see individual features in each of their little faces now too. Glad you are feeling better!

  10. It's just unreal how quickly the quads are growing up, such precious babies!
    Can't wait to see the lamps. They are already gorgeous!!

  11. The Quads are definitely growing up. Doesn't seem possible. Well I don't want to let our friendship get lost so my plan is to see you even if it's only for 30 minutes when I come to Fort Worth for a Wedding in July.

