Thursday, April 3, 2014

Quadville Day! and the day after......

Yesterday was our Quadville Day!!! 
Let me say it was a doozy!! For AMBER!!!
When we came through the front door the first thing we saw was our Darling Amber!
She had a wine glass in her hand and an odd look on her pretty face!
She can explain it better than I can.......

SO many people have told me what a good laugh they had reading this!!!
I shared it on my Facebook page and let's just say it made everyone who read it smile!

Our first priority was giving those sweet babies BATHS!!!

My precious Loga Bear!!!
She has me wrapped around her little finger!

Whatever accessories I wear - she wants to wear them, too!!
Earrings, scarves, hats, jewelry.....

And then there's my precious Trystan!!
She has a real fascination with shoes!

We played in the nursery til Amber got their lunch ready and then it was nap time!!
I love how Amber has arranged the schedule where there are THREE HOURS of rest every afternoon.
Rest for the babies and Rest for US!

I have to tell you - one of my favorite things is to see their faces when I open the nursery doors.
They seem like they are as happy to see ME as I am to see THEM!!

I brought them zippers cut from denim jeans I am whacking up for quilts.
They LOVE zippers!!

However - Kailey was totally confused by this!

SHE loves jeans!!! She kept trying to figure out HOW in the WORLD she could put this ON!

Amber and Louis Dean had gone off on some errands!
They stopped off at Sonic for malts and shakes!!!
And Louis Dean is on a DIET!!!
Guess he conveniently forgot!

HE drank every drop of HIS before they even got back to the house!!

Amber - on the other hand - being the great mom she is saved some of hers to share with the quads!

Kailey is SUCH a teenager! 


She is PRECIOUS!!!

 They ALL are!!

I made banana pudding for their dessert.

It was one of the prettiest ones I have ever made!

End of a long day......

I gave my grand dogs some of the really ripe bananas for a treat!
I probably have as many grand PETS and I do grand CHILDREN!

Today Louis Dean and I have been busy in the yard!

My pump is broken and needs a weight on top to make it work.....
one of my Ladybug rocks works just fine!

The front flower bed was NOT on our agenda today......

but one thing leads to another.......

I cleaned the gazebo up and I am all ready for my Fun Gals Party on Saturday!
At least the gazebo is!! I'm still working on the house!!
This has now become my normal spot for blogging!

This is right inside the house and I have neglected my old faithful desk top!
I do love to turn it on, though, and watch the slide show of old photos!!

This was my Throwback Thursday pic!
2002 - my first grandchild!

We are under a tornado watch and the wind has picked up!
Think I will go INSIDE to add my videos and call this one a DAY!


  1. stay safe...I think we are safe here...but looks rough around Lake Lewisville area...those babies are adorable...I read Ambers blog...oh what a day...definitely a glass of wine kind of day...

  2. What a full day. I did read Amber's episode on fb. Oh my, what a hoot! Wine needed on that one.
    The quads are so adorable with all your shoes, scarves, jewelry...etc.

    We had a power outage last evening... glad I had my oil lamp handy.

    The Banana Pudding looked wonderful!

  3. You had me at "Banana Pudding"!
    The foursome are busy toddlers now - Oh my! Such fun.
    Loved your TBT photo too.
    Stay safe - those storms look scary!

  4. What a great blast from the past! And what a day Amber had. Oh my! Those kinds of days must be laughed over or one could sink into a slough of despond. Ha! Will be watching these videos when the house is awake. I want to see them all. Did anyone think to bring you a Sonic shake?

  5. Oh those little ones are darling and how fun it looks to be with them. Hey, your gazebo and the planned party look great.

  6. Poor Amber, I just read her post and oh my what a morning she had. I know she is SO THANKFUL for you and Louis Dean! You all probably saved her sanity for the day.

    That Banana Pudding looks amazing! I can only imagine how good it tastes.

    You all be safe in these storms and have a good weekend

  7. Linda, I thought about all of you with the bad weather going on. Glad you are safe. Poor Amber...I felt her pain. See I told you she was blessed to have you and LD and god love her she appreciates you. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,Susie

  8. I will have to go check out the link you gave to Amber's blog so I can read about what went on. Seeing the quads is always fun! Looks like you and LD were able to get a lot done outside. I love your water fountain. I think the ladybug rock looks good on it.

  9. I know it's not funny but reading Amber's description of the start of her day made me laugh. I do remember days like that with only one. I'm glad she found the wine and y'all came to the rescue.
