Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesdays are Special!

It was a busy Tuesday around here today! Just as soon as we had our morning coffee routine we got right to work! I cleaned the guest room and put fresh sheets on the bed. We have a special guest arriving at 6:00 Friday evening - Amber!! She will sleep in her old room for the first time in YEARS!
I can't wait!

Louis Dean worked outside on a walk made of glass blocks.
He bought these at a garage sale long ago! We're going to put ground cover down between them.
He has some others that are smaller.
I was going to use these for lights like I made at Summer's craft day but these were used and not pretty enough for that.
I worked as fast as I could - but since it was Tuesday - I STOPPED, got dressed and picked Ruth Ann up for our weekly trip to the Goodwill and a movie.
She and I talked today about how easy it would be to NOT stop and do our 'Tuesday Experience' every week. We are always busy and more times than not we could justify NOT going because of some pressing chore or one thing or another. This day is OUR day and we do not give it up lightly.
We're kind of proud of ourselves for taking time for US!

As I was checking out, I told the man, "I am a senior citizen. Do I need to show you my ID?"
He leaned over and patted my hand and said, "No.....I REMEMBER you!"

I made quite a haul!

The scarf I got is beautiful and so are the sandals!
I'm going to hang the Fox and Hound metal sign on the side of the house!
YES!! I am now decorating my OUTSIDE walls since my inside ones are FULL!

The Believe plaque is for one of the nurseries - if Amber likes it!
Belva Plain is one of my favorite authors and this looks like a really good book!

Christmas debris! Fall debris!!! Actually I use sunflowers all summer!

This wine 'Sippy Cup' is brand new!!!
I think the saying is cute - but it doesn't apply to me!!

From the Goodwill Ruth Ann and I headed to the movie - this week it was Hercules.
My verdict? Well, it wasn't AWFUL!

We came home and visited in the gazebo with Louis Dean for a few minutes before we started our art.
I made a fresh pitcher of tea and cut up a watermelon to snack on.
Hard to believe we are sipping iced tea and eating watermelon while some of the country is white with snow!

Sherry brought over these very vintage lamps this evening!!
I cannot WAIT to clean them up!!
My step son sent them to me! He knew I would LOVE them!!
Another special thing about Tuesdays - we usually get to visit with Sherry and her sister, Cindy!

Ruth Ann is loving this painting and has done a great job!!

I signed mine but may work a bit more on it next week.

Sabrina is working on her Rain People......

She is a talented artist!

In between my projects I finally finished this little wooden piece.

I found the perfect frame for the angel I finished last week!
Guess where I found it? Behind a dresser right in the guest room!
This was painted for a very special young lady and I will be giving it to her very soon.

Tuesday nights the house is filled with people and laughter, music and LIFE!
We always have prayer before we begin to paint and I close the prayer by asking God to bless the work of our hands. I've been having art class at my house - right here in the dining room - for over 35 years.
It's always been on Tuesday night. It used to be from 7-9 pm.
In years past the table would be full - all six chairs filled.
Now it's just Ruth Ann, Sabrina and I.
We paint well together.
Then everyone leaves and the art table is once again set up for dining - the lights and music are turned off and it is quiet. But the charm of the day lingers. Louis Dean and I are back in the gazebo as we are most evenings. I with my tea and laptop - he with his wine and Maggie in his lap.
I can hear the rumble of airplanes, the tinkle of the pond, a low rumbling of thunder, an ambulance siren.
Here we sit - contented and grateful - chatting before we go in to bed.
I love my Tuesdays!!


  1. I love Tuesday too. Sounds like our day was similar. Took a trip to the Thrift Store and found a few treasures at 30% off. Then Don and I went to the movies..saw God is Not Dead....Excellent movie.

    Love your paint party...your ladies and all of your painting are wonderful. Wish I had someone to paint with.

    I think the glass blocks with the ground cover will look great.

    Have a great evening...Love and smiles

  2. Your Tuesdays sound wonderful, Linda...and yes, the rush of everyday chores and errands could make us put off the fun and good times with friends very easily if we let it. I know you had a lovely time out with Ruth (except for the bad movie). And the art class! All three of you are so talented! I would think it would take days to accomplish paintings like those! Amazing and beautiful.

    It was a pleasure to read about your Tuesday. It makes me want to get up tomorrow and do something really special!


  3. You found some really nice things on your shopping day! The paintings are beautiful

  4. I love reading about your Tuesdays. Tuesdays are special for me too because I teach a ladies' Bible study before I go to work. We have been not meeting because of the snow but will start up again next week. Watermelon and iced tea are sure signs that spring is here. I can't wait until it is warm enough to sit outside in my yard and do the same.

    That landscape you and Ruth Ann did is absolutely lovely. I enjoy drawing landscapes, but I'm no painter. My mom was an artist, though, so I know how much work goes into each painting.

  5. LInda, I swear You and LD are the hardest working people I know. It seems Ted and I do not get to work so much any more. I want to make that potting shed this summer...but we will see. I love all the painting. Do you use acrylics? I want a rainy painting like that. xoxo,Susie

  6. I love your Tuesday too Linda! I love visiting your art classesand seeing what everyone has done. I think the rain/umbrella girl is beautiful! Please share Louis Deans garden when he gets it finished, I love real pictures of flowers, etc. created by real people. Ours is just beginning to pop up, some pansies are blooming, but the rest are just green sprigs poking through the soil. Thanks Linda, for sharing your positive attitude and happy smiles with us!

  7. Things that special are so worth keeping. I'm glad that you make the time for each other. Oh my. Love both of those cabin at the foot of the mountain paintings. Delightful. Okay, I am officially curious about why Amber is running away from home. ☺

  8. I love those lamps!!!... Hubby and I have been taking art classes her in Yuma... but I don't think I could ever paint like you and your friends!!

  9. Goodwill is my favorite. I love to find good deals

  10. You can really tell the love you have for these special days. I'm so glad you haven chosen to continue with them even with pressing things at home. I so need to get better about that. You gals are quite talented. That is some amazing art work

  11. Your photos always look so warm and inviting, Linda!
