Friday, April 4, 2014

Daughter/Mother ~ Mother/Daughter Time

It's FRIDAY so that means I get to spend some time with MY mother!!
Years ago - back when I was going through my divorce - I would get off work and head over to Fort Worth to spend the night with my mother. She would have ready made salads from Braum's or some pasta from an Italian place right around the corner all ready and waiting! She always had a bottle of Reunite's Lambrusco ready to pour! I would never have survived the years of 2003/2004 without her!

This morning I picked her up from the beauty shop and we headed to Trader Joe's!
I was shopping for a few things to make THIS Friday night with MY daughter special!!
Mother and I both love Trader Joe's.
Mother took a cart and I took one. She ran laps around the store while I was shopping - TWICE!!

Bless her heart. As my cart filled Mother wanted me to start putting things in HER cart!
I said, "Why? Do you want people to think you are shopping?"
I said it in a teasing manner - but she answered, "YES!"
As I recounted this to Louis Dean - while I was in the very act of writing this journal entry -  he said,
"It's not easy getting old."
So true. For her. For him. For me. For all of us.

Mother and I stepped out of our routine and tried Chinese food for lunch.

ONE lunch fed us BOTH!!!

I had saved some errands to do with Mother - I think she likes it when I do this!

Visited a wine shop to pick up Amber's favorite wine.
Dawn - I HAD to buy a bottle of Pimm's No. 1 after seeing your post on Facebook today!

Mother and I stopped at the Dollar Store and would you believe what she bought???
THREE more pair of house shoes!!!
After she gave me EIGHT pair recently!!
I do not understand what this house shoe business is all about but if that's what she wants I am all for her getting them!

I came home and blitzed the kitchen - put up all my purchases and cleaned the front porch.
I used the blower to blow it all off and then Pinesol and the water hose to clean off the dust and dirt.
Why all the fuss? This is where the Mother/Daughter part begins.
Amber is spending the night with much the same manner as I did with MY mother back then.
She needed a break to get away and REST! After the day she had Wednesday we all KNOW she NEEDS a rest!!!

I fixed up her old bedroom and put extra goodies in there for her.....
her favorite wines, that sippy wine cup I bought Tuesday, mints, coconut water, bottled water iced down...
and of course - fresh flowers!

I set out a fluffy towel and washcloth and put out a fresh bar of lavender soap.
Louis Dean likes the wimpy small white towels.

He and I sat out in the gazebo - our favorite place to be lately - and waited for Amber to arrive!
I think he was hoping she would bring Kailey!

When she got here I opened up my special bottle of wine my step grandson, Robert, gave me last week.
It was delicious!
Let the weekend begin!!!

Dinner was good! Amber prepared the steaks - even though she was SUPPOSED to have the night off!

We watched a little TV and Maggie sat with Amber the entire time.
Louis Dean was afraid seeing Maggie would make her sad.
I knew better. 
A little cat therapy before bed. 

The house is quiet now. I love knowing I have a child sleeping under my roof again.
Lucy is in the kennel behind me - snoring!
The dishwasher is running, the candles have been blown out, the doors locked.
I think it's time I headed off to bed too!


  1. Linda, sounds like a good day with excellent evening that is. Your family must feel so greatful, blessed, and special to have you in their lives who ia able so feel what they need and more important willing to help them through by offering all the many comforts and love. I think the world of you. Good Night, Linda, sleep tight with smile on your lips and dreams in your head. :)

  2. Love the day you had....time with your Mom....then time with your daughter.what better way to spend a Friday...

  3. Your mom is so cute wanting people to think she is shopping. That gave me a chuckle. Yes, I do believe Amber needs a break. Her room looks so nice and inviting. My Joe likes those little white towels too. What's with our men?

  4.'s always good to have "home" and "mom" to go to. Hope that you gals have a delightful time together. Soon Amber will be refreshed and renewed and ready to "do battle" again.

  5. I'm sure that night off was good therapy for Amber! You're such a good hostess. Be careful, she might take you up on this offer more often! I know you wouldn't mind that. I read about what happened to her the other day. Lord have mercy! What a morning. Glad everyone survived that. She was probably wondering if candid camera was somewhere nearby. I've had moments when things go wrong (one after another) and think that to myself sometimes. I'm often reminded of it not being easy getting old by my own parents and inlaws. They are in their 80's. They have health problems as a result. Makes me not want to get old!!!

  6. Isn't it great to get a chance to pamper our daughters a little bit? You're a good mama!

  7. I know what you mean si fun to be with our elderly mamas! I too Split dinner, lunches and even pieces of big cakes with mother, as we both try not to eat so much! How fun your sweet mom is...wanting people to think she's also shopping, lol! My mom is 84 and she's doing fine, thank God. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Sweet times. I think we all need our Mom, regardless of our age.

  9. Linda, As soon as you wrote that you and your mother went shopping, I thought to myself , I wonder if she got house shoes.LOL. then I read where she got 3 pairs. That poor girl is hunting the right pair. When you said you felt good knowing Amber was there sleeping...I have felt that way when my daughter Kathy comes to stay. It like we know at least one of our children is safe with us. I hope Amber got some rest and had fun too. blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  10. Oh Linda... you are so fortunate to still have your mother...and you are a wonderful daughter!!!.... and a wonderful mother. Enjoy your time with Amber!!

  11. Lovely post, Linda, and I agree with Bev above. You are indeed fortunate to still have your mother. My mother died 31 years ago when I was only 26. Of course, though, she was 67, but still... You and your mother have the same beautiful smile. Love your photos.

  12. Though I wish I had felt better, it was still a really nice time and I did get some much needed rest! You and LD are so thoughtful and it meant a lot to me that y'all did so much to prepare for me to come over! I may be back next weekend with Logan!

  13. What a wonderful day. I'm sure that the days you spend with your mother mean so very much to her. I'm glad you get a chance to enjoy each other's company so often.

  14. How wonderful! You are so blessed to go grocery shopping with your mom. I love Trader Joe's too. I was just there two days ago. However, ours is thirty minutes away. I often quote that old Bette Davis saying "Getting old is not for sissies" And she is right. You really know how to treat your loved ones special! My mom also made a big deal about house shoes, which of course are slippers. They were one of the last things I shopped for her.

  15. Nice mother daugther nite. Glad she got to regroup and relax.
    And yes getting old sucks. It aint for sissy's
