Friday, March 7, 2014

Time With Mother and an Evening in the Gazebo.....

If it's FRIDAY then that means I am spending time with my Mother!

I take our picture every week because I just don't know how much time we have left to be together.
Mother is 87 years old (I think! I am always confused as to her age!) She's in good health but she IS getting up in years and with her recent fall she is using a walker.

This is a picture Deanie took this week after she fixed a basket for her walker.

Now Mother can carry things from room to room.
Good JOB, Deanie!!!
You do SO much for Mother!!!

Our restaurant of choice was once again IHOP - this time at Louis Dean's request!
Just a few weeks ago he pitched a fit about NOT wanting to eat there!! Go figure!

Mother wears magnetic jewelry and she tends to pick up flatware from time to time!!

Louis Dean let her wear his polarized sun glasses on the way home.
If you look through the tinted windows you can see rainbows!
This is all it takes to keep older people entertained!
When we get in the car and LD puts on his glasses he says, "Oh, here come those rainbows again!"

We stopped by to visit Deanie after we left Mother's.
Louis Dean gets the biggest kick out of her!!
They have been close ever since May 2 years ago when Amber gave birth to the quadruplets and Deanie drove down to Houston to see her and the babies the very day they were born!
Louis Dean rode home with Deanie a day or two later while I stayed on awhile to be with Amber as she recovered. They had a BLAST driving the 4 or 5 hours home! I think they like to push each other's buttons!

Deanie knows what kind of music Louis Dean likes and she played The Handsome Family's music from the series True Detectives. He LOVED it!!

When we got home this afternoon we each changed into our work clothes and started on our projects.
Louis Dean is working in the area that looks like Sanford and Son while I worked on the gazebo - hanging up the screens and cleaning it up in general.

Louis Dean made his own dinner. Sandwiches made with leftover meat loaf and scalloped potatoes with slices of red onion. I passed on that one!

We had our evening wine in the gazebo while huddled under warm blankets!
It is a little nippy out there but the curtains blocked some of the wind.
I can't count how many hours we have spent in the gazebo over the years.
We are coming up on our 9th wedding anniversary this June! That is so hard to believe.

I decided to write my blog post out here tonight.

It's been a GOOD Friday!


  1. Love that basket very clever...glad you got to spend time in the gazebo!!!!

  2. I think it's great that you keep taking photographs of you and your mother, and of the things you do together, Linda. You are living in and cherishing the moment. I so enjoyed this post and photos.

  3. Wow, your anniversary is coming up! Time flys when you're having fun:)
    CW & I are coming up on 19 in May:) Our families are very blessed!
    Yes LD & I do love to push each other's buttons, he is so funny!

  4. Happy Women's Day Linda! I wish you will be spoiled rotten by LD and that you will be able to enjoy the day out in your gazebo.

  5. You had only been married three years when John and I ran off to get hitched. =D Ain't life grand? (To quote our mutual friend BJ...ha!)

    Your mama is one of those gals who just keeps right on keeping on. What a joy it must be to her to have such a loving family eager to help her with anything. That basket is a great addition and a very practical one.

    Obviously, the weather has moderated some if you were able to spend evening time in the gazebo. Looks like fun, if those big grins on your faces are any indication.

  6. I know one thing is for sure about you. You don't waste any of your days. They are always full to the brim with home projects, and spending time with those you love. That probably keeps you young! I think your mom looks wonderful for her age! The little basket that Deanie made for her walker is adorable. Glad you had a nice Friday.

  7. Linda, As always your mom looks so happy. You and LD really enjoy your lives, that is what it's all about . So good you can enjoy being outside even if you need a blanky. Blessings to you and LD, hope your weekend is great. xoxo,Susie

  8. awww linda, you look so happy and warm outside. it will come soon for us!! today it was 60 degrees outside, such a big difference from just a few days ago!!

    i LOVE meatloaf sandwiches. meatloaf, extra mayo and nice soft white bread, there is nothing better. my second favorite is white chicken, stuffing, extra mayo and soft white bread!! yummo!!

    the basket for mom's walker is adorable. i have used a walker several times in my life and a basket is a must......especially with splashes of purple!!

  9. Friday is like my Wednesday for me, where we get to spend time with our lucky we are Linda! She looks wonderful, God bless her! You look so happy, and why shouldn't you be?...with quads for grands and a mama...priceless and perfect!

  10. So funny about your mom "picking up flatware"! What a hoot!

  11. FYI
    International Women’s Day has been celebrated around the world for nearly hundred years, although it has yet to receive significant attention here in the United States. The holiday was conceived to aid the international movement for women's suffrage, and more generally to raise awareness of women's struggles for equality. Today, International Women's Day is celebrated in most developed countries, filled with special celebrations, activities for schoolchildren, flowers and tributes to women. For the last few years, Beata Pozniak, the founder of Women’s Day USA, has worked with the Mayor of Los Angeles, Governor of California, and California Congresswoman Maxine Waters for political recognition of this important day. In 1994, at Beata’s suggestion, Congresswoman Waters introduced and arranged for passage of the first bill in the history of the U.S. for national recognition of the holiday (H.J. Res. 316), designating March 8th, 1994 as “International Women's Day”.

  12. Your mom is beautiful and looks terrific for 87. You have a great family!

  13. Magnetic jewelry? Love it. Your momma looks great. That basket Deanie made for your mom's walker is pretty nifty. You do always look happy when you're out in the gazebo. Now is that because of the wine? LOL I know better you've always got a smile.

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