Thursday, March 6, 2014

Scenes From Quadville Wednesday!

It had been a whole week - 7 days! - since we had seen the quads!

Granddad immediately had his lap full!

My beautiful Amber with her Mini Me!!

The babies are loving their huge chalkboard Amber designed for them as soon as they moved into this home!

A little after nap fun in the nursery!
 We are working hard on getting the babies to say 'Grandma.'
It sure sounds like Kailey is saying 'Mee MAW!'
But her 'Granddad' seems to be coming out just fine!

ALL the babies love tea!
 I made them a special pitcher of mixed berry tea (unsweetened) and they drank the whole thing!!

Everyone woke up in a good mood - including me!
You would think a home with FOUR nearly 2 year olds would be wild!
It really isn't! I took a nap downstairs while they were napping. They play quietly in their cribs both before and after their naps giving them 3 hours 'alone' in their cribs.
I think Amber is a genius for realizing they need a bit of time to themselves.

Kailey reminded me of the baby in Please Don't Eat the Daisies! 
I think SHE may be able to pick locks!
That's the 'child proof' doorknob cover in her hands!

My sweet Logan finally got the tea!

From play time in the nursery we went downstairs to have a little music time.

Then we took our chalk and went outside.

They are so funny! Logan and Harrison got concerned when Kailey couldn't open the front door after going in and closing it. That may be good news for Amber! When SHE was that age I had to add flip locks on OUR front door!

The SKY!!! So much to see OUTSIDE!!!

I love seeing LIFE through their eyes!

Everything is new again!

Granddad played some music while they played in the play room.

These two love wearing earrings!

After dinner we watched The Ants Go Marching on my laptop!

That was Levi's favorite and he could pull it up on my computer when he was just 3 years old!

They enjoy music and books and all manner of fun things!

Harrison's serious look as we watched The Ants.....

Trystan LOVES videos and keeps her eyes glued to the screen!!

Wednesdays go by so fast!!
All too soon it was bedtime! It takes Kailey a bit of time to calm down for bed so Granddad usually lingers in the nursery where he rocks and sings to her.

Our Wednesdays are exciting and our Thursdays are nearly always slow and easy!
Today was make up. No big projects. Just a little Pilate's after our morning routine and then housework. I did our taxes - done deal! Louis Dean made a run to Sam's and I baked.

My very favorite cake in all the world is a spice cake with brown sugar frosting - topped with pecans!
It's just a plain spice cake from a boxed mix although the frosting is homemade.
My mother made this all the time - years and years ago!
No real recipe. Just melt butter and brown sugar and a splash of milk together. I do remember Mother used evaporated - I use regular from the jug. Cook for a few minutes and pour over powdered sugar - mix - add a bit of vanilla and spread on cake - top with pecans. Sometimes this comes out more 'candy' like than at other times. Probably because I don't measure and tonight I just dumped the rest of my brown sugar I had in. These tins are ready to give tomorrow. One is for the beauty shop ladies and one for Nita and Mike.
The fact that this is my favorite cake means I MUST give most of it away - because this is ONE cake I WILL eat if it stays in the house!


  1. the quads are so lucky to have you and Granddad....I know you have so much fun with them....glad you had a leisurely Thursday....Have fun with your Mom tomorrow...

  2. Oh, those children are just precious. Amber is so smart with her schedules and her fun ideas like the chalkboard for the kiddos. I know what you mean about the spice cake - there are several desserts I only serve when we are having company.

  3. Oh, they have grown so much! They are completely adorable! So enjoyed these pictures~

  4. You & Granddad are enjoying a good life:) I'm happy for you both!

  5. Oh my how Harrison and Trystan look so much a like! Never noticed that before.

  6. Seems you are having a good time with the young ones.
    Happy weekend!!

  7. Linda, Pilates ...are you kidding me. I would think playing with and picking up those children would be a fun workout.They are a whirl of activity. I like the chalkboard too. They all seem very interested in it. LD will have them playing music soon. Glad you had a great time. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  8. Always fun to catch up in Quadville! They are so busy and fun. They're going to keep everyone on his or her toes!

  9. mmmmmmmm..... that cake looks so delicious! I am going to try the frosting recipe. The quads are just so adorable! Thank you for sharing your wonderful times with us, those faces always bring a smile!

  10. Love having this window into Quadville. They are most precious!

  11. Love all the Quad pictures. I can't wait till it warms up enough to take my little's out to play. They have some serious cabin fever going on!

  12. Wow, they are sure growing up fast. So wild to see them walking on the sidewalk, when yesterday they were just crawling!

  13. I love how they wear the earrings. They sure are growing and getting more and more active.
