Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Satisfying Saturday!

I love this kind of Saturday! I didn't even open the bedroom door until after 11:00! AND I took a nap this afternoon!! Guess I am catching up on my sleep! We are having some major repairs done to our central heating and air. Our fellow was already in the attic working long before I got up and didn't quit until 8:00 this evening. It is NEARLY a done deal! God has a way of putting the right people in our lives at just the right time and we are so grateful for Joe! He's the neighbor who ended up being a distant cousin of mine!

Louis Dean put HIS work clothes on and started to level the lawn house. 
(Note - this is the side of the yard where Sanford and Son live!)

This was once Amber and Ben's playhouse and fort and now holds our lawn equipment and storage.

He finished it and we can now open and close the lawn house door!
Slowly but surely we are getting our act together and taking care of our property!

I spent some time fluffing the gazebo.
It's not 'decorated' but is more like a lake house where you use whatever you AREN'T using in the main house! It's like having another room actually. We have a beverage fridge where Louis Dean can reach over and get a Shiner Bock or a bottle of water. A microwave if he wants to heat something up and even a coffee pot which we use in the spring and early summer. The gazebo now sports new net screens and canopy and I hung strands of new white lights! The big checker cloth and huge checker pieces are out and ready to play!
We do love our gazebo and the time we get to spend in it!

In this my 65th year of life I am making a denim quilt - for ME!
Of the dozens and dozens of quilts I have made over the years I have never kept ONE!
I started this one back in September when I had my birthday and I hope to finish it this spring.
I want it to be an interesting eclectic quilt with a lot of charm. I'm using mostly my own recycled denim - skirts, vests, jumpers and lots of lace and trims.

It has been a satisfying Saturday and I have loved every minute of it!


  1. So are you making a "DOILY" quilt? I don't know if I spelled it correctly but, every time I see lace I think of Amber:) you know what I'm talking about!

  2. You are like a ray of sunshine...always finding the best in everything. For example, I overslept until 11:00 a.m. this morning and I felt like a lout. And I love how you balance your busyness with great relaxation!! So wonderful :)


  3. Sounds like a good day...we got some planting done before the temperature dropped

  4. I also love a good, productive day! lots of fun times ahead in your beautifully decorated gazebo.

  5. It must be our age as I too am making something for myself for once Ha. Can't wait to see your quilt:)

  6. Your gazebo looks like such a fun spot! I always love your positive, upbeat approach to life-thanks for making me smile :)

  7. Laughed out loud at the Sanford and Son comment. Can't wait to see that quilt you're creating for yourself.

  8. So lovely!! I think we all have some of that Sanford & Son going on. Either outside or in. Love the deep blues in the gazebo!! Looks so bright and cheery.

    You and I both turn 65 this year, but I suffer from dyslexia sometimes and say I'm 56.

  9. I just love your gazebo. I wish I had enough room in my yard for one. It's decorated so beautifully. And you have electricity out there! That's a plus.

    I too believe that God puts people in our path just when we need them. Glad to hear your newly found cousin is able to help you out.

  10. Linda, It is so good that you got some real rest. You made me laugh , calling part of your yard, Sanford and Son. We try our darndest to not have anything in view. Even our wood pile is in a little fenced in corner. I can remember cousins in the hills of Tenn. having a yard full of stuff. I said they had a little bit of everything and a whole of nothing. So sad. Probably the kind of people on "Hoarders". I love the way your gazebo shaped inviting for an evening outside. Take care, xoxo, Susie

  11. Oh Linda I can't wait to see the finished product of this quilt. You make the cutest denim quilts and this one sounds like it's going to be vintage.
    I too had to laugh when you called the side of the yard Sanford and Son. One day I hope David and I can enjoy our patio as much as you enjoy your gazebo.
