Monday, March 10, 2014

A Sunday Afternoon with the Quads and a Monday Afternoon in the YARD!!

It has been a GLORIOUS day here in the DFW area of North Texas today!!!
I got with it and did my housework as quickly as possible before I put on my Shape Ups (thank you, Nita, for these shoes! I am STILL wearing them!) and snapped Lucy in her leash and we were off for a walk!

I have been walking along the 1.7 miles of sidewalk in our neighborhood for 48 years now.
This morning I could hear children laughing and birds singing. It is spring break here this week.

The mockingbird is the State Bird of Texas and my very favorite!!
I love to count the number of songs a bird sings!

Louis Dean worked on getting his truck in shape for this weekend. We are going down to his son's ranch and we can NOT wait!! Spring in the COUNTRY is an awesome experience and we hope to spend a lot of time down there before the summer heats up! While he did HIS work - I did mine! A lot of trimming shrubs and pulling up the Asian Jasmine that threatens to cover EVERYTHING around here!

My last 'chore' of the day was to cut Louis Dean down to size!
You can SEE just how happy he is about that!!

We spent Sunday afternoon with the GRAND quads!

We arrived just after they went down for their naps so we had a chance to rest ourselves before they got up.
That Trystan is someone SPECIAL!!

They nearly ALWAYS wake up HAPPY!

They are growing by leaps and bounds!
Logan looks like she is FIVE!

I LOVE Harrison's Texas twang when he says, "HI!!!"

And Logan has THE best laugh!!

Granddad is introducing them to the guitar - among other instruments!
Notice where Kailey is sitting! Her favorite spot! RIGHT by GRANDDAD!

They already know to treat even the case gently.

My FAVORITE moment of Sunday evening.......

listening to MY daughter read to HER children!

It doesn't get any better than this!!


  1. it was a beautiful day wasn't it....I know you will have fun in the country...we will sure miss you Saturday that photo of your daughter with the babies just precious....

  2. You are right, they are getting so BIG! And to think how tiny they were when they were born.

    Have fun down in the country.

  3. that last photo of your daughter reading to the quads is just fantastic... and i liked hearing her read.... so sweet... have fun in the country that really appeals to me... glad spring has sprung...

  4. So sweet. Im also jealous of your weather . Here un upstate NY its still very cold and lots of snow with more on the way.

  5. She is a great little Mom and I know just where she learned how:)

  6. Love that last photo, too, and love how Harrison is the only one looking at the camera! Very sweet image...

    Glad that you are entering spring with zest, plans, and joy!

  7. Such wonderful times spent with your family. Our Spring break isn't until the end of the month. I know you are looking forward to your trip to the ranch soon!

  8. How precious to see our children becoming the parents we prayed they would be. I was so bless to see Jill and Jaya raising Tristan with such love and care. I truly feel like I am getting to know your family so well. You are so honest and willing to share. I trim my dearest beard..perhaps I should take a picture..HaHa.
    Sending love and hugs

  9. I absolutely cannot believe how big they have gotten. I love seeing how much joy that have brought to You and LD. You can honestly see the love within the photos!

  10. Linda, That is so sweet , Amber reading to the babies. At least LD has a nice head of hair to cut. I use a flo-bee on My Ted. It hooks to the vacuum. Works fine on his hair. Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. xoxo,Susie

  11. Louis Dean does not look happy in that big bib getting his hair cut - so funny. Like a big kid!

  12. Great adventures! Aren't these lovely days wonderful? Makes me think we're having Calif weather. :)


  13. He looks like Harrison did when he got that first hair cut. LOL
    Kailey is definitely granddad's baby girl. When I saw Poor Little Logan she was overwhelmed by all the new faces so I never got to hear the laugh. Trystan was all giggles and grins. Harrison was busy checking every thing out.
