Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday With a SISTER!

We had a GREAT Tuesday - all day long!!!

It started off with meeting my sister, Luann, over in Quadville!!
Any day I get to see these quadlings is a GOOD day!!!
If you look to the left of Luann you can see the 'Jack in the Box' she brought them.
Only this is a TEDDY BEAR in a box!
They loved it!!

From Quadville we headed straight for the Goodwill where I found a few treasures - as did my sister!
The best buy of all was this Step 2 Art Easel! I will clean it up and give the chalk board a fresh coat of chalk paint and buy some large pads of art paper and we'll be in business!

Another good find was this slinky dress. 
I normally don't look good in 'slinkies' but this one was really nice on! 

I LOVE this denim striped jacket!!
It was 83 degrees here today but will be 39 tonight with a high of only 60 tomorrow.
That's when I plan to wear this!! Louis Dean said I will match his overalls!

Next stop? LUNCH!!

From there we went to see Labor Day at Cinemark 10 where movies are just $1 all day on Tuesdays.
Luann picked and she chose wisely!!! It was a great film and left my tender hearted little sister wiping her eyes as we exited the theater! We missed Ruth Ann who is my SISTER as well! Sister in law!
She is still regaining her health after this last bout with the crud!
We did NOT see the Hobbit movie because she has been looking forward to that  - so we will wait for her!!


We finished up the afternoon at Central Market and topped our shopping off with a cup of coffee at their cool little cafe! Next time we will have LUNCH here!
From there we went our separate ways home.

My Tuesday wasn't over yet though!
Art Class! This is Sabrina's work in the foreground and mine is framed in the background.
I worked on another 'Rain' painting - I have TWO more to do - and I must say to Luann and Candie - 
you will have them by the end of spring but they will be a softer version. The 'original' is just too violent for me. I find palette knife painting to be harder than I thought. I have done may in landscapes before but this has proved to be difficult!

I have pretty much finished this textured angel.....to be so simple it was still a challenge!

So what was Louis Dean up to all day???

Cooking!!! A brisket for tomorrow's dinner in Quadville and some to take to the ranch on Friday.

Not only did he COOK - he BAKED as well!!
THREE pans full!!!!

Let's just say that between the turpentine, the brisket and the rolls -
my house smelled GREAT this evening!!!!


  1. Linda, you had a fun and eventful day! I love the slinky dress.

  2. Your Tuesday was so much fun! Love your thrifty finds....mmmmm LD did good...

  3. Oh what a fun day. I love that skinny dress and all that yummy food tood! You always enjoy Linda and the gorgeous quads, just perfect! I also think your dear LD did great!

  4. OK, I'd like to borrow DL for a week. Those cinnamon rolls are to die for, and THREE pans. I'm in sugar heaven.

    What a fun day with your sister. I love that you live life to it's fullest.

    How about a picture of you in your "slinky"....haha..

    I found a cute skirt at our Thrift store today. 30% off $1.99. Not bad. Also found two nice Home Store orange plates that match my Fiesta Ware. 75 cents each and of course my Senior 30%. Life is good.

  5. WOW! Now Miss Linda, I have a question for you and your sweet husband...where in the world do you both get all of your energy??? You both pack a lot of fun living into one day...so inspiring!!! Love it all!

  6. You've been busy! We went to Central Market in Plano this past Saturday. Just finished eating our homemade tortillas at dinner last night. We go there and buy things that are so unnecessary but so delicious. Love it!

  7. Your artwork is very good. Love the dress. Craving the cinnamon rolls. Fun day!

  8. Linda, While you and your sister were out and about....LD was home being "sexy" LOL ... wowwee, all that food he made looks good. I like the dress you found . I know the quads will like the easel. I am loving those rain pictures. I wish I had the nerve to try one. I am so glad you are feeling better. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  9. What a good day! That art easel was a great find and I love that slinky dress!
    Our weather has been insane too. It was 70 yesterday and it's snowing tonight. Mother Nature is seriously bipolar these days.
    Can you box up some of those cinnamon rolls and mail them to me? They look delicious!

  10. WOW! What a FULL day, Linda! It looks like the two of you have got your GROOVE back after all that illness! OMGoodness...your kitchen is cinnamon Heaven! How lucky are the recipients of those yummy deliveries!
    The best of blessings to all!
