Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Celebrating TUESDAY!!!

 Tuesday was a day to celebrate!

Louis Dean got DRESSED and even played music - which meant he is feeling more like himself!
He bought himself a new camera the other day.
This is the second picture taken with it.

This was the first!

He said he wanted the first picture to be of me - ON my phone AT my computer!
He says this is the way he usually sees me!

This is the way I like to see HIM!
With his guitar at his side and Lucy at his feet.

I am so happy to have my friend and movie buddy back - my sister in law, Ruth Ann!
We had a 'normal' Tuesday and we were both as excited as schoolgirls getting together for a play date!

Our movie of choice was The Lone Ranger!
I had seen it once the very day it came out - but can you see Johnny Depp too many times?
I think not.
If nothing else comes it will be R.I.P.D. for our next flick!

A trip to Goodwill was next on our list.

I scored with two fall cushions for our 'Boston Legal' moments.

A bag of pomegranates for my pumpkin basket for less than  $1.75.

I am going to a Ladies Beach Week soon so I was thrilled to find wine glasses for all of us.

They are PLASTIC wine glasses! I also picked up this CLAY ART 'Wine 'N Brie' hand painted dish.
I'll be shopping for bread and cheese and fruit to fill it!

AND Crazy Good Wine playing cards as cute gifts for all the Beach Party ladies.
These are brand new unopened decks all packed up in a set.
I bought them and was just HOPING they were regular playing cards and not some wild set with nude men.
I was reassured when I opened ONE pack - just to be sure!

My last bargain was a super cute sweater for the FALL weather that I have faith is coming!
Sooner or later. Of course, that may well be December here in Texas!

When I got back home Louis Dean had fixed our front door where it will OPEN again.
Open without kicking it, that is! I have been reduced to tears more than once when I could NOT get in the house until I had worn myself out kicking and pulling and pushing that door!
The ground around here shifts like crazy.

Louis Dean shaved some OFF the bottom -
and ADDED it to the top!
Tomorrow he will sand and stain (the inside) and paint (the outside) and it will be like new!
Good to see LD back in action.

Tuesday means ART!

Ruth Ann and I 'based in' our Santa.
This is always a scary thing because they LOOK so scary!
One year my 'Santa' looked like a clown during the first two painting sessions.
I shouted with delight when he finally turned into a SANTA!

Trust me! These will all look GREAT in another Tuesday or two!
Sabrina, we hope to see you next time we paint!

The bottom one is our inspiration.
We'll get there.

As Tuesdays go - THIS one was a WINNER!!


  1. Linda, Glad your Tuesday was so good. It's nice that LD is feeling better. He's a good man. There he is working already..LOL . I would love to paint with you ladies. Take care. xoxo, Susie

  2. I'm so glad to read about your normal Tuesday activities. And also glad to see LD is feeling better. He is such a handy guy to have around -- fixing your door like that. Hooray, no more kicking it in.

  3. It must be so nice for you to be back home for Fall 2013! You look great multitasking at your computer!

    From high tech to hand painting, and home improvement! All in one day...you and LD never disappoint with your energy!

  4. I hope LD is doing much better! And I loved the Lone Ranger! I didn't know that was out. I love your new blog look. I want a new camera! sandie

  5. It's always a great day when everyone is up and at'em and feeling good. I think LD took two great photos. He sees you as an active, friendly person!

  6. Hi Linda... I have been busy on our trip and not able to do my Blog reading.... but glad to hear that LD is feeling better... I do worry about him when I hear he is not well! Love the way he pictures you:))...and the way you picture him... you guys are great!!

  7. So happy to hear your sweetheart is feeling better. I think I wish you lived closer. Would be fun to hang out with you guys.

  8. Glad to see Louis Dean back to himself!

    I LOVE those chair cushions you scored. You always find great deals at Goodwill! That sweater is super cute too. I was wondering what your Fall weather and Winter weather was like in Texas. We are planning a Christmas Vacation trip and Texas was one of our possibilities of places to visit! I didn't know how cold it would be in December though.

    Hope the rest of the week has been as good as your Tuesday was!
