Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wine Charms and other Things......

It is raining tonight as I write and I have to tell you it is making a lovely sound! The temperature fell 15 degrees making it a cool 75! It is beginning to FEEL a bit like fall!

I am getting ready for a Ladies Beach Week and decided to make wine charms for the glasses I bought at Goodwill on Tuesday. I used rubber bands and odds and ends from my craft cupboard.

I think they will serve the purpose!

I made this one for Summer using one of her old earrings and a gold shoe clip.
WHERE I got the shoe clip I'll never know!

A brand new applique and a wooden button works!

Texas and a silver earring for another one.

This came on my bottle of fragrance......

as did THIS one which will be MY wine glass charm!
I knew I would use it for SOMETHING!

I used a vintage clip earring - only one in the 'Button Box!'

This is a sweetheart rose for someone special. I thought it would be perfect for my sister, Luann, who is going on the trip with me. There will be 7 or 8 ladies and I have 7 glasses. 

My friend, Sharon, sent me this beautiful hand made card!
Every card she has ever given me is on display here in my home or in the camper.
They are works of art!

My birthday C! Amber gave it to me yesterday since I will be out of town on my birthday!
I have hung it in the hall.

Today Louis Dean made an important decision!
While it is true that he CAN fix just about any and every single thing -
he decided to take the truck to NTB and let THEM fix the brakes!
He is from the old school and it pains him to not be able to do as much as he used to do!
Sooooooo.......since he had some free time today.......

I'm SURE he was more than happy to help me trim out the hall.
He DOES look happy, doesn't he?

Another gift from Amber was the 4th book in the quadruplet's first year.
She chose the perfect pics for the book cover.
They each one are perfect reflections of the babies' personalities.

Last night I was tired to the bone and did not feel like writing in my journal - the paper one or online!

But I MUST include scenes from yesterday.
The quads have such expressions!

They are roaming around the kitchen and breakfast room a little more often these days.
They were fascinated with this bag of potatoes!

Kailey is still practicing her acrobatic skills.

I caught her as she flung herself from the chair over to me!

There's always a jumble of legs and arms....
the little boy under that pile is Warren. He was born just a few weeks before the quads.

I didn't even realize I caught Harrison reading a book until I was cropping my photos.
Trystan is playing with one of the books I made so many years ago.

This is Lisa and her little boy, Warren.
She and Amber were room mates in college and have been close friends ever since.
They have been here visiting this week and it was so good to see her and her CUTE little boy! Or I should say BIG boy!

On a more serious note, my sisters and I are praying for a little 9 year old boy who is a classmate of Andie's.
He is having surgery in the morning on a large tumor on his spinal cord in the middle of his back. They expect this surgery to take 16-17 hours. His mother is a NICU nurse and my heart goes out to her. She has helped so many others in need and we are praying for her in HER time of need. Life is fragile and we are all reminded of our need for prayer.

Louis Dean and I are catching up on our Duck Dynasty episodes tonight.

My sister went to Monroe, LA to see them recently!

That just makes me .......


  1. What a fun and busy post, Linda. I absolutely love the sound of rain...and the fresh smell, too. And I love Autumn! :)

  2. HA HA...we just bought the first season episode of Duck Dynasty...we've never watched them before... Brian loves them... me not so much:)

  3. We LOVE Duck Dynasty! I am glad Louis Dean let NTW fix the brakes but I know for Charlie it is hard to let someone do something he thinks he should do. The babies are growing so fast! I was worried about you last night when you didn't post; usually wait up at night til I read your blog! Sometimes I even check on my phone after I go to bed. Hope you are all rested now.

  4. I just heard from my sister in South Texas that they have had some rain every day for the past few weeks. You Re always busy...and always creating something fun. Have a fun getaway.

  5. We got rain last night, what a blessing, maybe it will help settle the dust and everyone's allergies. Love the Wine Glass Charms! I love to see things repurposed! We will also pray for the boys surgery and recovery! It is good to LD back up and busy. Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend!

  6. Loving Duck Dynasty here...last night's episode had me in stitches. John's dragging his feet just a bit on this one, but he's starting to laugh every now and then so I know he'll catch up.

    Amber is a sweet gal for giving you such meaningful gifts. The book of the quads 4th quarter first year must be so fun to see.

    I get the sense that you're on the move so if you sneak on outta here before I catch you again...have a blast!

  7. HI Linda - Duck Dynasty has only just begun here in New Zealand - I have watched only the first episode - lot of fun! Cheers

  8. Well happy birthday to you! I love the gifts that Amber gave you. Your wine charms are so cute too. I'm sure everyone will enjoy them on your trip. I didn't know you watched duck dynasty. We watch it every week and just love it! Si is my favorite.

  9. Cute wine glass charm ideas.
    You know I have never watched duck dynasty.
