Monday, September 16, 2013

Plumbing Fix - REDNECK Style!

Sunday I started in on the 'Damage Control' in the kitchen. Louis Dean does so much better these days but I still like to tease him. He had a rough night Saturday with his allergies and slept LATE Sunday morning!
 As in 11:00 am late!
I decided to load the dishwasher and clean the counters - Louis Dean had some pretty good adventures in the kitchen preparing for Leah's wedding. As I got the detergent out from under the sink I detected a bad smell. UGH! The drain had leaked AGAIN!! He had tried to fix it a week or so ago and it held pretty well unless you turned the disposal on. We had placed a kitty litter pan (? it fit perfectly!) under that side of the sink - just in case!
Glad we did! It was FULL of stinky water. Not wanting to wake him, I managed to dump it in a bucket - getting it all over ME in the process AND the rug! I cleaned myself off and put the braided rug in the washer. It came totally apart when I took it out so I promptly threw it away!

My knight in shining armor attacked the sink as soon as he was awake enough.

A brick under the drain to keep it from shaking loose!
Works for me!!
We will be getting a new sink and counter tops as soon as we can get around to it so he will have it properly repaired then. For now - at least it WORKS!

This afternoon I went to the hospital for a mammogram.
Love having insurance coverage and I am CHECKING off all the normal procedures I have been PUTTING off waiting until I turned 65.

The technician was making conversation with me and asked what my afternoon plans were.

I told her I was going to paint my kitchen trash bin.
She laughed and said she wasn't expecting that!

I've been meaning to paint them since I did the roll carts in the kitchen.
There's just not enough time to do everything I want to do.....
nor do I have the energy to do it all anymore! 
Slow and steady. Step by step. Task by task.
All that needs doing will get done.

My poor Louis Dean has been under the weather for nearly 3 weeks now.
Oh, he rallies from time to time but is nowhere near his normal self.
While he napped (again!) I prepared some veggies for the oven and used some garlic butter on top.

Paired with a can of baked beans and some chopped BBQ (left from the wedding meal) we had us a good supper.

Tonight I watered our dying flower beds and have already put Lucy to bed and closed up the house.
It takes me about 15 minutes to unplug all my lights and lock all the doors, blow out the candles and turn off the central A/C unit and then turn on one in the bedroom. It's not even 9:00 and this night owl is about to go to bed!

During the fall - this tree is always the last one I turn off at night.
I may just sit here awhile and look at it.
The weather man promises a cool down by this weekend and I am so READY!


  1. I hope you get your plumbing straightened out soon. Dirty stinky water under the sink is not a nice surprise.

    Your roasted vegetables look so yummy!

  2. Goodness, I do not know how you do it all! The trash bins are looking fine. Gotta love that red. Is there anything worse than a drippy pipe? You did well to handle it until your hero could.

    Oh I hope that you get your cool-down; we've been promised a warm-up. I'd not mind the cooler day time temps, but the frost and freeze warnings are coming too soon. I've only been enjoying some flowers for a month.

  3. Louis Dean is in good hands with you, Linda! Those veggies and garlic butter sound like just what the doctor ordered!

  4. Louis Dean is in good hands with you, Linda! Those veggies and garlic butter sound like just what the doctor ordered!

  5. Your days are filled 'fuller' than anyone else's, I'm sure! I hope Louis Dean soon feels better, and I'm glad you're able to stay on top of your own health!

  6. I don't know how you get everything done in a day! I'm so sorry LD has been under the weather, I hope he feels better soon. And I hope you get that new sink soon, too! Love the trash bin!


  7. We are also feeling under the weather (literally) due to allergies. Our flowers and yard is turning to dust from lack of rain. We are blessed with some cooler weather and clouds but only a couple of sprinkles on the sidewalk. Love the COLOR red you are painting! What? No duct tape on that leaking plumbing? LOL! Yum to dinner, did you grow the herbs? Have a great day Linda, and we hope LD feels better soon!

  8. I am glad to see that you're taking the time to have your medical tests done. I hate knowing that you couldn't have these done before because of not having insurance! That's terrible! You're lucky nothing major came up during that time. I've always had medical insurance and can't imagine not having it. In fact, I just had my check up today and got a flu shot! Sorry to hear that LD has not been feeling well. Hopefully, he is under a doctors care and will get better soon. It has been cool here today too. It really feels like Fall is coming! I'm loving it.

  9. Linda, It's good that you are taking care of your health. We have we can help others. Hope LD gets better soon. At least you got that trash bin painted.:) xoxo,Susie

  10. Love your red-neck plumbing repair! I agree with seem to accomplish a lot every single day.

  11. We have had some really awesome temperatures here in Kentucky lately. It's been in the 70's and sunshine. Pretty perfect weather. I hope you all get your cool down soon!

    I hate that Louis Dean is still somewhat sick. It seems like anything you get in the summer is harder to shake. Hopefully he's a 100 percent soon!

    I had to laugh at his drain fix. Totally something my SJ would have done.

  12. Awesome. Glad you've got that settled, heh. In case the drain backs up or whatnot, though, I figure you don't have to go through the same stresses. You should just sit back amid the entire thing and let other hands, professional ones, deal with that mess. You owe yourself that luxury. :)

    Kurt @ Total PLBG
