Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday: Fort Worth Morning and Dallas Afternoon/Night

This morning Louis Dean and I picked Mother up from the beauty salon and went out for lunch.

Razoo's was our choice.....Louis Dean wanted something with FLAVOR!
I have been so busy that I didn't even call Mother one time this week!
She let me know it, too!
Plus she had showed me some tears in the seams of her comforter and pillows last Friday and fully expected me to show up with my needle and thread today. 
But I had forgotten! I will really need to remember NEXT Friday!!!

From Fort Worth we headed over to Dallas stopping to pick up Lucy on our way.
The quadruplets all FOUR have colds plus teething! I guess the two go hand in hand.
I think we went through a whole box of super soft tissues since we arrived this afternoon.

Amber's always happy to see reinforcements!
She and Mike are off on a business function and we are spending the night and watching the babies.
She had removed the corral from the rocking chairs so we could get to them more easily.

Well, when Louis Dean went to the guest room to rest for a few minutes and I was in the kitchen getting their dinner together - I looked over and the babies were climbing up IN the rockers, then standing UP and climbing towards the TOP!

So I turned them over and they loved THAT even more!!

Harmless fun, I say!!

I still had to keep my eyes on them! 

Even though they are feeling pretty bad and their noses are running like crazy - I thought they were in fairly good moods!

We had dinner ready by 6:00.
I used the bowls but only Trystan actually ate from hers!
The others dumped theirs out immediately! But at least I know how much food they were given!

Trystan is a neat little eater!!!

The babies are all tucked into bed and sound asleep as I write. We had to rock Harrison and Kailey for a half hour because they were crying. I could not bear to leave them knowing they would desperately need their noses wiped after all that crying! I was right.

Now that the house is quiet I think I am going to put myself in bed.
I've had a full week with all my grands.
One of the wonderful things about grandchildren is - they have PARENTS!!!


  1. Oh Linda you are something else, turning that chair over so those cuties can climb,you spoil them rotten!! Hope Amber doesnt see this;)
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love from so many grands. Great climbing frame as well as seeing something new/different than before. Bet you sleep VERY well tonight.

  3. What a great post. You are a busy lady, Linda. I love the blouses that you and your mother are wearing!

  4. Oh poor babes all having colds and teething. You're one of those fun grandmothers who thinks like a kid! Hope that you're getting a day off soon for collapsing and relaxing.

  5. You truly are in the sandwich generation. Have you heard of that phrase before? That's when you're taking care of your kids (or in your case, grandkids) AND your mom! That's the sandwich generation. You're doing such a good job of it too!

  6. Another busy day for you. I hope you get some rest this weekend.

  7. I'd say you had your hands full! Oh what fun!

  8. Ok, LInda

    Capsicum is said like cap - see- come

    And courgette is coor - jet


  9. Linda, I hope you take vitamins. My goodness you are one busy grandmother. Your mom is so cute...wanting you to sew her comforter. Bless her heart. Hope you and LD have a great day. xoxo,Susie

  10. OMGosh, I'm sure you had your hands full...but what adorable babies!! :)

  11. You have the most beautiful spirit Linda! They sure are getting big!!

  12. Oh sweet Linda, wish I could spend a day with you and the darling babies, as I'm a baby lover too and grands are the best God and life could ever give are so blessed with these cutíes! Thanks for sharing always and for your sweet and kind visit.
    Big hugs,

  13. I love that picture of Amber and LD. Makes me smile.
    That little Trystan has the smile that you can't resist
