Thursday, August 22, 2013

MiMi Camp 2013: The Final Day

MiMi Camp 2013 closed this afternoon at 4:30. I immediately poured me a glass of wine and  sequestered myself in the A/C COLD camper with my book and my phone. I sipped and played Scrabble and Words With Friends, took a nap and read a chapter in my current novel. AND I had a nice phone chat with Summer. It's been a good camp this year but make no mistake - it is exhausting! At 65 I do not have the energy I did back when I was a mother to two young children. I was 36 when I had Amber and 39 when Ben was born. I plan to continue MiMi Camp with some tweaks as the years go by as long as I have grandchildren who want to come! I am going to try and incorporate 'mini' camps during the year. Making memories is important!

Here are some of the highlights of our last day of camp:

It's been a long standing tradition to bake Banana Nut Muffins and this dates back to when Sam was little!
Today Faith was the one helping me bake while Sam and Levi cracked and shelled the pecans. 
Okay, maybe Levi CRACKED and scattered but Sam was able to gather enough pecan meats for at least one dozen of the muffins with pecans on top of the second dozen and the third was simply plain banana muffins......Faith's favorite.

They did turn out delicious and the grands ate at least a dozen and took another dozen home with them.

Deanie and Andie joined us in this last day of camp. Andie had surgery on Tuesday and I was delighted she felt up to an adventure with her cousins! We started the visit with tea and muffins in the camper. It was Andie's first visit to our little RV.

Louis Dean adores Deanie and he was quick to get out there as soon as she arrived!!!

Our first craft of the day was decoupaged plates.......
here is Levi with the fabric he chose for his mom.

You simply take a clear glass plate (I have been collected them as I find them at the Goodwill's) and cut a circle of fabric to fit. Snip it so it won't wrinkle up like a piece of fried bologna and Mod Podge the plate, press the fabric circle smooth (right side DOWN) and coat with another layer of Mod Podge.
Easy peasy! Andie and her mom LOVE the Dallas Cowboys so she did two of those and I made one for my son, Jesse.

Our second project was painting a jar with a mixture of food coloring, water and glue.
The results look like beach glass.

You can put a votive in it - electric or 'real' - and it makes a lovely light.

The kids enjoyed doing this. Wrap the top with a raffia bow when it's dry.

Louis Dean treated us to a pizza lunch.......

and I had vanilla ice cream with butterscotch sauce over a cinnamon tortilla for dessert.

Our third and last project was decorating clipboards for school.
We used the colorful duct tape available now. 
I gave each child a 'word.'
Andie's was DANCE.
Faith's was SMILE.
Sam's was IMAGINE.
Levi didn't want to do a clipboard.......until we were finished and THEN he did one on his own.
I owe him a WORD!

Aunt Deanie is so much fun!!!
Faith has sported a tattoo from the Texas Rangers game on Sunday.
She decided to use some pieces of duct tape to tattoo her aunt!

Don't you love Deanie's t-shirt? She must have them custom made.

Anyone remember the movie 'The Planet of the Apes?'
Deanie does a 'Kiss me, Cornelius' routine that will have you laughing so hard you are crying!!

Sam was trying it! I passed out a few grapes and here we have a party game!!

Andie was trying her best.....

Faith couldn't do it because she kept SMILING!!
Remember - SMILE - was her word!

Levi didn't even try! He just said, "MiMi!!! Take my picture!!" And so I DID!!

After Deanie and Andie left the kids and I packed up all their STUFF!!!
It was Meet the Teacher night and our party was soon to be over.

We gathered in the camper for one last game of Memory while we waited for their dad to pick them up.

This was the last photo of the day. 
Sam was playing 'Froggie Went A-Courting and He Did Ride! Uh HUH!"

It was a good week. I'm off for one final sit with Louis Dean before going to bed. 
My normal life will resume in the morning.


  1. Oh you'd never want a normal life. Ha! Looks as if the kids and the adults had a grand old time. Now sleep in tomorrow!

  2. A fun post. Linda, those muffins look delicious!

  3. Successful camp....done. Always envious a little when you get to see Aunt Deanie!

  4. What a camp! Your grandkids are so lucky to have you in their lives. What great happy memories. You are my Hero Linda!!!

    1. Jutta.....please send me your email address again. I can't find it in my address book. I have been thinking about you and your family. How was the wedding?

  5. What fun, unfortunately all good things come to an end though.

    Have a wonderful weekend Linda, have fun catching up on your rest now! ;-)

  6. I can't wait to do this when I have grandkids. You are so very creative. I loved the plate idea. But I especially love all the smiles.

    1. Thank you, Simone! It's a lot more fun and less stress when you have the grands! They always go HOME in the end!

  7. Another successful Mimi Camp goes into the history books. You are such a good grandmother to do this each year. Thanks for sharing all the pictures and letting us attend too. Now back to real life for you. I don't think your life will ever be "normal". That would be way too boring.

  8. You did such a good job keeping those kids entertained all week. I love the projects y'all did together. Looks like everyone had a great time. I know that must've been a lot of work (but fun work) to hold camp for all the kids. You deserve "grandmother of the year" award for all you do!!

  9. What great crafts and what memories you are making!! You are amazing!!

  10. Linda, You make me wish I was a go to camp. Looks as if everyone truly enjoyed themselves. What wonderful memories. Blessings to all. xoxo,Susie

  11. I'm gonna give you a word .. FUN! What a great Mimi you are.

    1. That's SWEET!!! I will proudly take that word!

  12. Oh that sounds like so much fun....I hope I can have traditions like this with my grands as they get older, I sure am enjoying them now.....

    I made many memories like this with my Aunt Jo, my mom's oldest sister and my mom was the baby of 8.....she's 89 and still going the memories and this brough many back! Thank you! A friend in East Texas, Pam

    1. I started when they were pretty young so they are accustomed to it. When they were little it was DAY camp only and then they started spending the nights too as they got older.

      I always enjoy your comments!! Thanks so much for all the words of encouragement you have given me along the way!

  13. That is such a lovely compliment!

  14. I love seeing your Mimi Camps. You're so creative and crafty. It's great to see the kids all ready to participate. Great lookin bunch!
