Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Saturday Party and A 'Chicken Soup' Sunday!

Saturday was a PARTY Day at our favorite Junk/Antique store - Junker-Val's!
The owner threw a Birthday Party celebrating her 60 years!
AND she invited all her customers!

My sister, Luann, met up with us there!
It was FUN like a PARTY!!

Along with the wine, she served cookies, chips and dip, nuts and - of course -


Is this not PRECIOUS??
SO 'Junker-Val!'

My sister was dipping into the boxes of jewels.

I had left Louis Dean in the car eating some chicken nuggets we had picked up on our way over.
By the way, Junker-Val's in in Fort Worth on Bluebonnet Circle.
He seemed to make a good impression when he came in because everyone noticed him!
Perhaps it was because he was wearing his 'Party' overalls! 

I DO love JUNK!

Lots of things to look at!

SO much STUFF!!! Right up my alley!

I brought a bottle of red wine as a birthday gift but I have a sneaking suspicion 
Val is a white wine gal like me! 

Can you tell Louis Dean wasn't feeling well?
He has had a terrible time with his allergies and it's my fault!
We ran out of Zyrtec and I failed to remember to buy we have NOT taken our allergy meds for the last two weeks! It finally caught up with both of us but HE really has it bad!
When I offered him the option of staying home he said he could feel awful anywhere and didn't want to miss the party!

My 'treasures!'
I have been wearing the pearl earrings since we got home.
They are SO comfortable I forget I have them on.
The only place to get CLIP earrings anymore is at places like Junker-Val's!
I think I am obsolete! No pierced ears for me and now my lobes are so large I wouldn't thing of doing it.
 Did you know our noses and ears continue to grow as we get older? They just KEEP growing!
It's the cartilage actually! Add to that the gravity pull on our earlobes! The older I get the LARGER earrings I wear!

I also bought a set of eight napkin rings which I hope to polish up tomorrow!

I love JUNK!
I made a grouping of old metal things this afternoon.
These now hang in my hall.

Someday I would like to make a bird house like THIS!
It is outside Razoo's Cajun restaurant in Fort Worth.

This sturdy brass coat rack was another purchase yesterday.
Not sure where it will hang just yet. 
Perhaps here behind my bedroom door.

It was a great Saturday Party!
Happy Birthday, Junker-Val!!!

It's been a Chicken Noodle Soup Sunday!
Louis Dean has literally been in bed all day long! 
He's in here on the couch watching a little football as I write.
He'll be back in bed soon. I have pulled a 'Deanie Day' myself.
Slept late, had coffee, read, played my Scrabble games, changed sheets, napped, snacked on light things, had tea, let Lucy in and out. She has mostly been at my feet all day.
Louis Dean holed himself up in the guest room last night since he was feeling so badly!
Hopefully this day of rest will see us feeling a little more like ourselves in the morning.


  1. hope you are both feeling better...I know how you feel..2 shots and a breathing treatment helped has been a much better day...that really looks like a fun place...gonna have to check it out next time I'm in Fort Worth...

  2. Oh I know how it is to run out of your allergy medicine. I take Allegra and sure know it when I don't take it. Get some Zyrtec ASAP!

    Looks like you had a wonderful time at the party. I absolutely love the cake!

  3. Hope you are both feeling well. Looks like you had quite an enjoyable time! I absolutely love homemade chicken soup and make it regularly, especially in Autumn and Winter! I make it with chicken, rice, garlic, cabbage, onions and carrots. Mmmmm....:)

  4. Hope you're both feeling better soon! My allergies haven't been too bad yet, but fall is my worst season, so I know it's coming. Take care!

  5. Thank you so much ! Its always a party when You visit at Junkervals!

  6. Looks like a fun cekebration. Hope you both are feeling better soon!

  7. Hope you've picked up some Zyrtec! Feel better, you two. Monday is a day to recoup and regroup. You found some great things at Val's! Looks as if she really knows how to throw a party, too.

  8. Hope it is nothing more then allergies, and you both are feeling better soon.
    Junkerval looks like a grand place to visit:)
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. Sounds like a fun and relaxing day! How nice that a "goody" store share their celebration with their customers. I saw so many pretty things! Thank you for sharing, hope L.D. feels better soon!

  10. That party looked like a lot of fun! I love going to antique shops while they serve food and drinks. Louis Dean is such a sweetie to still join you despite feeling bad. My son has been having a difficult time with allergies lately too. We take Zyrtec as well. Hope LD gets to feeling better soon.

  11. Oh, I love good junk, too, and it looks like there was tons of it! How fun! :)

  12. It looks a real treasure trove! Love your arrangement of hinges.
    Poor Louis Dean with his allergies. It's particularly rotten to feel unwell in summer. Sending best wishes for a recovery soon.

  13. I hope you and LD feel better soon.

  14. That was some party. Hope LD is feeling better at the time.
    That cake was awesome.
    Looks like a really cool place to shop
