Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I LOVE a Good Mood.......

and I have been in one all day long!! It began with coffee as all good days do! We have our morning Bible devotion and reading and today we started a 'new' book - Lake Wobegone Days by Garrison Keillor. It was published in 1985 so we are 28 years late in reading it! As soon as our morning routine was done it was time to head out for Tuesday Adventures!! My sister, Luann, joined me and we had a blast!
First up was our trip to Goodwill where we both found some treasures!

I bought 'this' for the quads even though I have no idea what 'this' really IS!
It plays music and there are activity things at the bottom of two legs. The babies crawled under it like a tunnel and were entertained. That's all that counts.

Next up - the MOVIES!

Man!! This was a GOOD movie!!! We all clapped at the end!

I HAD to take the toy over and get to love on the babies!

Kailey being KAILEY!

That Trystan is the SWEETEST thing!!!

 They are all four adorable - and that's not just a grandmother talking!!

Tuesdays are my FAVORITE! Art day! We missed painting last week! Just opening up the jar of turpentine makes the house smell like a studio! It helps that I LOVE that smell! So does Sabrina. Her car smells like 'art' since she transports her paintings between class and her office.

She chose this painting and it has been a fun project! I usually paint faster than she does but tonight I seemed to have got a slow start! Her canvas is larger than mine and she still quit before I did.

No worries! I continued to paint after she left! I don't have to get up in the morning and go to the office like she does! I am SO enjoying this 'retired' life - even though I have only worked a real 'job' for less than 5 years total! I have been a 'professional' housewife  and still am. So I guess I'm not really retired after all. I just 'own' my own business and can set my own hours!

I caught up with her before I cleaned up the art table!
We still have one more session before the FINAL one where we add the RAIN!
That will be exciting since we are planning to use the palette knife.

My cute little hubby! He sat in the dining room with me while I painted and he had his glass of evening wine.
We are grateful for his good doctor's reports lately! Blood work all GOOD! He doesn't even have to take his asthma medicine any more. He was never convinced he HAS asthma! May be just allergies. One more appointment with his heart doctor next week and he's DONE!
He went on to bed long ago while I have stayed up puttering around. I finished up the laundry and emptied the dishwasher. Tomorrow will be a big day. It is Sabrina's birthday and there will be a HUGE fireworks display just for HER after dark!! (It's not REALLY just for her - but we can play like!)  The next day is the 4th of July to most everybody - except US!! To US it is Moving Day!! We will be helping Amber and Mike move the quads into their new home!! Amber's 'Forever Home!' I'll be getting up EARLY for that occasion!


  1. Another fun and full day! :-)

    I do love that painting...

    Wow!!! Moving Day!!! Double Wow!!!!

    Have fun but don't get too tired out! :-)

    Hooray for good doc reports for LD!!!

  2. You may call it retirement, Linda...but you are anything but retired! :)

    I am so happy to hear that LD got a clean bill of health! I work in an ENT clinic, allergies can be very complex.

    Happy Fourth of July and move to the "Forever House"!

    Can't wait to see the "Quads" running around in their new space!

  3. A great day, indeed. I love your Art Class posts!

  4. Oh it'll be some big old day that's for sure! What fun to see the grands in their new home. It'll be full of adventures for them.

    Love the painting, Linda. All the colors of the umbrellas (not to mention that first chick's red dress) and the glisten of the rain.

    Yay for a good report! Local honey works great for allergies...just sayin'...

    Those movies make me want to kiss a quad. LOL! I see that Harrison can already get lost in whatever's going on in the box.☺

    Take it easy now...everybody!

  5. Love Love the painting!! So glad to hear LD got good reports on his tests, I am awaiting to hear results on how all my "standard" tests went
    Sooo Happy for Amber,hope they put you in charge of Loving on the quads all day;)
    Have a Great 4th!!

  6. What a colorful and unusual painting. Love it.
    Glad to hear good reports about your sweetheart and also happy for you that temps shouldn't be too bad for moving in July. We moved in July 10 years ago and it was HOT. HOT. HOT.
    Your daughter is blessed.

  7. Wow, how exciting for Amber and Mike to be moving into their own home again! More space to watch their cutest quads grow and if they keep growing at the rate they have been in no time at all they're all going to NEED their own space!

    I absolutely LOVE your painting, it's magnificent! I like the photo of your hubby holding it up for you, now that picture says love.

    Enjoy your fireworks, Happy Independence Day... I'm going to see if I can find that movie now.


  8. So cute...your grands! And the painting is amazing! Thanks for the movie recommendation...I have marked it down on my 'to see' list.

  9. I love your babies - they are growing up so fast Linda! And I am very impressed with your art work! Amazing. Happy 4th. sandie

  10. I love checking in with you to see what you've been up to. You are such a sweet attentive grandmother to always pick up something to take to the babies when you visit! I'm so impressed with your painting. I love how that picture turned out even though you still have to add the rain. I hope the move went well today for Amber and Mike. I'm sure they're happy to be finally getting settled.

  11. I love that painting!
    The colors would put you in a good mood if nothing else
