Monday, July 1, 2013

You Gotta LOVE a Can of Spray Paint!

How wonderful a  simple can of spray paint! The transformations are endless!!!

I found myself with a few free minutes this evening and wondered - WHAT can I DO??
Three lamps and a a few baskets and wreaths later I thought, "What ELSE?"

AH! The handles in Louis Dean's bathroom!!

I am hoping to finish this room out this week!
T'will be a challenge!
I like the green satin curtains which I bought to MATCH at least ONE of the two shades in the kitchen!
Alas, I now have a THIRD set of a different color! So I used it in here and will buy a new shower liner and split it down the middle.

While I work on MY projects - Louis Dean still has some of his own to finish!
I would love to be able to do my yoga on that deck again one morning in the near future.

MiMi Camp is coming up next month and this whole area needs to be DONE!!!
The grands love spending time in the gazebo and roasting marshmallows after dark.

It will be awhile before the quads come to MiMi Camp!
Actually, they will call me Grandma so what will my camp name be then?
This afternoon I went over to watch them while Amber tended to things at the new house.
I love the video Mike hooked up where you can see them without opening the door and peeking in.
Harrison and Logan were reaching out to each other. Logan was trying to give him her blankie!
SO sweet!! They napped a good while and then played quietly in their cribs for half an hour after they woke up. At long last I could resist no longer! I was afraid Amber would get back before I had time to PLAY with them!!!

Trystan with her cute little scrunched up face!

Logan - who melts my heart every time I look at her!

Kailey!!! I wore a Hawaiian dress I bought at Hilo Hatties back when Amber was 18 years old.
I keep EVERYTHING and fortunately it still fits!!
I dress for the babies because I knew they would love the lei!

Harrison is THE man!!!
I had a great time over there this afternoon.
When I got home the house smelled WONDERFUL!!! Louis Dean had cooked a pork roast and veggies to take over to Summer and Sabrina's this evening. They have Lucy and kept her while we were in Abilene.
Unfortunately, the traffic was HORRIBLE by the time the roast was done so we put the dinner off until tomorrow when they will come here!
Tuesday is ART class, you know!!

So it was wine on the driveway this evening!

Isn't Louis Dean the cutest 76 (nearly 77!) year old guy you've ever seen???
He bought a new video camera and we stopped by my son's on our way home to give Faith (my 1st grand daughter who just turned 9 years old) her birthday gift. I hope she likes it! A bling bling ring and head band from Charming Charlies and a fancy dress worthy of a date night out with her dad! I took pics and video but have not yet learned how to get them from THERE to HERE!!! I will learn......
Til then........

Just another summer evening in Texas!!


  1. Do you ever have a chance to rest? You are such a busy lady! Leave it to you to spray paint, fix up a room and still have time to see all your grands. You deserve that glass of wine in the evening.

    I liked your summer evening in Texas.

  2. Hi Linda, you are such an active lady!!! Louis Dean looks great, and I love your photos!

  3. Thanks for watching the kids today! Looking forward to coming to art class before long!

  4. gotta love spray Mom paints everything...those babies are just too precious for words...

  5. I can barely keep up! So much going on but I love you have the glass of vino at the end of the day:)

  6. Love how you pack so much into.... Each and every day.

    Awwwww that is so sweet. The 2, trying to reach each other. Awwwww, they will have to be placed, so they can touch, over the rims of the cots. Yes???

    They are so used to being able to be WITH each other. And isn't that wonnnnnnderful...

  7. I love the video. Sounds just like Mississippi. Makes me homesick.
