Thursday, July 4, 2013

ALL my Kids Know How to PARTY!!

Summer threw a great Party yesterday that started in the early afternoon and lasted through the evening and into the wee hours of this morning! 

It was a BIRTHDAY party!! For Sabrina who was born on the fourth of July!

She had made reservations at the Inter Continental Hotel way back in APRIL!

They had an air show in late afternoon and fireworks at dark!
The hotel is an elegant one and this pic is of one of the many crystal lights in the lobby.

This is little Raynie! This was her very FIRST lollipop!!

She just squeezes my heart!!!

As soon as everyone had  arrived we donned our swimming suits and hung out in this family friendly pool.
Many of the hotel guests STAYED in the pool right through the fireworks!

Summer is MY girl holding HER girl!
I love that!

You can tell we had a great view!!

Summer and I went downstairs to explore the shops and lobby.
Hotels are GREAT places to people watch!

We ordered Skinny Margaritas in the hotel lounge!!

While we each had our OWN drink - we did share this delectable salad.....

as well as the order of calamari! 

It was a wonderful evening that went late into the night!

I left after the fireworks and so did about 25,000 OTHER people!
The traffic was a mess so I turned back into the hotel parking lot after spending 30 min going half a block!
I went BACK up to the party room and everyone was just leaving to listen to some live music downstairs.
Summer stayed in the room and she and I took an hour's nap after which the traffic was more manageable and I made it home by 1:00 this morning!

While others are still partying today, WE are celebrating by helping Amber and Mike as they relocate Quadville. As is our tradition, we spend the first night in the guest room of the new house!
I will journal TODAY - tomorrow!!

Summer has been throwing parties since she was a teenager! She used to host dinner parties for her youth group friends. She and Jesse, Jr also gave what they called 'Rocky Parties.' Remember the Sylvester Stallone Rocky movies? They would rent the movie and set up the den like a theater and invite all their friends. Both are grown and both still know how to have a good time!

Here is my oldest son and his family. They are at their town's 4th of July Parade.
They go EVERY year and love it! Notice even my granddog, Sadie, gets to go!!
Jesse has it down to an art. He knows just when to arrive. Just where to set up. He's THE MAN!!
The local news covered the parade and they interviewed my daughter in law! She's THE GAL!!

So whatever YOU are doing this great holiday weekend - 
Stay SAFE and have FUN!!!


  1. Wow! Your fireworks are over and you've already blogged about your day!

    What a wonderful venue, and perfect God bless America and Texas party day!

    We're going small this year. At home,watching the M's play your RANGERS and smokin' some ribs by the fire in the back yard! It's still daylight, but very VERY noisy.
    Happy 4th of July to you and your wonderful family!

  2. Wow, it looks as if you had a great time!!! Wonderful! Happy 4th to yourself and your family.

  3. OK, you've proved your point. All of your kids DO know how to party. What a fun family you have. Just finished reading Amber's blog about the move. You have had a full week there. But looks like so much fun! Love the video of Raynie! So cute!

  4. Now wasn't that a party! You have such a beautiful family Linda, I can feel the love from way over here.

    I'm glad to hear and see you enjoyed your Independence Day/Sabrina's special day, what a blessing! My youngest sister shares Canada's birthday so she also gets fireworks every year for her birthday too!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Looks like a fabulous gathering!!!

    Gentle hugs,
    (Who is being a little silly, after the Holiday...)

  6. Thank you Linda!

    For such a sweet comment, in my blog today. :-)

    I just have to keep silly/pretty/etc. stuff, in the forefront of my mind. Or else, I'd *drown* in "The News Of The Day." -sigh-

    (Who is being a little silly, after the holiday...)

  7. Linda, Send me some of your energy !! You crack me up, party girl !! Sounds like you just made every minute of the day count. Good for you. Hope you all have a great weekend. xoxo,Susie
