Monday, April 15, 2013

The Desire Accomplished is Sweet to the Soul!

We have accomplished a lot over the last few days and it IS sweet to my soul!
Louis Dean's son is building a house out in the country and we took him a TON of materials and supplies.
Literally a TON! Louis Dean says it was MORE than a ton! He estimates it at 10,000 pounds.
That was a lot of work for the ones who loaded it in the trailers (our daughter in law and LD's grandson) as well as those who UNLOADED it! Sherry did BOTH!
Louis Dean is selling the house he lived in when I first met him. We have a contract and hope to close on it next week! Before then we HAD to get the storage building emptied and that was where all the building materials have been in storage. LD bought them years ago for a project he later decided against doing.
 Talk about the desire accomplished being SWEET to the soul!!

Sunday morning we left the Days Inn and returned to the ranch - stopping to take pictures along the way.
Who should pass us but Louis Dean's son (in the red) and friend.
They were coming back after buying two baby goats.

They ARE precious! Just 5 and 10 days old - both are females.

They will be buddies with Buddy!
I fed him oranges and he seemed to like them.
I must add that Buddy remained on his leash and I only got close enough to feed him.

It was beautiful out there in the country!

The gate to his place.

The Texas mail box matches the gate.

Side of the barn.
I am seeing a TEXAS theme here!

A Texas flag flies over another barn.

Even the lawn chairs carry the red, white and blue!

I loved seeing this coffee cup left out on a bench in this meadow.

This area will be mowed next weekend in preparation for a Karate tournament Dean is hosting at the end of the month. 

The last night of  Karate camp they always have a huge bonfire.

He has a lot going on out there on that ranch!

It is a beautiful place. There's a small lake just beyond this bench.

Lucy had a ball out there!
My eyes aren't as good as they used to be so I am hoping this is NOT a picture of her pooping!

I picked this up off the ground and asked Dean if it was his wine bottle opener!

I love everything about this place!

I stopped to listen to the music of wind blowing across a wheat field.
This is on the road going in to Dean's place.

We arrived home late yesterday afternoon.
I told Louis Dean, "We are now BACK to our REGULAR programming!"

We have had a busy Monday. Louis Dean is rebuilding a pond that he had emptied while we were away from home for so long. Moving water doesn't attract insects but it DOES attract the birds.
He is STILL working on it as I sit here in the gazebo writing tonight.

I kept house and sewed on Kailey's birthday quilt.
I actually finished it and it is in the dryer right now!

Guess who came to visit us this afternoon?




Granddad was happy to take a break from his work to hold babies for a few minutes!

We are in the process of redeeming our gazebo. 
This is where I sit writing tonight.
Classical music is on the radio.
I can now hear the water splashing softly down the fountain Louis Dean fashioned from an old bird bath.
I have lots of blessings to count this evening.
 I am remembering to pray for those in Boston.
We haven't turned the TV on all day but the news hit Facebook and I went to the news link.


  1. How lovely to read about your day, right to the perfect ending. How lovely, too, to hear the sounds you heard in a place you love so much!

  2. What fun going to the country... Having the babies come visit...

  3. So enjoyed my country visit. Loved the photos.

  4. What an exciting and eventful life you are leading! It is a true enjoyment to follow your blog with texts and photos making it all like a visit with you. Thank you so much for sharing!
    P.s. What a lovely countryside ranch! It is like a storytail from a book.
    P.p.s. Must have been super fun for the babies to visit granma's home with all "the debris" to tuch and look at!!!

  5. What a beautiful place! So much scenery to just sit and admire. I adore the country :)

    Sounds like you two have had some very productive days. Glad you all were able to still work in a little time for those quads :)

    Have a good week Linda!

  6. What a nice little break for you to spend some time in the country. And the quads finally get to see grandma's house instead of her going to them. I'm sure it's just the first of many, many visits to come.

    I love your gazebo. It is so pretty and peaceful looking. Wish I had one.

  7. Loved your country outing and your babies visit...nice they can just pop in now.

  8. Oh things sound as if they are coming together nicely...always a good feeling! I note the blanket on Grandpa's lap to keep Harrison clean. ☺ Aren't I kind to mention that? Hahahhaha... Busy men get dirty!

  9. Linda LD's son sure looks like his Dad! Both are handsome men. ;-) What a beautiful way to spend the day, I can feel your gratitude and serenity from here.

    The babies are so adorable and precious, they're sure growing which is wonderful to see!

    It is so tragic about what transpired in Boston, my heart really goes out to those families and individuals who were affected. It really makes me wonder what this world is coming to.

  10. Linda, those babies sure have grown. I may be on the other side of the world but we are all affected by the events at the Boston Marathon - so random, so horrible. Thinking of all my friends in the US today. Take care

  11. what a lovely post. full-to-the-brim with joyful family happiness. a wonderful antidote, to 'the news.' we need this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    keep calm and carry on.
