Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday's Tales!

It's time for bed so I must be quick with this post! Can the days get any fuller?
I would rather be busy than bored, though, ANY DAY!
I haven't been bored since one day back in 1972!

Lots of cute babies crawling all over the place!

This morning I headed over to Amber's to help with the quads while she went to an appointment.
Jo Ann, a long time family friend, drives all the way from Garland to help out and she was there this morning.
I loved seeing HER as well as the babies!

They were wearing the cutest little personalized onsies!

Babies! Babies!!

They are loving the new tunnel Amber got for them!

Since today is TUESDAY and we all know about the fifty cent movies - I picked Ruth Ann up as soon as I left Amber's and we hit up the Goodwill on our way to Starplex.

I scored BIG with another load of debris!

This rocking horse was just $5.99 less 25% discount!
Wonder who can use THIS?

Two red apple 'thingies' which fit right in with my corner here.

A stately little something to sit on the baby grand.
I will doll it up as soon as I get a minute.

Our movie of choice today was A Good Day to Die Hard!
By the time Ruth Ann and I got out of there we were totally and completely EXHAUSTED!!
Still - we always enjoy Bruce Willis.
I wonder if he takes Celebrex?

Art class was held outside on the driveway tonight!
I enjoyed painting on the patio at the RV park so much we decided to give it a go!
It was great. The weather is perfect now so we will continue to paint outdoors for the next several weeks until it gets too hot!

We had cheese, olives, salami, and crackers including the raisin rosemary ones from Trader Joe's.

I finally finished all my Santas - glazed, signed and everything!
I have been itching to start this one and will paint it with Logan's face.
If it turns out good, I'll make a set of FOUR!
Loved basing in this background!

Sherry and her sister brought down the makings for margaritas to end our class.
She had Sonic ice and margarita salt! SALT is my favorite ingredient!
VIRGIN margaritas for Ruth Ann and Cindy.
I had a splash of tequila in MINE!

A perfect way to end this Tuesday Tale!
Good night, everybody!


  1. Linda the quads are growing so beautifully! They now have their own distinct faces and I'm sure they also have their own personalities. God bless them! I'm glad you are enjoying being home. Your Santa painting looks wonderful!

  2. There are definitely no dull moments over there! So glad you are fitting in time to paint.

  3. The babies are so cute, and getting so big with each post. Your days are so jammed packed,love reading all about them. Thanks for sharing:)

  4. I don't know how you fit it all in, Linda! Your Santa paintings are going to be winners. The babies are so beautiful - love those little cheeky smiles!

  5. Oh a nice padded rocking horse! Very cool. You always score well in the "Debris" Department. That term makes me chuckle every time. Keep having fun, Linda. Love the way you describe not being bored since one day in '72. That really was kind of a dull year.

  6. How do you pack everything into a day!!??

  7. I think the same horse was at my Goodwill today. I didn't buy it though.

  8. Wow Linda, your art class outside looks like so much fun! I wish I had some friends with like interests so that we could get together like that.

