Sunday, April 14, 2013

We're in the COUNTRY!!

It is BEAUTIFUL out here!

Yesterday was a real WORK day! Sherry borrowed a horse trailer from her uncle and we drove to west Texas to load up all the building materials Louis Dean had in his storage building there.


They could barely get the truck gate up and the window down!

We then hauled this trailer stuffed FULL as well as the truck and brought it down to Louis Dean's son's ranch in the country!

I wish there was some way to bottle the fragrance of this fresh country air!

I would love to have a CD of the 'Sounds of Nature in the Country' to play as background music at home.
As I took this picture I could hear the coyotes howling back there.
'Country' music and Plug ins that smells like the open fields.
There just might be a market for that!

We spent our Saturday days' end at the Days Inn in Groesbeck, Texas.
Now we are ready to head back out to the ranch!!


  1. I love the country. Every so often I have to make a trek to Lancaster County, PA to get my "fix".

  2. I'll take the country any day! Anything east of the Cascade Mountain Range, I term Pleasantville!

    My son went to Western Texas College in Snyder for his sophomore year! (Baseball scholarship) We loved everything about his experience there!

  3. Must be a big project planned out there in the country!

  4. We're lovin' livin' in the country Northeast of Ft. Worth! We have a house on a few acres of oak and bois d'arc trees. I love to go out in the morning to watch and listen to all the birds and smell the fresh air!

    1. Ooops-I mean Northwest of Ft. Worth! :-)

  5. Such a year you both have been living (and I am including last year too!) Always more adventures.

  6. Linda
    Sounds like a great trip to the country. Glad you are having a good time while getting some necessary "stuff done." :)

  7. I love the country, it is beautiful, but if I heard or worst yet saw a coyote I would be running back to the city :)
    Sounds like you are having a great time,enjoy.
    Thanks for sharing;)

  8. lots of work...but great photos...

  9. I know what you mean. I grew up in the country and I miss is oh . so . much.

  10. I love the country too, but am a city girl. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog and for being a follower too.

  11. Although I am (and always have been) a city girl, I just love the country! Great post, Linda.

  12. I dread when the Grand Pkwy is cut thru because we'll get noise I'm afraid from that but for now I hear the coyote howl, roosters, lots of mooing and every now and then a neigh from a horse. I do like it in my semi country setting. ;o)

  13. Oh and I can't forget the ducks and geese and birds. LOL
