Wednesday, February 13, 2013

MAKING Bread and BREAKING Bread!

Louis Dean was in full fledged bread making mode this morning!
As soon as we had drank the last drop of our coffee and I had read the last sentence of our reading he was off to the races!!!

He had been chomping at the bit to get in here and do some BAKING!
He does love making bread!

We attended the Methodist church down the street Sunday morning.
We have visited there a few times when we have been here at home.
They have an Ash Wednesday service followed by a 'Break-FAST.'
We looked at the bulletin and found the sign up sheet!

The menu was breads, cheeses, fruits, nuts and juices.
Louis Dean checked BREAD!
He made FOUR loaves! 

Two for church and two for the dinner we're having Saturday night.

Louis Dean seldom uses the same recipe twice nor does he ever strictly follow ANY recipe!

Meanwhile, I went over to see a friend who was cleaning out her closet and gave me over a dozen casual shirts/tops. You know, the kind you wear with jeans! I loaded up the front seat of the car!
A nightgown with matching robe, pink silk pajamas - just in time for Valentine's Day! - some Italian leather shoes......what a blessing these all are!! I now have a working wardrobe appropriate for a caretaker of 8 month old quadruplets!
Aunt Tommie and I had a nice visit! Her super cute dog, Baxter, loved on me and Lucy noticed it as soon as I got home!
I took Aunt Tommie some cookies.
Later this afternoon I gave some to the cute little girls next door.
Melanie was just 6 months old when they moved in!
Now she is in the second grade!
Then a special young man came down to visit carrying his 9 month nephew!
I love how being in the same neighborhood so long allows us to watch young people grow up and develop into these extraordinary PEOPLE!!!
For his high school graduation I gave him the gift of cookies for LIFE!!
I sent cookies all through college and beyond.
He brought back the original container this afternoon.
He will be leaving next week for the west coast.
I gave him a tin of chocolate chip cookies after our visit and will mail him a fresh batch after he arrives in California. A good way to get the addresses of these young people is to promise them cookies!!

All in all this was a very good day to catch up with those we haven't seen in awhile.

I used to have this prayer on a wall somewhere around here!

Ash Wednesday.
A good time to reflect.


  1. Homemade bread how lucky you are, not only is it delicious but it makes a home smell soooo good:)
    Wont be on the computer for a few days so want to wish you and LD a wonderful Valentine's day, and the same to Amber and the Quads.

  2. I love making homemade bread. Don't have time to do it as much as I would like. But now you have me in the mood, so I think this weekend I am going to have to make a loaf or two. Have a happy Valentine's Day!

  3. What a wonderful wind-fall of those clothes!

    And it is now 2/14 so I wish you...

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. I will be close enough SOON to smell that bread on occasion.

  5. Have you read Anne George's "Southern Sisters Mysteries"? When I read your blog (especially when you are home and you know all of your neighbors and have watched children grow up there) it always reminds me of this series of books. As a military wife that has moved around way too often, I LOVE THAT! :)

  6. Linda, it is a wonder your oven didn't melt down what with all that baking. I love that LD makes the bread. Cookies for life !!! wowwee, what a gift. When I read your post, I can see you never sit down till the end of the day. Happy Valetine's Day to you and your sweety. xoxo,Susie

  7. Oh Linda...that bread!! How lucky are you a man that cooks... mine is helpless ...when I left... I had to fill the freezer...leave notes etc etc...write out how to do laundry...He went from mamma to me...and I've taken care of him for 40 years.... so he doesn't do much around the house:)

  8. Oh I want a piece of that bread toasted and slathered with butter fresh from the toaster and not in any toast rack. What a sweetheart neighbor you are! I love that you are taking care of the young ones with cookies and sharing lives and being a friend. Incredible! Hope that you both had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  9. My mouth is watering. I'm like Vee above I want a piece of that bread slathered with butter and some Cranberry Jalapeno Jelly.
    Yummy. ;o)
