Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Lick and a Promise!

That's what I gave my sewing room this evening.
It would take a day or more to really clean it like it should be!
I specialize in collecting dust catchers!

I am working on a crib quilt which I hope to finish before the weekend.

 It is fun seeing each room all lit up and being lived in again.

I used to do a lot of needle work. Actually I still keep a project at hand to stitch on when I get time.

One of my favorites! And so true!

I really AM!!

Lucy stays snug in her kennel under all those house plants.
I have baskets and baskets full of sewing and craft supplies.
Later this year I hope to give this room a real cleaning and reorganize a bunch of things!

Lucy was patiently waiting for me to finish so she could go to bed!

This morning I was in the kitchen making cookie dough......

I mixed up two batches and divided them up with some butterscotch and some chocolate chips.
It will be easy to bake up a sheet or two at a time over the next few days.

Louis Dean and I took in a double feature this afternoon at the Starplex Theater.
(Fifty cent movies all day on Tuesday!)
We saw Skyfall for the second time. It was every bit as good as the first!
Ruth Ann met us there for the first feature after which we all went over to the Burger King for a snack and a quick catch up visit. Then LD and I returned for the second feature - Flight.
It was a fairly sobering movie - to put it mildly!
Hopefully next month we can see something a bit lighter!
I do so love going to the movies. Popcorn, hot dogs, and PREVIEWS!
I love the previews but for $0.50 they only show you two!
Last Sunday when we saw Zero Dark Thirty at regular prices they showed SIX previews!!

Tuesday is a done deal.
As is our custom - we close out the day in the den by the fireplace.
It feels good to sit close with a blanket over our laps.
Watching Maggie drink from her wine glass reminds me I need to remember to close our bedroom door tonight. I think she's not used to being in a HOUSE which is a great deal bigger than the camper.
She does well during the day. I've caught her sleeping in the hall closet right on top of my stack of jeans!
After we go to bed at night, though, she has acted insecure.
She stays in our room ON the bed. That would be okay if she stayed STILL!
But, NO! She roams around all over stepping on our legs and waking me up.
I opened my eyes and there she was - sitting straight up right just looking at me!
The dog is in her kennel and I think it's time to sneak off down the hall and SHUT our bedroom door!!

Goodnight, Tuesday! It's been a good one!


  1. Your needlepoint is beautiful.
    How did you get Maggie to drink out of a wine glass and has she ever broke one?
    Thanks for sharing more pics of your home;)

    1. Thank you! I caught Maggie drinking out of MY glass one evening. I decided it best to give her one of her own. She is extremely delicate and dainty and has never knocked one over. At the camper she and Lucy share a larger regular water bowl. From a cottage to a castle for her!

  2. A Lick and a Promise... haven't heard that for awhile!!Well today I really cleaned our park model! We had it rented for Jan...and when my daughter and I got here.I just wanted to enjoy my daughter. My daughter left today so I did a big clean!! Feels so good!!

  3. What a good Tuesday you had. I do cross-stitch too. Yours are beautiful. I can see how much work is in them. Love your sewing room.

  4. You get so much accomplished. I really enjoyed this peek at your sewing room...what a creative space. Poor kitty...you're right, she's probably feeling as if the world is a very big place again. ☺

  5. Love the pic of your sweet kitty, drinking from her wine glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Linda, I like living in all of my house too. I laughed about the cat, walking on you and being awake when you looked at her. Too funny. It seems you and LD live your lifes to the fullest...which is how it is suppose to be. xoxox, Susie

  7. That is so funny to picture your cat sitting there looking at you while you sleep. Our dog sleeps with us too and sometimes keeps us awake with cleaning himself. I think he thinks he's a cat sometimes. LOL! I'm sure you're enjoying having the space to move around more and get projects accomplished. I bet you're dreading cleaning out that craft/sewing area. If you're like me, you know it will be an all day task. The cookie dough looks good. It would be hard to make all of that without eating some of it! I think I like the dough better than the cooked cookies!

  8. That fire in the fireplace look cozy and fun. There's no place like home!

  9. Maggie drinking out of the wine glass just cracks me up. She is so refined.
    I'm with the Rooster I'm allergic to Mornings..
